12:33 AM <PaCo> So before we start, I've been in here for like 2 years now I think.
12:33 AM <PaCo> So I may have told this story before
12:33 AM <PaCo> If so, I apologize
12:34 AM <PaCo> So briefly, while scamming the american high school system (a whole other story entirely), I was enrolled at a community college in southern california
12:34 AM <PaCo> Antelope Valley Community College
12:34 AM <PaCo> I believe someone in here even goes/went there
12:34 AM <PaCo> Now, I found out from some of my gaming friends that AVCC took their WoD gaming very seriously.
12:34 AM <PaCo> This was 1998.
12:34 AM <Gayo> Antelope Valley Community College is a beautiful name
12:35 AM <PaCo> It's a shithole Gayo haha
12:35 AM <Gayo> well, that's kind of what I mean
12:35 AM <Gayo> it's very evocative of a community college sort of in the middle of nowhere!
12:35 AM <Gayo> anyhow go on
12:35 AM <PaCo> So I get introduced to the regulars by my fairly normal friend Mike
12:35 AM → MockCell joined (Mockery@sorcery-fcnapu.fios.verizon.net)
12:35 AM <Lumi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twPyY8chalQ
12:35 AM <PaCo> It's by far the most gender diverse group of gamers I'd ever seen
12:35 AM <PaCo> an almost clean split of male to female
12:36 AM <PaCo> black, white, hispanic. It was like a goddamn poster.
12:36 AM <PaCo> Like an ad for diversity.
12:36 AM <PaCo> I was feelin' it at the time, being a stupid teenage idealogue
12:37 AM <PaCo> So I immediately am attracted to one of the girls in the group, Katie. She wasn't overly mallgothy, but it was just enough. It was probably the fishnets.
12:37 AM <PaCo> And also the extra 10lbs which made her look like a woman and not a teenage girl (how's that for an awful romance novel line)
12:37 AM <PaCo> So at any rate, I get into gaming with these people. Their main game was Vampire, but they allowed Werewolves if they were blood bound to another PC.
12:38 AM <Gayo> adequately mallgothy
12:38 AM <MorkaisChosen> ohgod
12:38 AM <PaCo> So just let that sink in for a sec
12:38 AM <MorkaisChosen> please tell me you didn't play a woofwoof bloodbound to Katie's PC
12:38 AM <PaCo> MC: I did not
12:38 AM <PaCo> she already had a bitch
12:38 AM <MorkaisChosen> I am equal parts relieved and disappointed 
12:39 AM ⇐ MockeryCellPhone quit (Mockery@sorcery-6a7cnu.faf0.o13m.100c.2600.IP) Ping timeout: 121 seconds
12:39 AM <PaCo> So they are... very bad players. I mean like, some of the worst players I've ever seen.
12:39 AM <Gayo> it would have been funny if the game gradually shifted to be one vampire with four blood-bound werewolf pokemon
12:39 AM <PaCo> Like, it's all social one upsmanship and lore shittalking
12:39 AM <PaCo> However, I, being the youngest and newest person in the group, decided not to make any waves
12:40 AM <PaCo> I would ask Mike how he puts up with this, and he just said "girls who play games dude"
12:40 AM <PaCo> I think he expected me to high five him, but, I missed that cue at the time
12:40 AM — pringles facepalm
12:40 AM <PaCo> So anyways, I try to get my way in with Katie
12:41 AM <PaCo> In the process of doing so, I learn that they take their RP so seriously, that they sometimes interact in character in the cafeteria... and in class... and in the quad...
12:41 AM <pringles> ... oh god
12:41 AM <Endings> oh no
12:41 AM <Gayo> I think I saw this movie
12:41 AM <Will12343> ...huh.
12:42 AM <PaCo> I had an embarassing moment where I was playing Street Fighter in the cafeteria with my other group of friends (i tended to segregate), when one of them called me by my characters name
12:42 AM <PaCo> and I had to run a hurry-up social offensive to distract and end that situation
12:42 AM <MorkaisChosen> ... oh jesus
12:42 AM <PaCo> 50 dice to change the subject
12:42 AM <MorkaisChosen> this shit is why all the LARP movies contain no concept of the IC/OOC divide
12:42 AM <pringles> loooool
12:42 AM <MorkaisChosen> and are therefore cringe-inducingly unwatchable
12:43 AM <PaCo> anyways, I thought, ok, these guys are touched but they are mostly OK people
12:43 AM <PaCo> sometimes I'd have to stoneface them to get them to cut the shit, but I mean, friends are friends right?
12:43 AM <PaCo> So after a month or so I think I've got a bit of clout and I want to make a move on Katie
12:43 AM ⇐ Inqy quit (Inqy@sorcery-ftuc8f.range81-146.btcentralplus.com) Ping timeout: 121 seconds
12:44 AM <PaCo> I feign that I lost my cash and didn't have enough for buss fare home and ask her for a ride and tell her I will pay her gas money when we get back to my place.
12:44 AM <PaCo> My parents were not home, they were off on vacation
12:44 AM <PaCo> She agrees, we talk, things are looking good
12:45 AM <PaCo> I invite her in, we hang out awhile, I flirt, she is receptive, we start fooling around.
12:45 AM <PaCo> We are about to get down to business, and she says "I can't" so I say "Ok, no problem, but do you mind if I ask why?"
12:45 AM <PaCo> anyone want to field as guess as to what her answer was?
12:45 AM — MorkaisChosen is feeling the fear one feels as a horror story reaches its climax
12:45 AM <Endings> The blood bond?
12:45 AM <Zironic> She's undead?
12:45 AM <Will12343> I'm with Morkai
12:45 AM <MorkaisChosen> vampire blood sex doom?
12:45 AM <•Mobius> It isn't what our characters would do
12:46 AM <PaCo> "I can't fuck a Caitiff"