I might not have communicated well, but what you cited first is an accurate statement. You should try to maintain a good reputation, and, if you do, doors will open regarding whether you will be trusted with certain concepts or positions. It is entirely unrealistic to waltz into a game and be made Prince, but some people think that it would not be fair otherwise, and those people would be stupid.
Also, if I were to open a vampire sphere, I would not install a PC Prince to begin with. If I were forced to, then you're damned right that I would put it in the hands of someone I know I can work with, who isn't going to flake out on me, and who I can trust to not let things go down in flames and laughter. But I would only do that if I were forced to.
I suppose it depends on how you look at "concepts." I'm all for the idea of making CGen open, and making sure people have equal access to X, Y, and Z stats. I'm opposed to the idea of "restricted" stats, unless those relate to IC status, reputation, and position. If you don't like people having Iron Will, then don't let them have it period. And I don't consider "Seneschal" or "Sheriff" to be a concept; that's a position you can be appointed to.
But if there's an open Court position on a Vampire Sphere game like Seneschal or Sheriff, I will likely not approve of any player's PC taking that position if I know the player to be a shitbag or flaky. It does not serve the game's interests to allow any such player to have a PC in a power position. By the same token, if there's an open position and I know a player wants it who, in my opinion, is an asset to have in the sphere, then I will give it to that player over the unknown candidate.
Also, yeah, I'm all for having to spend XP or whatever to get the higher Status. And if you lose the position, that gets refunded, as per the Sanctity of Merits doctrine.
I hope this post clarifies my position.