I'm interested, though I'm terrible at M&M, so I hope you're forgiving of people who want to make sheet changes because they don't quite get the intricacies of building powers.
Best posts made by GreenFlashlight
RE: Potential M&M 3E OC Game
RE: Firefly - Still Flyin'
@Auspice said in Firefly - Still Flyin':
She insisted it was because she loved our plots and RP and it was fun, but I always wondered (and still do) why she didn't just ask to watch.
I feel like this specific instance and the general concern are symptoms of a single problem: that the staff/player hierarchy creates a divide between the two groups. As a staffer, you are removed from the general player experience because you have information players don't (the intentions behind the rules), and players have information staffers don't (the effects those rules have on the play experience regardless of intention) that they're mostly afraid to share for expectation of reprisal.
Fixing that might be beyond the scope of this thread, though.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@solstice said in General Video Game Thread:
I'm not sure I would trust any remake of Trigger at this point.
I think it could be improved on, especially the DS port, but I don't know if that could be done in the current AAA environment. One of the game's biggest strengths is how tight and lean it is; it only takes about 25 hours to beat the game. The current "games must have two hours of content for every dollar of the price" attitude would likely ruin it unless you got in there and put in actors with voice lines and stuff to pad the runtime.
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@Derp said in What Would it Take to Repair the Community?:
I disagree.
Great, cool, thanks for clarifying that. I hadn't been sure if we were actually in complete agreement but just engaging in a series of typos that made it look like we disagree with one another's positions.
RE: Random funny
@Wizz said in Random funny:
It's been argued facetiously and completely seriously that Batman is the only reason his rogues gallery continues to exist. Like he's basically deliberately keeping these severely mentally ill people in an institution he knows for a fact is understaffed, with corrupt/incompetent management, because he needs to justify his own hobby. He's simply too efficient otherwise and he has a small army of proteges, the only reason crime exists at all in Gotham is a fabrication to keep one insanely wealthy man pumped to the gills with catharsis in what is essentially his own private theme park.
As best I recall, these arguments came after his wealth became incalculable. Like, when he becomes the sole provider of funding for the Justice League with its teleportation technology, its moon fortresses, its Death Star cannons, and whatever the hell else, Bruce Wayne's wealth became infinite; which means he could have paid every criminal in Gotham enough to satisfy them, paid Arkham enough to provide bleeding edge medical treatments and security, paid the government enough to fund social programs that make crime irrelevant, &c &c &c. A man who can afford to single-handedly fund the construction of a moon fortress while still having enough left over to give himself private stealth bombers shaped like his insignia is a man who doesn't need to punch neurodivergent people to try to solve a city's problem; he just does it because he wants to.
RE: Well, this sums up why I RP
@Caggles said in Well, this sums up why I RP:
Do you think this separation is more difficult with writing than eg. with music?
For me, it's not about the medium, it's about how likely someone is to say "Okay, but" when you point out this or that artist was kind of an asshole.
If I enjoy a Wagner symphony, am I tacitly expressing a fondness for fascism?
I don't understand music well enough to say whether fascism is ingrained in the text of his music (or if music can even be said to have text), but I don't believe enjoying any artist's art is inherently a sign of support for the artist's worst values. I believe in death of the author, as art is just a series of symbols; so the meaning you assign to them will necessarily be idiosyncratic.
I get the feeling people think I said "If you like Lovecraft, then you hate black people and Jewish people," so I just want to reiterate my original point was only I think it's disingenuous to insist we treat Cthulhu as an immaculate creation which exists separate from the context in which it was dreamt up.
As music is a more abstract form, does it become easier to split artist from art, whereas with writing there are assumptions from the artist which form a baseline for everything written?
Not with me personally. Like, Bryan Adams is kind of an asshole, so I got rid of his music because that knowledge soured my enjoyment of his music. And let's be honest, he only had like six good songs anyway, so no great loss there.
To further muddy it, is this different for fiction vs non-fiction? Does a paper on covalent bonds lose validity if written by a TERF? How about different disciplines? Social sciences vs physics?
