Best posts made by Lithium
RE: Improving MSB
@Arkandel said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
@Ganymede said:
@Arkandel said:
For that matter, do you think downvoting matters at all?
No. This isn't a fucking popularity contest.
But I am more popular than a lot of other people here, so fuck you I'm popular.
But you'll still never have more posts than @Arkandel or @Coin.
Grindin' respect, one post at a time.
I don't know about that, I'm still waiting in rapt fascination for one of your characters to start killing and eating high priced hookers because of your picture here... Elijah Wood, forever freaky and no longer just an innocent hobbit...
RE: HQ!!!!!
@thenomain said in HQ!!!!!:
@vulgarkitten said in HQ!!!!!:
turn off the wifi on my phone and use the 4G before I play
It's too bad that data is so expensive in the USA, but at least we're getting to the point were cellular is the more reliable connection everywhere.
There are still carriers with unlimited data plans. Even Verizon brought theirs back. So there is that.
RE: Any interest in a possible TOS-era Star Trek Fate Accelerated game?
The Star Trek game I want is turn based Star Fleet Battles rather than real time combat simulation. Fate would work fine for a system for non-ship related stuff I guess, but honestly just about any system would work for me.
I even had a lot of fun back in the day with the original Star Trek RPG in table-top.
RE: Scenes You Have Always Wanted to Have...
@Packrat Gah. Metro.
drinks herself into a coma at just the idea of all the things she could post about that place
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@arkandel I went to get in the shower the other day and had forgotten to take my glasses off. Queue confusion as to why I suddenly had water spots everywhere in my vision.
RE: BITN - 101 Scary Stories
- Rats invading houses/apartments, they live in the walls, the scratching is the only warning before they start coming for pets, children, sickly and infirm.
- What is in the taco meat? It's the best damned taco cart in the city, nobody knows the formula or even where they buy the ingredients...
- A lawyer who can get anyone out of jail with insanity defense, but they are always assigned to the same psych ward and never get better...
- C.H.U.D.'s. (Cuz it haz to happen)
- Excavating a foundation for a building finds ancient artifacts, and releases things better left forgotten...
- Lunatic Fringe. A rash of wild dog attacks have been making people go crazy on the full moon like temporary rabies madness.
- Pet's coming back to life after being buried down in the local park, someone eventually tries it with a person...
- A local church has an actual exorcist... and eventually he succumbs and starts performing unecessary exorcisms that /implant/ seeds of demons.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Solo: Bad casting choice is why I am not seeing this in theatres. I do not see Han in the actor they picked.
RE: How did you discover text-based gaming?
@TNP said:
Started with BBS games (anyone remember 300 baud modems?). I don't remember where I saw an ad for it but I started to play Gemstone III on GEnie back in the early 90s. There was the Sierra Network too.
Edited to add: Trade Wars. That was the name of the BBS game.
Trade Wars wasn't jut the BBS game, it was the BEST BBS game ever. Seriously.
I loved that game. Inn of the Red Dragon was another favorite.
RE: Random links
@arkandel It's missing the airtank and the fully sealed CDC closed system suit to avoid the smell of the shit too
RE: How did you discover text-based gaming?
@Shayd My fiance was introduced to them a couple years ago, by me. I also know a couple other people who are new to them recently. Not a metric ton though.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@coin They did change quite a lot actually, but the /feel/ of it was very similar. I quite enjoyed the movie, watched it twice the day I got it and will probably watch it again. I really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed the book too but maybe I was just it's target audience being born in the early 70's so the 80's were when my memories really start to be reliable. I know people who claim to remember kindergarten and such but I remember like... 2 powerful memories from that time period.
RE: Dom/Sub imbalance on MUSHes
@ThatGuyThere said:
I can understand Lithium complaint, but it is one that cannot really be solved. People will always RP things they know little about and do things badly.
I played a mechanic character for years and at times I am sure a real mechanic would grins and the babble my character came up with while talking about cars, I know the basics but was quickly out of my depth if the other person in the scene keep the topic there for long.
I know anything sexual will get more charged then that but it is the same principle. Another example I am a Catholic RL, and i cringe every time I see a PC nun or priest, most are played as cliches though some players have done it in a well balanced manor. I don't think these chars should be banned by any stretch of the imagination but I also know I am not the only one that cringes.
