@karmageddon Unwilling to click on the link, or in Canada, apparently, BBC Worldwide has blocked it in my area.
Posts made by Insomnia
RE: Celebrities that are Dead To Us
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
Okay, having read through all of this, here's my $0.02 (which aren't worth anything except online anymore, since Canada got rid of pennies.)
I miss the simple warning we had at the top of the last WORA. You're an adult, sink or Swim. Moderators kicked trolls, you don't post personal info, and they deleted pictures of dead bodies. I've always hated that the Hog Pit became opt in and contained.
A forum, as much as everyone would like it to be is not a democracy, it's a dictatorship. EM handed the keys over to @Arkandel and now it's his to do with as he pleases. It's his to ask who he wants to help out with it. Don't like how he's doing things? Go make your own forum. Seriously. We are a very small hobby and it's just getting smaller and smaller. We need more diverse places to discuss... whatever. SWOFA and IGU did it, for different reasons, and sure they didn't last, but I think we were better for it as a community when there was more than one place around to bitch about, but also constructively talk about this hobby of ours. If everything offends you, go make a place where those offensive things aren't allowed. I'm not saying go away, there's nothing saying people can't browse multiple forums, just go somewhere where your being offended can make a change.
I've been in this hobby.... way too dame long. I think a lot of us have. We have jobs, and kids, and lives now we didn't have 20 years ago. When I play a game, or talk about the hobby I do it for fun, in my free time. As soon as something becomes work, or I don't enjoy it, it's purged from my life. I don't have time for it.
TL;DR we're all too old for this shit.
@Arkandel Don't try to please everyone, all the time. It isn't going to happen, and you will end up making yourself crazy for trying. If you want light moderation - do that, make it clear. Don't post personal info. Don't post disturbing images. Don't be a dick. You are all adults, use common sense. Whatever. Don't worry about what goes where, who is butthurt, and just deal with the issues as they come up, if they come up. Jut like running a campaign in anything, really, you can come up with 10 things the players might do, and they will come up with an eleventh. You can't plan for everything that might go wrong, especially with how easily people become offended with things now, so don't try. That too is the way to crazyness. And you seem to be a pretty okay guy. Wouldn't want you turning into Rasheem over all this.
RE: Celebrities that are Dead To Us
@auspice The thing about Takei though is he was playing a part, though it wasn't scripted. He'd been playing the Dirty Grandpa on the Howard Stern show for a while - something he later said he regretted doing. Stern pushes the boundaries as he can, and in improv you aren't supposed to say no ever. You say yes and go with whatever your partner says. So when Stern asks if he's done things like this and leads him there, all he can do is be coy and agree, or ruin the bit.
Plus, I'm not saying he did or didn't do something in his personal life, no one is perfect. But unless more people came out saying he's done things, not the clips of the Stern show but actual complaints It's still wildly different than Weinstein, and the years of abuse of his power he had. I'm not saying it did or didn't happen, and if it did I'm not trying to downplay it as a bad date experience for one person.
It's just, for me anyway Takei is not a scummy person to me. I'm not excusing it, but no one is perfect and whether we like to admit it or not, at some point, we've probably all been scummy people in some form or another. For me holding him up to a different standard because he is a celebrity for possibly making a bad choice, but then also disliking him from being a celebrity because of one action is the thing about celebrity worship I really hate about how society has changed over the years. It's like we feel that we made them famous, so we have some ownership over celebrities. If they don't act how we want, or do what we want we're entitled to be scummy ourselves but at the same time look down on them because they are celebrities and should be better people because of that?
TL;DR It's going to take a lot more for Takei to be on my dead list. Also still apparently pissed off at those people who got mad at the Stranger Things / It kid for not saying hello to them.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@surreality said in Regarding administration on MSB:
I have said this before and will say it again. If I'm ever running a place, and it comes up on MSB, or a problem comes up on MSB... ? First, I'm gonna be upset that they didn't come to staff about it first, but at least I will become aware of the problem and can do something to solve it.
I had -- to the surprise of literally no one -- policy on this.
It went like so:
We don't care if you bitch about the game or the staff on game forums; that is not something we consider 'doing harm to the game or staff' and participants here should feel free to do so without fear of reprisal on the game itself.
If that's what it takes for us to find out there's an issue we can try to resolve for you somehow, that's what it takes. We'd rather you come to us if you have a problem, but understand some players are extremely wary about approaching staff at all due to negative experiences reporting an issue in the hobby, and thus might prefer to post something elsewhere as a sounding board or other outlet. We'd ultimately rather have a game with fewer problems than a public reputation for having no problems that only exists because no one spoke up somewhere, even if that somewhere isn't here.
Bear in mind, if you burn a bridge with another player by attacking them elsewhere in this way, we're not going to rebuild it for you. Similarly, if you spread nasty gossip about someone on skype or discord or a similar venue and it gets back to them -- and it always eventually does -- we're not going to demand they pretend it never happened, and we're not going to insist that they continue to interact with you if this is brought to us with a request to sever contact with you and your characters.
Stealing this, for if I ever actually do get a game going. But I'm Canadian, so I'm informing you in advance of the theft.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@ganymede said in Cheap or Free Games!:
The Last of Us. At least, it should be one of your games.
Quoting this because I only have one +1 to give.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@templari I agree! They laughed at me when I wanted to put trees all around. I feel a little vindicated now.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@templari Wait? Trees help making heat less noticeable? Really?
RE: General Video Game Thread
@lithium No these guys were literally invincible, we had rockets. They would not die. It was all glitchy and then my friend couldn't see me.
I think I'm going to need to look up these Behemoths though...
RE: Random links
How Mall Cop 2 syncs perfectly with Dark Side of the Moon (Thread on reddit and video).
RE: Looking for an Artist, actually willing to pay...
My bad, I forgot this is 2017 and people don't actually read content anymore, they just automatically jump to being outraged and offended.
Thank you to those of you who did reach out in PMs, I believe I've answered them all, but I won't be following this thread further, so please get back to me in pms!
RE: General Video Game Thread
Word of warning, just don't shut down the server in the middle of the night.
3 invincible zombie bears on night 4... ouch.
RE: Looking for an Artist, actually willing to pay...
@kanye-qwest Probably the players in costume... or the characters I guess if the real people don't want to give a picture... but I'm the only one out of who I'm thinking of that doesn't willingly show their face. I have an avatar of me but that's about it.
Although now I have a picture in my head of a barbarian dressed as a magical girl...
@Wolfs I'm sure some people might find it skeevy, but I long since stopped trying to please everyone all the time. I don't want a lot of detail, I don't want things like a background or anything like that, I don't want something someone is going to spend days on, and I can't afford $75 or whatever they are asking for each piece, and honestly even if I could, this project isn't worth that much to me. I'm not looking for someone whose primary income is their art, I'm looking for someone who can draw better than I can. For me skeevy is asking for it for free. YMMV.
TBH I'll probably end up looking on Fiverr, I just wanted to put it out there with people I somewhat know first.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Sanctum 2 is free at the Humble Store for the next 48 hours.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@miss-demeanor @Auspice So... they remastered it for PS4 and XBox One. It's also out on the Switch, but it's a normal version, I think. Also a VR version as well...
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@thenomain Same, but also GoG and Humble Store. Especially GoG though.
RE: Hey you motherfuckers.
I am still scarred.
RE: Hey you motherfuckers.
@peverel I'm having giant black dildo flashbacks now. Thanks!
RE: humble Bundle Games
@icanbeyourmuse said in humble Bundle Games:
Psychonauts is the last one available. IT will literally go to waste if not claimed.
This game should not go to waste!