Assuming we're still talking about dead people, I'd say nonfiction makes it both easier and more dangerous to compartmentalize, because facts are objective and exist apart from the biases of the scientist (insert caveats here about proper methodology); but more dangerous because the validity of their work can be stolen to grant validity to their shitty ideas. Since we've pretty much stopped publishing studies that repeat experiments to verify their results, it's probably pretty hard to find a different, less shitty source for the same ideas, which is a shame.
RE: Final Fantasy
@selira said in Final Fantasy:
I will not be taking questions.
Eight was the first Square game I ever played that I didn't bother to beat. I no longer remember why, but I do remember when:
***Late game plot point for a game that's probably old enough to buy alcohol***
click to showI was willing to put up with the samey combat that punished you for using magic and required you to risk death to use a Limit Break, and with a growing sense of annoyance that Rinoa really should have been the main character rather than Squall, but that story bit was when I couldn't take any more. What was your breaking point?
RE: The Game Game
@Prototart said in The Game Game:
it’s like Highlander rules games have to cut each other’s heads off but then they wake up in the far future and it’s confusing so i didn’t watch it all
I do not believe that someone who likes early Image comics gave up on Highlander in the middle of it.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@egg said in General Video Game Thread:
@Derp Man, people are beating this game so fast! I got it on release day and I'm still only about halfway through. Is it absurd to be worried about spoilers for a game I have played countless times since 1998? Lol.
Uh, if you're talking about FF7R, then let's just say yes, be very worried about spoilers.
RE: Depression Meals
@Derp said in Depression Meals:
I make this a lot. Like, a LOT a lot. Because it's yummy.
Second, you should add both garlic and red pepper flakes to the oil. Maybe not much, but you want a bit of heat in it.
I've never regretted red pepper flakes, but I've never found it necessary either. With a whole head of garlic in there, it has that nice garlic burn throughout the oil.
RE: Preference for IC Time On A Modern(ish) Game
The progression of time in a game should be a loose suggestion that only exists if there's some actual need to track time but that can be ignored for the needs of any given scene.
RE: General Video Game Thread posted in Other Games
RE: RL Anger
It doesn't happen enough to set a trap, it was probably just somebody not realizing it wasn't theirs.
Maybe it is a mark of my gluttony, but I have never in life opened my lunchbox (or whatever), looked at what's inside, and said, "Huh, I don't remember making this, but it must be mine so I'll just go ahead and eat whatever it is."
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
@Warma-Sheen said in Diversity Representation in MU*ing:
I have never bought into the idea that the N-word is "reclaimed", mostly because I've never heard it used in a context than it was used originally: negative. The only thing people have done is normalize the idea of being negative to their friend groups - which is a rather normal, standard-practice unhealthy relationship dynamic. The same people calling their friends the N-word are also calling them bitches, motherfuckers, etc. I have yet to hear the N-word used in a positive context.
A lot of women I know use our friends as kind of emotional punching bags to express the anger we don't feel safe expressing in the situation that actually provoked it. I sometimes wonder if the behavior you describe is a similar phenomenon: oppressed people venting their anger in small bursts in safe settings.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Auspice said in Good or New Movies Review:
Well that looks pretty awesome. Rahne's supposed to be gay for Illyana, though, not Dani.
Anyone else getting a Silent Hill 2 (the game, not the movie) vibe from it? Like the facility is haunted not by a ghost or demons, but by their own sins and self-judgment?
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
Okay, so, it's six-and-a-quarter hundred posts as I write this and I just can't be assed to go back through the last 32 pages to check. Have we ever even talked about what representation is, or why some of us find being poorly represented upsetting?
RE: Tyche Banned
@lordbelh said in Tyche Banned:
You can get away with a lot of things on this forum, and personally I'm happy to see a diverse cast of idea and opinions, including ones I wholeheartedly disagree with. But c'mon, why you gotta go there?
I did not see the post in question, but from the way it's been described, he went there because he wants Jewish people to know what safety they have belongs to him and is therefore his to revoke at will.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Lotherio said in Good or New Movies Review:
@GreenFlashlight said in Good or New Movies Review:
but by their own sins and self-judgment?
Like the first 20-30 books in the first run of new mutants? Where it's the demon bear that's after Dani that's stimulating those fears?
I never read the original run. So this looks like a translation of that series?