Maybe I am being too charitable in my reading of Lithium's post to be me for the most part, hyperbole aside, she seems to be saying I hate when people do this cause they suck at it.^^^ This. Exactly this. I wasn't saying to Ban anyone, or attacking anyone personally.
Sorry. Nobodies drunk enough for this mess I accidentally started.
RE: Good TV
@auspice I am probably going to get dog piled for this, and maybe I should, but... other than the lack of the text crawl at the start of it... I actually enjoyed Solo a fair bit.
I watched it just to watch it, was expecting the worst, and... was rather pleasantly surprised. I laughed and enjoyed it. Was it excellent cinema? No not really, but I did enjoy it and was entertained.
I am looking forwards to Taika though too.
RE: PVP Focused Mu's
I had an idea a long time ago to do a battle mush, oWoD (as this was pre nwod), where people could take template characters that were pre-made and just throw them into the world, no holds barred. You'd of course have to change name/description but basically there was a couple of different templates, melee or ranged, different clans, different tribes and auspices... etc etc.
The idea being you didn't earn XP, you just played and RP'd and what happened, happened. When you died, you picked a new template.
RE: RL Anger
Ah the good old days when the soapbox reminds me that it's not forgotten it's WORA roots.
People are fucked up to other people. Period. They don't /need/ an excuse, they just /find/ one.
Humanity is screwed up. Society is screwed up. There will never be true equality because 'people' as a whole don't /want/ equality. They /want/ to be /better/ than others, they want to have more, they think they deserve more.
Racism works both ways. Racial slurs exist on both sides, and I /have/ been called them by black individuals in the past. I've experienced violence, because of this us vs them mentality that is fostered so often. (I'm actually a mutt, mix of european of a variety of types along with Blackfoot and Sioux tribes enough to claim it) Yes, sexism is a thing as well but honestly...
/EVERYONE/ has to be willing to move past it and look to the future or it'll just continue.
P.S. There's plenty of white on white violence also that doesn't necessarily make the news either. Personally I'm of the opinion this social experiment isn't working and we should just stop /all/ the hate, /all/ the judgement, because we /all/ experience it anymore. That doesn't make any part of it right or better.
RE: Couples who MU together
My partner and I play on a MUSH together, as a couple. We also have characters that are not involved. A couple playing together is no different than any other two people who know each other playing together.
My friend who got me into MU*'s and I used to play together in the early 90's. Most of the time our characters had each other's backs, but sometimes they were enemies (best enemy I've ever had in a game honestly, because the story was the point not ending the other character).
Trying to segregate against couples or people who know each other RL is against the whole idea of the gaming group. The whole point is to create connections and stories together and it's /not/ alts being used to benefit one another, it's two different people.
If you tried to limit that then you'd have to say nobody could benefit anybody, ever, cuz they might know that person RL and be their friend!
As for the other thing about couples who are weirding out the gaming group, that's something else entirely but that happens with some people regardless of their relationship status. Not everyone is going to mesh well, not everything is going to be acceptable to everyone, and sometimes you have to know when to put some distance between yourself and the thing which is ruining your enjoyment for your enjoyments sake.
RE: Good TV
The thing about The Magicians is the same thing people bitched about with other conversions from book to television, that it was to far from the source material.
Back when The Dresden Files came out on SciFi Channel (Before it became SyFy for whatever insipid reason) I thought it was campy, and had low production value, but I found it to still be moderately interesting and entertaining. I /liked/ the idea of a wizard using a hockeystick for his wizard staff etc.
I hadn't read the books then so I didn't know how absolutely wrong they did that series.
Magicians is a lot like that to many people. If you haven't read the books? Series is awesome. If you have and can't differentiate between them? Probably hate it.
RE: DMs, GMs, STs: Do you fudge rolls?
@Tat What I do is I still call for an investigation or power roll, but I will give them enough to progress the story regardless if they succeed or fail, if they succeed then they get /more/ that could be helpful down the line. Maybe it makes it easier to connect the dots, or suss out the bad guys plans, etc.