@Obie said in Star Wars Republic d20 SAGA - (Prequel Era):
However, that's all in flux. After what I saw last night, I'm reconsidering quite a few things. This is why some policy hasn't been written up yet. In between thinking about this, I've been adding utility talent trees for Dark Siders, adding NPCs onto a NPC list for the community to use, running scenes so people don't get bored and wonder why the heck they're on a beta, and such. These are just all things I'm learning to juggle,but I knew what I was signing up for when I gave this project a go. Don't be surprised if I drop the ball a few times here and there, but the intentions is never intended to be malicious.
That's good to hear, at least! Might I suggest not adhering to a bell-curve? Lower power levels sound great at first, but as the game gets older, it only hurts new players. I'd recommend getting people to 7-8 quickly and then making it a slog to 9-11, then making it extremely difficult to get to 12+. But that's just my hot take on it.