@Runescryer Outed me? Nobody, I defended myself against accusations way out of left field. Now that I know what's going on it's clear this is a hit piece. And since you offered, allow me to post up our private conversation ![:) 🙂](http://musoapbox.net/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/android/1f642.png?v=4vfms5ns7sl)
Tony's icon Tony
Tony says, "Hey. Got a sec?"
12:35 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "Sup?"
12:37 PM
Tony's icon Tony
Tony says, "I just wanted to talk to you about the scene you had where you claimed Tonywas manufacturing anti-mutant weapons. That's not a part of the character history here or the arc I'm taking Tony in. So, I'm trying to work out a solution to that involving a minimal disruption to RP or to anyone's character interpretation."
12:38 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "It was an offhand comment about Tony being a weapons manufacturer and the anti-mutant atmosphere in general. Not a direct accusation. Like say, accusing the wrong gun manufacturer of making the AR-15."
12:39 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "I ICly have nothing against Tony, or Stark Enterprises, I even ICly got a security package for my home from them."
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "Sorry if I somehow upset you or caused you consternation, it wasn't my intention."
12:42 PM
Tony's icon Tony
Tony says, "Okay. Just checking. Because I don't want to push you into a bad look for the character here. If you're intentionally making a false claim and are aware, that's fine."
12:43 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "Huh? Bad look? It was a comment made in private, and not a public statement."
12:44 PM
Tony's icon Tony
Tony says, "I was just trying to figure out how to salvage the situation with the minimal amount of conflict.
Sure, it was in private. But it's also starting a rumor that can spread or get back to Tony."
12:44 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "How is it starting a rumor?"
12:44 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "Because that would mean that the person he said it to, was talking about it."
12:45 PM
Tony's icon Tony
Tony says, "By claiming Tony manufactures anti-mutant weapons? At the Xaiver School? How is that not starting a rumor?"
12:46 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "Which exact scene was that said in? Who was he talking to?"
12:53 PM
Tony's icon Tony
Tony says, "Move-In Day. And it was a private scene with Jean. But it's still starting up a rumor that's going to impact RP for everyone. This isn't Tony confronting you ICly or finding ut what you said. This is an OOC conversation about how your claim can impact RP in the future. Do you think that X-folk are going to want to RP with a guy they think is making weapons specifically to hunt them down? It's going to affect how Betsy gets viewed in the Mansion because of her association with Tony. It's more than just a throw-away line, here. Do you think that Jean's not going to bring up in casual conversation that Tony's making anti-mutant weapons? Especially with Betsy around?"
12:54 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "No it will not. It was a private scene, and someone is blowing up your ass. You cannot accuse someone of something that will not happen, and you cannot accuse someone for something they have not yet done. You are fabricating a problem that does /not/ exist."
Tony's icon Tony
Tony says, "Just giving my view and opinion of the situation. How you play your character is entirely up to you. "
12:58 PM
Warren's icon Warren
Warren says, "Noted. But quit with the rumor mongering. It hasn't happened. It won't happen. And Betsy doesn't have access to everyone's thoughts, past, and omniscience."
Yep. I am the evils.