All my life I never understood what the gay agenda is.
And being treated as a normal human isn’t an agenda: it’s survival.
All my life I never understood what the gay agenda is.
And being treated as a normal human isn’t an agenda: it’s survival.
@Thenomain said in MU Things I Love:
Sorry, chum. The difference between the needs of a Star Wars SAGA game and a WoD game are vast.
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I have been pushed to interviewing for other jobs - I have an interview tomorrow for a job I would love, it pays more, it's more in line with things I'm interested in. If any of y'all have a thought to spare me tomorrow, please do. I'm desperate.
I'd give 'em tree-fiddy if they'd hire you.
Seriously, though, fuck your current place of work, and I hope you get this one.
I'm always surprised by how stupid you are, given the volume that you've written. Then again, I learned long ago that those who write a lot often have less to say.
That said, I'll define what I mean by "fantasy-escapists." These are the sort of role-players, to me, that create a PC to serve as an avatar into which they can withdraw to escape their own lives. That can be contrasted with a player that creates a PC to play in a game.
Where are you? Broccoli is definitely cheaper than chicken or pork here in the Midwest.
You’re right. The advice is very sound.
I don’t like it. I would rather we live in a different day and age. But fucking with a person’s living is akin to killing them.
But you’re right. An employer should not ask. If they ask, they are asking for trouble.
@Thenomain said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I'm at fault for not picking my words more carefully, but I do think I could make a case that I'm not the only guilty party for blowing this out of proportion. At worst I'm one-half of it, and I thank people like you for trying to stop it rather than spinning the tea-cup ride faster until everyone wants to throw up.
This isn't the tea-cup ride, though.
This is like R. Kelly and Chris Brown butt-fucking: absurd; sad; and mildly horrifying.
It feels like the hurts.
Arx is a really good game, though.
@Meg said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
You can't call a doorbell crazy and overreactive if you go to press it 20 times.
You can call it "malfunctioning" if you don't press it and it goes off, though, right?
I always advise staff: do not defend your game. This also means do not defend your players and do not defend other staff. You don't need to do it, and the players and staff can defend themselves if they wish to.
By all means, defend yourself or your policies, but you need not do anything about others. In my 20 years, I have never once asked or expected my staff to defend me as a player or fellow staff member. And I don't recall anyone, in those years, demanding the same of me when I was staff, or telling me that "staff failed to defend me against this mean person on SWOFA/WORA/forum hate-pit."
So, don't. Fucking don't.
Because we're not doorbells. We should have our own senses of discretion.
Arx is still a pretty nifty game.
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I logged in, and they're denying my Medical Accommodation request, despite the letter saying I should be allowed to wear a gaming headset as it is what is comfortable for me, from my PCP. Why? because she didn't specifically mention the fibromyalgia, because they already KNOW I HAVE IT from medical accommodation letters I gave my supervisor back when I first started working there.
Frankly, the only reason I don't wear a gaming headset at work is because I'm too cheap to get one.
What, do they want you to use a specific kind of headset for some reason? I don't get it. Let people use whatever the fuck gear they want.
Honestly, I think this is a terrible idea. It's like having to pay extra for some special rifle to play an online-mostly FPS.
I didn't like Fallen World's idea, and I didn't really participate in it.
I thought we had passed the days when we ridiculed concepts based on perceived speshulness. I thought we all came to our senses and realized that it's not the concept that makes someone a snowflake, but the player behind it.
You people.
I have been busy. I will be busy tonight too. But I will make a mental note to move it if mietze doesn't get to it first.
@SunnyJ said in Game Concept: Paying for rare things:
The Rarity System from the vampire game I played was used to allow the hyper rare Bloodlines to remain rare, and to give players incentives to play 'the norm'.
In the oWoD, there is a built-in reason to play the norm: not getting killed because you were weird. No matter how rare the bloodline, you simply do not traipse around flaunting yourself as an Old Clan Tzimisce, as that should get you killed real fast by the two major factions. Gargoyle? Be prepared to be assraped by Tremere. I'm not even going to start with our good friends, the Salubri.
In the nWoD, it makes more sense to simply restrict a bloodline based on location. It is highly unlikely that a Csalad is going to show up in Podunk, Iowa, so you can just ban them outright.
I side with @lordbelh here. This is going to cause more problems than it will solve. The norm in nWoD is just to let people be what they want to be, and this seems sensible to me.
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Dear gods, I hope.
I'll do what it takes to get that job for you!
@Autumn said in Roleplaying writing styles:
My style changes gradually as a scene size increases. In one-on-ones I'm at my most indulgent, but, as more people are involved, I get progressively less and less wordy.
My style changes distinctly when you're involved. You know what I mean.
@Tempest said in Roleplaying writing styles:
She smiles. "Hey Jane." She looks around. "Where is everyone?"
This is grammatically correct, if somewhat inartful. Then again, Hemingway made a healthy living.
She smiles, "Hey Jane." She looks around, "Where is everyone?"
This is not grammatically correct.
@surreality said in Roleplaying writing styles:
I have always tended to stick to roughly around the length others are using in the scene. Sometimes I'll get a little longer. Some people I can't keep up with on length.
When it comes to length, all I have to say is:
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
And on the other end of the extreme, my son's school has lunch at 12:50 and refuses to give him a mid-morning snack.
Why on God's green Earth would anyone deny a mid-morning snack? I'm a fucking adult who runs a law firm, and I happily let my staff eat wherever and whenever they want.
If one of the goals of school is to prepare children for the real world, then here's a tip: let kids eat when they want to. Because studies in weight-loss have shown that restricting eating times can lead to bad eating habits, like over-eating.
Way back when, Tartarus implemented a system where all alts had to be registered under an alt-list number. That list was attached to the IP address of the first alt that registered the list. You could figure out if a player was using more than one alt-list by doing a check of the IP addresses. It wasn't fool-proofed, but I knew of few people who gave enough of a shit to dodge the process.