I also call that "taking people's stuff".
Our government is very good at taking people's stuff. The cops can take your stuff, and sell it to fund whatever they want, without any real reason whatsoever. It's pretty bad.
I also call that "taking people's stuff".
Our government is very good at taking people's stuff. The cops can take your stuff, and sell it to fund whatever they want, without any real reason whatsoever. It's pretty bad.
@seraphim73 I've found that there are two types of people when it comes to game length. Those who are willing to cycle characters more often, and those who won't even bother with a shorter term story. There is not a lot of middle ground for those types to meet.
Those who don't mind chargen (or love it, I tend to love it) will probably be okay with a short term game, but, it's a /lot/ of work to put in for a game with a limited lifespan unless you planned from the beginning about how to set up the next phase with all new characters.
Those who hate chargen, or just prefer longer ongoing stories, are going to avoid it like the plague most likely.
So you just have to build to your target audience and make sure there's not a ton of hoops to jump through. I have found on games that have either A) Rollover xp on character death if it is all handled gracefully IC, or B) No hoops to jump through to get back into the game, will typically be more willing to risk it all so to speak.
Thank you Whataburger for destroying my waistline, I mean it.
I really do...
@misadventure It is amazing how many people don't understand that. We need the failures in order to make the successes have meaning. If all we do is win all the time it is just /boring/ because there is no variety. Yet so many people cannot abide failing at anything...
It is strange.
I am wistfully waiting for the time we can get cyberbreasts out of RIFT's, where you can inflate and deflate them at will. Ostensibly to make armor fit comfortably but still... want.
@Derp said:
@Lithium said:
I also thought they were for npc's, sort of like the instagib of Gauru being only for NPC's I could and probably am wrong though.
The gauru mechanics are not optional, no, nor are they only for NPCs. Eldritch has HR'd them to be so. Down and Dirty doesn't apply to PC's via House Rule, not because of any actual mechanics. Even against other werewolves, you negate any athletics or other skill-based bonus to their defense. Beaten down, while considered optional, are optional in such a way as the ST can choose to ignore them, as they are 'on' by default. Most places, that I'm aware of, currently use them. They don't apply to most Supernaturals, though, so I can see where it might create confusion.
Not applying to supernatural's is what I meant (For beaten down). And by instagib, I mean that really unless it's a bad ass spirit, most npc's are plain jane mortal and are instantly erased by Gauru.
@sockmonkey I wish I was a swedish citizen, I would move. Like. Now.
@ZombieGenesis Most super hero games are toolboxes, or you get a list of powers that is in and of itself a whole book like the old Marvel Ultimate Powers Book (I loved that book...)
We'll see how it goes, but I do think that with templates and low PL characters available like popcorn it should be easy for people to get involved with a minimum of fuss.
That's the dream.
@Runescryer My attempt to make it less random was to try and convert it into a point buy system but trying to determine the point value for each power was... well it was a pain in the ass. I got pretty far, my coder at the time did some pretty amazing things but I didn't have enough support to see it through in the end because at the time I didn't really trust enough people to be staffers cuz it was my baby.
Thankfully that's less of an issue now in some ways, I'm more willing to give people a chance.
I make just above the poverty line last year cuz of move, swapping jobs, etc.
Somehow, I end up /paying/ Taxes above and beyond what I paid, when I got paid.
And people still think this new tax plan is going to fucking /help/ me?!
@Thenomain said:
@Apos said:
Another example, automatic logging of all events. I've had some testers tell me they just aren't okay with it, even if it's entirely voluntary. They just dislike the -potential- of some of their RP being captured without their consent automatically. Some players are way more prickly about their privacy or anything that feels invasive than others. I personally do not care if everything I do publicly on the grid was captured for posterity but others REALLY disagree.
This is interesting, because a lot of people are logging the RP without consent, on a person-by-person basis. If you feel like you can get a candid response to this, I'd be interested to hear what the justification for this double-standard is. That is, they're okay with people doing it without notification, but not the game itself.
What I'd like to try is a scene logger. People log scenes. People post logged scenes. It happens so much in WoD games that people stopped asking me, and so I assume they stopped asking others; does that mean this is no longer an invasion of privacy? I don't know. There really is no difference, here, except that we'd be offering a service to simplify what people are doing anyway.
I think an automatic scene logger that stripped out rolls and ooc's would be awesome. Especially if it was tied into the SQL and thus uploaded to wiki easily as well, where it could be modified if need be.
We could have six feet of snow drop overnight... have to dig ourselves out of our house... and still School would not be cancelled.
Society is getting /weak/.
@Ghost said:
@Arkandel Respectfully, I disagree. What we are doing on these mushes is more akin to tabletop gaming than MMORPG. If a game has 50 individual logged in IPs and 100+ characters, are we talking 100+ protagonists who are the main character in the story and are thusly protected from death until it is delivered on favorable terms? Nah. We are playing tabletop RPGs, and every tabletop RPG has rules for death and dying, but most games try to avoid using that bit out of fear that the player will ragequit and take 20 players with them.
It's why sometimes players choose actions like "rush the minigun that is spitting 40,000 rounds per minute" instead of "find cover and call for backup", because after a certain amount of time you know which GMs will kill your char, and which will give them a miraculous survival. Lots of people wanna be the hero, and that lack of logic quadruples when there is no OOC fear of repercussion, such as character death.
See, this is why I have no fear of killing /anyone/ in any of my plots on any of my games. Without actual risk, there is no reward, and nothing has value. Even if the only thing being risked is time spent and loss of potential stories. Make a new character, make new stories! It always amused me how some people see PK as the 'end' of stories, no it isn't. It's just a focus shift.
@faraday said:
@SG said:
If a story is 90% set in stone regardless of the dice, then why have them at all?
For the last 10%?
But seriously - I coded FS3Combat, which will never kill a player. The worst you get is incapacitated. I believe that you can have fun quirky outcomes and randomness and consequences without having death.
Also, between folks idling out and being killed off, and NPCs being killed off, and the handful of PCs who surprise everyone by choosing to be killed off in dramatic fashion... I don't see a lack of death as a big problem on the games I've played on, honestly.
But I'm not saying anyone else is wrong if they like risk and chance. Just saying that's not fun for me - and I know I'm not alone.
There are plenty of games where Death is by consent only, and I am not saying there aren't times when throwing the dice out to kill a character dramatically isn't awesome (I've done it myself in the past), but on the flip side there are very few games anymore that death /isn't/ optional on outside of rare circumstance.
Especially in the 'super hero' genre.
So for me, I wish I had time to find a good system and finish Horizon City, just because it offers that experience. No game is for everyone, won't catch me on Neighvada Nights for example and I believe trying to cater to everyone is a recipe for failure.
I don't mind that people enjoy FC's, I just prefer a game without them because then /everyone/ is the FC. Everyone is the star. And to many times have I seen OC's overshadowed (often brutally) by 'FC's'. Which is why original world for my game.
Downvoting doesn't matter because it's fucking anonymous. Upvoting isn't, but downvoting is. It makes no sense to me.
When I downvote something I am declaring, no, bitch, you are wrong in my eyes. Sometimes that's enough, I don't feel the need to even /validate/ something by giving it a response.
Now if I just disagree with something and it's debateable I will make a post instead of downvoting but... I am an unreasonable cunt.
Back in the glory days of CrackMUX I lost characters pretty reliably. I'd get some power, get some sheet, and then get taken out by a group of other people who were at odds with me... or because I killed the leader of the BSD hive in an elevator using dragonbreath rounds and a shotgun for a million dollars...