@mietze said:
Woooohoooo! 476/450 baby!
You totally went back and deleted all the posts you were downvoted/received no votes on! False advertising!
@mietze said:
Woooohoooo! 476/450 baby!
You totally went back and deleted all the posts you were downvoted/received no votes on! False advertising!
@Coin said:
@VulgarKitten said:
@Arkandel It depends on how many clients she's had that day.
That's protein.
proteins can have calories, afaik
@Arkandel It depends on how many clients she's had that day.
Or start making lists of people they don't want to play with and post it up.
I am guilty of this on certain games. There are assholes I don't want to play with, and I'll tell others 'hey I will RP with you, and you can RP with them but don't bring my bidness near them/vice versa'. Inclusivity should be the starting motto, but for sanity's sake it doesn't have to be the only motto.
@Ghost said:
@Arkandel I tend to get a lot of OOC pages about moving the scene away from the current venue the moment a police character arrives. Webb, was it? There was a character who was a cop/hunter with a large dog. I'd be in scenes with changelings, werewolves, and shifters, and Webb would walk into the coffee house or whatever with his dog to BUY COFFEE AND DONUTS and the players would freak the fuck out in pages like he was the fun police. Me? I roleplayed with the guy, because even though my character knew he was an IC cop, was doing nothing illegal and it's okay to be sociable with cops.
Sidenote: Webb was a great player and was always really good about working around the supernatural angle and communicating OOC to find the ideal solution for everybody, from my experience.
We observe the humble brag in its natural habitat.
@Apos I've seen it everywhere, big places like TR, and smaller places like RtA. Places like Elendor in it's heyday, and places like Eldritch.
@Thenomain said:
You are not contracted, obligated, or otherwise forced to do so, but if you include people in your character's play-space, you will become more popular and you will enhance that person's experience knowing that they will do the same for you.
This is such a lie. I cannot count how many times I have experienced/heard from others "Well I invite you to all of my stuff, but you don't invite me to yours." MUSHing is an inherently selfish experience, where 9 and 3/4 times out of 10, people will take what they can get while excluding others who give them RP/plot for justifications x, y, and z. Maybe they're even legit justifications. But not usually.
I hide it, the MUSHing. Completely. Waaaay in the closet. Hot chicks can't like things that nerdy unless they're into dating nerds. I tried it once and it was a complete failure.
@Luna I keep telling you that you should
@Arkandel said:
What's with girls claiming they come across as guys around here lately? Is that a thing?
Never happened to me, but I've heard of it. There's a couple players I can think of who make a very convincing dude (who I won't name, because privacy).
there's a fastplay option that lets you play without chargenning. you start as an amnesiac and can explore the grid that way and make in character connections and build your sheet/understanding that way.
Meeting that physical metric and realizing that you can still be miserable.
@lordbelh http://wiki.roadtoamber.com/setting-summary This is the best page. It summarizes the game. It's very easy to make a character, and I am happy to hand-hold.
I play Catriona on Road to Amber. I'd like to build a Chaos presence there, and I have a world/things built up already to make this fun. Send me a message if you're interested, unless you know I don't like you (hey, it happens).
I don't get spying for "secret" feels. If you're really that curious, ask people how they feel about you. I, for one, am happy to tell people if I think they're a bag of dicks. Just ask!
Bond. James Bond. I would kill for (pun intended) a 007-themed MU*.