@shincashay said in What is your turning point?:
Are there training classes in how to offer hot TS?
I wish there were. I play PCs that are not at all shy about wanting and having sex, but do I get any?
I hate virginal whiners.
@shincashay said in What is your turning point?:
Are there training classes in how to offer hot TS?
I wish there were. I play PCs that are not at all shy about wanting and having sex, but do I get any?
I hate virginal whiners.
@vulgarkitten said in What is your turning point?:
For me, I've found my breaking point is often centered around pressure to TS. This has happened before and happened again recently to me. Char was in a long term relationship with another character and the other player made some OOC comment about not getting enough TS. Despite their apology when I called them out on it, I found myself liking the player less and less for other things I would have normally ignored and I eventually asked to end the relationship IC. I couldn't get passed the 'I'm not getting enough TS' mentality.
Frankly, I have trouble getting TS. This may be because I don't actually look for it.
I like TS when I don't have better shit to do with my PCs, but I generally do.
Like, Far Cry 5 is totally fap-worthy on its own, so --
My turning point? Is when I start getting ignored by everyone. It's never one thing; it's usually a combination of factors.
@jennkryst said in Dice Mechanics:
Stepping towards a theoretical for a moment, I kiiiiindof want to see a game where your skill level modifies your difficulty. Because someone with 'world class pistol skillz' should be able to shoot a thing at difficulty 3, while 'pistol beginner' would shoot at the same target at difficulty 8 or something. I'm not even sold on the 1-10 scale for this, just numbers I pulled out of thin air.
The Silhouette system has two ratings for each skill: expertise and complexity. The first measures how good you are generally, and the other the depth of your skill. Complexity will raise and lower your difficulty, depending on the complexity of the task, whereas Expertise will enhance your chance of success by providing extra dice.
@wizz said in Interest check: pure OC superhero game:
I think systems that are a little more focused on narrative choices than dice, or at least find a solid balance, are a better fit for MU*s.
I think this should be the case for a superhero game, definitely, and one of the reasons why I wanted to sit and think about designing a card-based superhero RPG.
To be frank, I think M&M 3E may be a bit too "crunchy" for my tastes, but I may be in the minority. You should use whatever system you feel best represents the kind of atmosphere you want for your game and player base.
Sorry, Aussie, but Judge Advocate Generals are not the same as the U.S. Attorney General or the Justice Department's District Attorneys.
@insomniac7809 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I would need to check the specifics, but I have seen some reference to some aspects of an EULA being thrown out on legal grounds of "you know goddamn well nobody reads those."
In my experience, such "success stories" relate to EULAs which contain arbitration provisions and/or waivers of the right to a jury trial. The reason why those hold up better is because due process is a constitutional guarantee that such provisions abrogate; this goes to the "unconscionable" element. Obviating the cost of services, which is what Auspice is talking about, is entirely different; you'd have to find that the fees charged are unconscionable for the services rendered, which is nigh impossible in the absence of fraud or predatory lending scenarios.
@wizz said in Interest check: pure OC superhero game:
I own the book because the Fbook ads drew me in too, haha. Default setting is definitely more supernatural/occult than classic superhero, including a built-in Veil mechanic that might not really make sense for a classic superhero setting. But if you strip those things away, the system itself is pretty cool and basically allows for anything you can think up as a character concept/power set.
I might invest in it.
I thought about pairing it with a card system for the activation and use of powers, but --
Yeah, just thinking about systems. Hard.
@wizz said in Good or New Movies Review:
It still seems to me like a lot of work over something that really shouldn't matter that much, but last I checked I'm not Emperor of America so it's cool.
Outta mah house, bitch.
(I agree with this, and would probably be equally as judge-y if someone lost their freakin' minds over it too. Still, in the interests of avoiding unnecessary bickering and seething, it seems the courteous thing would be just to hold on for a little while longer. Then we can tear each other to ribbons.)
Like, some people act like they just got interrupted mid-coitus or something over spoilers, and that's just kind of a ridiculous way to be.
Frankly, reflecting on my sexual and TS history, I would probably gladly embrace a mid-coitus interruption now and again. These days, sex scenes on screen are more like Tulip Fever when I would vastly prefer more Blue is the Warmest Color. (Actually, more Lea Seydoux in general would be great, thank you.)
Have you looked into City of Mist? I see ads for it on my Facebook page all the time, and I was always a bit curious about how well it might work.
I'd be interested in assisting from an ideas/system perspective.
That person is a non-lawyer, and it shows.
As Derp mentioned, the person is referring to what lawyers call an "adhesion contract." A contract of adhesion is one where there has been no meaningful negotiation or opportunity to refuse the terms. The problem with raising it as a defense is that the terms at issue must be considered "unconscionable," and there has to be some evidence that the party challenging the terms did not have a meaningful opportunity to negotiate.
Convincing a court to not enforce a term in an adhesion contract is an uphill climb. If you executed the contract, the presumption is that you agreed to all of its terms. The party challenging the terms bears the burden of proving that the terms are objectively "unconscionable."
Good luck with that.
No sane, practicing lawyer dives in with that defense at the fore. Those that do will get blown out of the water. In the context of lending, that kind of defense hardly ever works, and a bank has a legal team that will take a claimant to the mat every damn day.
You don't need to remove anything, no. That's not what I want.
I just want people to be cognizant that others may want to know absolutely nothing about it before they have the opportunity to see it.
Some of us have very demanding jobs, children, fussy spouses, or circles of friends that just won't shut up about the movie, and I can see how it would be aggravating to see yet another place where people tease just a little not-spoiler information.
I don't have my hackles up, I assure you. And I probably would not have said anything but for the fact that this movie is several years in the making, as far as anticipation goes.
I'm just suggesting a bit of empathy for those who cannot get out to see it immediately, for whatever reason.
That said, I did see the movie opening night. And I'm trying very hard not to say anything about it.
Just a couple of weeks, please. No ramifications if otherwise, y'all, but it doesn't cost us not to say a thing, right?
@auspice said in Purple Prose Desc Challenges:
- Take a song.
- Desc a person using lyrics from that song.
- Embed them into the desc whatever, whichever way you want.
- The more creative you get, the better.
Her dress could cause a scandal. She looks like the sort of woman a fraternity couldn't handle. The kind of woman whose gyrations mesmerize. The kind of woman whose gaze could buy a soul. The kind of woman that haunts all of the wrong parts of town, where the ne'er-do-wells bang and deal.
Seriously, guys, please, please, please no spoilers. Even if they are hidden.
Like, can we give it a week or two?
Then, whatever, but, srsly, it just opened.
@lithium said in General Video Game Thread:
The reason you keep the smalls, is because small lasers and machine guns fire when you use a melee attack. It makes your melee attacks /super/ effective.
@packrat said in General Video Game Thread:
Also a small laser does 20 damage, compared to 25 for a medium, plus half the weight and dramatically less heat generation.
See, these are adjustments that do not make sense to a classic Battletech player.
That said, that's nifty. Will keep that in mind.
@packrat said in General Video Game Thread:
Either way I have replaced the Shadowhawk in my lineup with a Grasshopper. I refit it to mount seven medium lasers and six small lasers, it jumpjets up to people then melts them.
I think it might be more effective to replace the six small lasers with an additional medium laser and two more heat sinks.
@lotherio said in Valorous Dominion:
We just have loose history, basic inclination of politics/religion and the commodity set for the houses.
Do you need any turtles?
I have a hankering for re-making the Turtle, with 27% more bitterness.