@Ganymede said:
But try as you may, the Rahu are best at one role. They can struggle against it all they want, and that makes for excellent internal character tension. As much as Ralph wants to be loved and seen for his thoughtful side, his Alpha is going to want him to Wreck-It because that's what he's built to do.
Eh. I have to disagree, here. While yes, you have certain affinities that make certain things come easier to you, there is nothing preventing you from buying other things as well. Short of the Moon Gifts, any werewolf can buy anything, and once it's unlocked, adding facets is all the same price, assuming you have the relevant renown.
Really, tribes aren't that limiting. They're the area where other people defer to you. Auspices aren't really all that limiting either. It just gives you a generalized toolset to use in order to attain your goal. Short of a few rites and merits, any werewolf can really do anything, though they may be slightly more proficient in areas that come naturally to them.
It really depends on how you look at it. If you want to see it in a pessimistic light, then yeah, they're leaving you a trail of breadcrumbs that wanders down a generic path. If you like to keep things simple and don't mind making a generic cookie cutter character, then by all means take it. It's very newbie friendly in that regard. If you're a more advanced player, though, there is nothing stopping you from coloring outside of the lines a bit if you want to experiment with different setup, and they've given you all the tools with which to do it. You aren't restricted from having anything at all, short of Moon Gifts and some merits and rites, which are just flavor add ons.
Angle of approach. It makes a world of difference.