My uncle is in the VA due to incompetence of his doctors. WHile in the care of the VA he developed pressure wounds. He is dying slowly. Now the VA wants to discharge him with his new injuries on top of his full-body paralysis. This I knew. This I accepted.
He can talk, barely, and with great effort. He told my mom that on Monday one of the 'patient relations' people talked to him about how he shouldn't want to be a burden on others and how his family is driving so far to see him, and how he needs to either push to get himself discharged to live with family or, in her words 'Let go'.
...what. The. Fuck. People. My mom called me crying about this, and I just want to drive to Houston where he is and assault that person who told him this. All because they want to shunt him out of the hospital and into private care to avoid responsibility for his inevitable death on their watch.
Fuck this country's healthcare system.