@Ghost said in Star Wars: Insurgency:
One thing I think this game has going for it is the FATE system. You're right, @ixokai , in FATE these things need to be BOUGHT, which presents an interesting concept that doesn't exist in some other systems. To have that kind of authority, or riches, or benefit, it needs to be bought, which balances out the character sheets in a way most systems aren't used to.
The major question, though, is are the character sheets of FCs such as Darth Vader going to have additional purchases so that the character FITS the FC version?
In short, no.
In long, we've chosen to put everyone on an "even" playing field in Fate point terms, even if that means that certain characters (like, Darth Vader) are, if they are PCs, are not able to quite live up to what they were in canon. This is a purposeful decision that was thought about.
Our tier system is how we address stronger-then-average, but even then 'FC' does not mean 'Tier 1' -- FC's can be apped at any tier and Staff explicitly does not judge a character to see if its 'worthy' of the Tier choice of the player. We do look at how much refresh is left over and try to get it into a number we're more comfortable with, but we do so by encouraging the player to either lower the Tier (and since players can have only one Tier 1, and only one Tier 2 character, saving the higher tier for a concept that needs it to make sense), or by buying additional stunts or extras to have more abilities.
We have only two characters on our banned list right not: the Emperor and Yoda. For different reasons we don't think either should be in play or fit into the system except as quest givers. Maybe Vader should be on the list too, but I don't know for sure. Alpha.
During FATE character creation, there's a # of skills that can be selected via character generation. There's also alternate ways to make veteran characters, etc.
So using Darth Vader in mind:
- Sith Lord
- Former Jedi
- Master Force User
- Commands the Super Star Destroyer
- Pilot
- Parent to 2 major FCs. Ahsoka?
- Has his own legion of Stormtroopers
- Fought in the Clone Wars (Skills, Aspects)
- Fame. Rank. Infamy. Fear?
- Throneworld: Vjun. He has his own throneworld.
Do note that although we are based on Fate Core, our power level is significantly bumped up from the baseline. Our skill pyramid tops out at +5, we allow five free stunts and seven aspects (we don't require them all to be set at chargen. Fate takes some getting used to and aspects sometimes take time).
I think Vader actually fits into our power level quite well. What he doesn't do is fit into the game as better then every other person of the same tier. But that's intentional.
I think the challenge that your game may face is in asking themselves "How do we make this FC what the FC really is without writing prepackaged player benefits into the character sheet? Do these FCs get extra benefits that OCs don't in an effort to make them truly the FCs they are?"
Our answer to that last question is a resounding no. If someone wants to play a FC they have to accept that. Does this potentially make FC's less attractive? Perhaps. It might disappoint a Vader player that he is not the best lightsaber combatant to be found: but he can still have Superb Fight and get Legendary hits from time to time. Of course, my OC Tier 1 guy can too so he might be a match to Vader.
Given the possible outcomes of A) Be True to the FC and B) The OC's must have an equal footing, we choose B. This may diminish some FC's and we're aware. Perhaps those that can not fit onto this scale shouldn't be PC's (Maybe Vader), but I don't see any problem with the likes of Dash Rendar and Leia -- they fit just fine.