@Tez On the game I'm on (BSG:U), we have the modules separated into campaigns. The current campaign is Picon. When it started, @faraday made a general post with the goals of the mission and what the general conditions were like around the planet and in the space around it. Then she ran a ground scene and a space scene to give us an overview of exactly what's to be expected. Then she opened it up to us to run plots for while she handles the overview plot. By encouraging us to run scenes with the promise of luck points for planned and posted scenes, it keeps things fresh and exciting, especially as each campaign lasts about two weeks to a month with a week or two of leave time between each scene to give people chances to unwind, get in the large social scenes and not feel stagnated by combat all the time.
So far, the campaigns have been varied - we've had an invasion, a virus outbreak, a natural disaster and guerrilla warfare between Canceron and Tauron. Picon is the first campaign where we have an organized military that still has the ability to help and can rely on, so it changes the dynamic each time. On Canceron, we were the lead military force. On Picon, we're getting missions from them to assist on.