@Derp Did you buy a wireless dongle thingy?
Posts made by Insomnia
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Derp You absolutely can,if you have one! It's how I play.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Yeah, you unlock it after beating the game.
The first boss fight? The bit in the attic? If you miss more than 7 headshots, you die. And they hit like a truck. And I've been hit by a truck IRL when I was a child, so I know what I'm talking about!
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Derp Good luck avoiding combat if you play Madhouse. Holy hell!
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Derp My complaints about the game are: You never really know when something is combat you can just avoid and if you fail it doesn't matter, and which ones will kill you.
The other is that MY HEALTH IS GREEN, why is there still blood on my face? Sure it's not bright green, but I'm used to being hurt being a visual representation on the character, so the blood on the screen while green is just Grrr.
Oh and DLC doesn't come out same time as on PS4. Booo!
RE: Dead Celebrities: 2017 Edition
Half of the people who have ever walked on the moon are dead now.
RE: Dead Celebrities: 2017 Edition
Tony Rosato, comedian on both SCTV and SNL, as well as cartoon voices.
RE: Dead Celebrities: 2017 Edition
@TNP The thing I love about Betty White is that she was around before sliced bread was mass-produced. So if anyone asks what the best thing was before sliced bread, it's Betty White.
@GangOfDolls Yeah, he was the last one grabbed by 2016. (At least, I saw the stories before it hit midnight here, and I'm EST +1)
RE: Shadowhunters MUSH
Personally my problem with "Being gay is bad, so say the Clave, so it's IC" is that The Clave isn't exactly terribly consistent. Sure they are old fashioned and stuffy but without being too spoilery you have one person, who was formerly a Circle member who can't leave and is basically tortured whenever he thinks or talks about the Circle. Then you have another family who are high up on the social ladder, running things. And since people aren't allowed to talk about it, not everyone knows about their past.
Sure it's done for dramatic effect; but if you already have one rule for some, another rule for others, it's pretty hard to stand behind "This one rule for everybody, always." (In my eyes, anyway)
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Catsmeow I do! Did you have fun murdering / being murdered earlier?
I don't actually have any extra Town of Salem keys right now (I give away games on my streams from time to time, so you'll have to wait for when I have more keys! (Unless you want a copy of WWE 2017? >.>)
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Yep! I've bought it a few times and gifted it to people because $5 is nothing, and they actually listen to the people who play it. (But free is good too when you can't access Steam for whatever reason.)
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
However, Town of Salem is also free on the website.
What people should do is wait for the sale to be over, pay the full 5 bucks to support Indie Devs, and also get Auspice the fish pet. >.>
RE: Shadowhunters MUSH
@GangOfDolls Don't watch the movie, watch the series (if you can find it, season 2 starts next month). Not just because the movie is bad but it cuts out so much of the stuff.