@Rinel Personally, from what I've seen of your ethics/personality, V5 might actually be better a game for you than you know.
V5 has done away with defining what morality is. It's not the first vampire system to do it, but it encourages the group to determine x-card type content and then the moral tenets for the game itself. The group defines what face morality takes in the ongoing story, and then each character further defines their own morality.
It would be very easy to run a game/coterie (coterie is the V:tM term for a collective group of vampires who are their own team, so to speak) that all have similar morals and derive strength from following the path to humanity.
Also, despite bad press they've updated the theme to break up some of the canon boys club misogyny. It's now canon that a woman broke free of the male-dominated Thelema-styled Tremere Council and is forming a sect of Intersectional and experimental Tremere blood mages seeking to work together. They're hunted, but they're growing and have support.
Also, they introduced a Gangrel canon character named "Rudy". Gangrel are often chased out of cities (they're the animalistic-feral type clan), and in the new canon are outlawed in some domains. Rudy, in canon, has taken this to be similar to the treatment of minority vampires (not just gender, race, or sexuality, but also trash vampires shunned by the Camarilla, namely Gangrel, thin bloods whose vampire blood makes them weak but also daywalkers, and clanless Caitiffs) in some cities and is a canon "vampire civil rights" leader.
Plenty of good stuff to chew on.