@derp said in Silly things you'd been tempted to do on/for a MU*:
Is this IC or OOC things?
Both, IC totally counts.
@derp said in Silly things you'd been tempted to do on/for a MU*:
Is this IC or OOC things?
Both, IC totally counts.
Ever had one of those things that has nagged at you for weeks, months, years that you've been tempted to do on or for a MU* but never have? Maybe it's just silly. Maybe it's just too large of a project. Whatever the reason, what projects nag at you?
For me, it's creating the worlds/lands of EverQuest in a MU* environment. Not necessarily to RP or even be public, but just as an act of world-building creativity, especially if trying to keep it as accurate to the game as possible.
@misadventure said in Cheap or Free Games!:
@insomnia said in Cheap or Free Games!:
But play it through a couple of times.
Think carefully about doing this. There is no returning.
I always tell people they have to at least get to the Festival before making any judgments on the game.
And to take the warning at the beginning seriously.
I finally, FINALLY have a Steam Controller and Link enroute.
I know there's going to be some natural delay in any streaming option, but I have a nice collection of Final Fantasy games I need to run through beginning to end.
Ermagerd, I didn't see it mentioned here and it's been a few months, but Doki Doki Literature Club is worth it.
I need to refresh myself on Python, and then nudge my friend who a few years ago was hardcoding a Python-based MU* core.
I am REALLY bad at keeping up with resolutions, though.
Steam: FirePuffchan
Origin: FirePuff
Xbox: FirePuff (only active on PC these days)
BattleNet: FirePuff#1489
Twitch: TheFirePuff (not active... yet)
I recently have started playing (within the past 2 months), and it's a pretty fun game and growing in activity.
You can find me on as Gherat (the Cardassian doctor).
@BetterJudgment said:
@FirePuff said:
I think that's why some games highly restrict apping anything higher than 'entry level'. Promotions are earned by those who have an interest in the game, longevity in their roles, room for learning code, and less 'Captain Kirks' about.
Every time someone asks to app higher on the Trek game I'm on (entry level starting required), it's always a request for command, and they always expect existing characters to magically want to crew under them.
Bullshit. That statement says more about your own limitations than about anyone else's motives.
I recently explored apping a NCO (that is to say, someone ineligible for command) in his late-30s/early 40s on a game like this.
In the game I'm discussing (WNOHGB), mid-grade NCOs were permitted with appropriate bio. It's only really officers that had the restriction.
Of course, they did have some change in a couple administrators recently, so reactions might be different.
@Arkandel said:
@Ganymede said:
I hope you can admit that appearances are not always indicative of behavior. If so, I think you'll see why some of us are struggling with what you originally wrote.
I suppose I do. Perhaps I assumed my reasoning for picking PBs is more universal - pick them to emphasize some aspect of the PCs' demeanor rather than 'this is what he'd look like without clothes' if being unclothed wasn't an important part of the overall character - but I'm certainly not offended by what people pick. Perhaps puzzled, though.
I would agree here. I tend to pick PB poses/clothes based similarly of what my character would wear. I'd want it to be a representation of the character, both in body and personality. If your character is a prude and you wanted to point out physique, there might be a more appropriate PB than a naked one. Swimsuits and workout clothes can go a long way.
I see wikis as a mirror of the character. If you portray your character in one light on the wiki, without specifically stating otherwise, I'd anticipate the same in-game. NFSW wiki profile, I will assume NSFW character.
But then again, I'm a fan of PG-13 wiki pages with some statement RP hooks and styles, and leave the R/X-rated details to the game itself (or appropriately labelled logs). Leave a little present for them to unwrap, so to speak.
When TiG is not the only element to promotion, they do correspond well.
And it also beats someone apping a Chief Science officer, only for that person to last two weeks, and the person who has to report into him (science junior officer) being left in a rut. Again.
I think that's why some games highly restrict apping anything higher than 'entry level'. Promotions are earned by those who have an interest in the game, longevity in their roles, room for learning code, and less 'Captain Kirks' about.
Every time someone asks to app higher on the Trek game I'm on (entry level starting required), it's always a request for command, and they always expect existing characters to magically want to crew under them. The other players don't take to that well; anyone that does start higher is often looked suspiciously as a potential staff alt, and falls off the game within 2-4 weeks anyhow.
It also depends on the time ratio. Some Trek games are 1:1, which can be weird when dealing with promotions, but it ends up keeping the crew young.
One Trek game I'm on is 6:1. If it wasn't for a bunch of newer characters the past year, the average character age would be in the 50s.
It's amazing how many people use the same exact character names/concepts across Trek games. There's a few names and roles in those logs that I recognize from WNOHGB. (Also, not a lot of logs posted so far.)
I also like Elfen Lied. Warning: Gore and nudity. If you can stand the first ten minutes, though, the rest of the series will be fine. (Thankfully they do have that 'test' factor of it before you get attached to characters.)
One of the lesser known ones, I'm a fan of Pumpkin Scissors. It's got your anime-appropriate ragtag group of random cast-offs (military setting), with good amounts of humor, action and drama.
MUDstats has some good stats on Star Trek. Yeah, not nearly as many as it used to, but ATS isn't the only one out there: http://mudstats.com/Genre/StarTrek
@BetterJudgment said:
Really? Have you ever played on HellMOO?
Actually no, but I've been tempted to poke my head in there since it seems pretty popular. I've almost exclusively been Star Trek and Pern, although a few other MU*s have tempted me over the years.
WNO = Where No One Has Gone Before
HT = Harper's Tale
Yeah, yeah. I'm a MOOer. (Please don't stone me.) On that note:
R'hli @ WNOHGB
Tracer @ WNOHGB
A few others @ WNOHGB
Nerai (Arienne) @ HT
Lyllian @ HT
Ashai @ Requiem of Kingsmouth (still working out a character concept)
Tanella @ HT
Kyrayna @ HT
Sevilyn @ HT
Keralis @ HT
Selerra @ Medievia
Keesil @ Medievia
I'm a native Portlandian transplanted in Austin, and I'd go back to Portland if there was a video game industry presence outside of indie studios. But alas... I'm trapped.
And yes, I've lived in Austin for at least four years now and already am like "everyone else, stop moving here". My rent's already gone up 30% since I moved in since my area is blowing up like crazy. I'm already looking at moving into more of the outskirts of town to get away from it.
But I'd move home to Portland if I could.