I will say that using the RPed efforts of players to direct group effort is a great idea.
Don't RP? Everyone dies.
RP a lot? More awesome toys.
I will say that using the RPed efforts of players to direct group effort is a great idea.
Don't RP? Everyone dies.
RP a lot? More awesome toys.
Once, my SO and I found out, due to a failed stamina roll at an IC house party scene, that the guy running the game was really into date rape roleplay.
Or should I say my SO found this out because it was her character.
He was booted out of our apartment after he told her to stop being so sensitive about it.
My local game store has a corkboard with those horrible tearable "SEEKING SERIOUS BASS PLAYER" tabs. If you're in a big enough city, I'm sure there's some kind of online meetup presence too.
God, but strangers are a gamble. People you know are highly preferred, especially if you intend to RP at a house/apartment.
@Cupcake Damn, that sucks. What's worst about that is that the GM was secured. All people had to do was show up. Myself being a regular TT GM RL (because acronyms, motherfucker), I find it can be hard as fuck to find a willing GM so that I get a chance to play.
Not all GMs are created equal, but someone looking to run a TT game is a finite resource.
Ghost steps up to the podium
This reading has been taken from Corey Feldman's magnum opus autobiography: Coreyography
I am three years old, sitting at the small round breakfast table in our tiny kitchen, eyeing a half-open box of cereal. And then the murders began.
(Taken from famously epic fan-fiction entry named My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie)
Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). And then the murders started.
Edit: http://myimmortal.wikia.com/wiki/My_Immortal/Chapters_1-11 (enjoy!)
@Cupcake I would play the ass out of any game that puts my character into a Valkyrie
Sembieda/Palladium right now are taking a serious, vicious fanbase beating right now for that Robotech RPG Tactics Kickstarter.
Edit: Belatedly, so I wonder if they take the same approach to the Robotech license. I've seen a few Robotech games over the years, but they're being more active about Robotech in the last 5 years.
Someone to keep in prayers/thoughts.
A co-worker of mine is an immigrant worker from India here in the US. He's a contractor and has only a small window of time once going to a new job to get his work approval through immigration so that he can stay. He's been in the US for years without issue, he follows the rules, he's a good person.
Turns out that due to some work visa unethical behavior/loophole exploitation related to people in India being dishonest about their qualifications and applying to jobs in the US, the process for getting clearance has slowed down considerably. To make matters worse, the new presidential administration and their constant changes to immigration policy have left him trying (and getting little response) to get reapproved to remain in the states.
LSS: His deadline is coming up due to no fault of his own and he's afraid of being forced to go home. I feel really bad for the guy. This sucks.
@ZombieGenesis Don't you break my heart again on a SW game.
@Lithium The learning curve on MnM is steep and it's pretty easy to hack. I had to evil-eye a player once for making a clairvoyant telekinetic who created a no-check, no-line-of-sight telekinetic who could use his powers miles away from the actual combat.
D12-D4 (Margaret Weis Prod) system has supplements on character creation and how to make characters. Books are out of print. Upside? VERY RP-oriented. Down-side? Some players aren't used to a system where they can trade bonus dice with other players mid-scene for combo attacks, and the trading of dice, temporary dice bonuses, and use of plot points are potentially hard to track.
I have what I feel is a solid game-running idea for an X-Sphere game. Unfortunately, I don't have the free time RL to dedicate to being there enough for players, otherwise I'd give it a crack. I hate the idea of being that guy that's like: Well I'd play/staff but the responsibility of keeping the place up would be someone else's, so I don't.
Personally, I'm a fan of Mutants and Masterminds and MARVEL Superheroic (MWP). I know there's MU systems for those floating around somewhere, but the games I've seen using those have had minimal success getting stood upright.
In the meantime, I suggest people check out @ZombieGenesis DC game.
@Roz There goes the record straight, then. I could a swore I heard something about it during the Elf reign, but I didn't hear it from Elf. The old sayings about rumors stand true.
Game on.
I can't shake the feeling that BoD staff has entered the thread.
I think it's a decent idea. Make sure you flesh out the setting really good so the supers match the setting.
An X-Men style group that focuses on meta-civil rights would be awfully funny in a setting where half of the country has elected people with purple skin.
@Roz I thought she came after S&S right at the beginning when Elf was at the helm
Anyone remember e-Feds? Online roleplaying sites where you roleplay dice-based professional wrestling matches and roleplay the drama surrounding the make-believe wrestling television programs?
I just read that WWE has, at times, sent cease-and-desist letters to online e-feds where their copyrighted characters were being used.
No Rey Mysterio for you.
I was thinking about this, thanks to @faraday and her other thread, but I've heard mention of some RPG/IPs that are pretty much verboten (either by the creators or holders of the IPs) from becoming RPG games/MU*/etc.
I know a few that come to mind, but can anybody think of others?
Any others?