Fitting into not 1 but three size 8 dresses, all by different designers. I haven't seen a single digit size in I don't even remember. Not even in my 20s.

Best posts made by Luna
RE: RL things I love
RE: Upvote vs Downvote Question
I'm still on the side of who cares about downvotes. Sometimes it seems people just don't like you and will downvote. Remove them and they still don't like you.
I downvote when I'm past 'hmm I disagree' and move into 'oh helllllll no'. I'll just start leading in my disagreements with oh hell no, and then you'll know I downvoted.
I even upvote people I don't personally care for. I may not like them but sometimes they're reasonable.
RE: RL Anger
Jesus. I thought I had issues. She doesn't need a boyfriend, ANY boyfriend, she needs therapy.
And no married people. It can wait until papers are signed. No married people ever under any circumstances ever. EVER. I'm not on a high horse here, I speak from experience. I don't care if it worked out for so and so. Just don't. It can (though rare) get your ass drug into court with them or get CPS up your ass and it's not good for anyone.
Luna's Playlist
The Reach - October, Desdemona, Sofie
Haunted Memories - MinnaI staffed on SI as Epona. I believe I was staff other places, but only minor and I have surely blocked it from memory. Poe on Trinity? This is vague.
Now...let's go through some history, as near as I can remember it...
(Minus Castle d'Image because I can't remember 20+ year old chars other than they were stupid as fuck)AmberMUSH - Carlotta, Portia (and others...can't remember.)
Chronicles of Amber - Portia
Road to Amber - Portia (Yeah, I reuse names like crazy), Desdemona, AlexisHellMush - Dabriel
The Dreaming - Candi (the pooka who was a squirrel/alicorn)
Emerald Dreams - Eileen (selkie)
DWR - I want to say...Raven? Some vamp that hung out with a bunch of Sluagh
Metro (the first) - Murder? A sluagh
Mednights - Danette, Eileen,(both satyrs), October (Gangrel) ... Man I miss some of the people from this game hard
That Larryghost game that the name is escaping me with the exploded veil - Sin (Sidhe)
Shadowed Isles - Thursday, Jocasta, Saskia the Highlander immortal (this was never a good idea)
Darkness Falls (Falling?) - Star the demon
Anita Blake games - October...?? Some dingbat Dryad also well who's name escapes me.
Crystal Bridges - Lirilith (wtf was I on?)
Twin Cities - Olivia
Trinity - OliviaThere's been a lot forgotten in my very long history of Mu*ing. Some day I will put together some of the WHO lists for the games and logs I still have remaining. I have logs from 2002. Seriously. They're a spotty collection but I have them.
RE: Fitness and Whatnot
@Arkandel True. You will not get jacked without setting out to get jacked on purpose. That wasn't a motivational page though, it's a workout developed by that chick for your butt to make it bigger and rounder.
@JaySherman Isn't that just the worst?! I eat under my BMR though and never eat back exercise calories. I went from morbidly obese (the shame and horror!!!) to now just 20 over weight. 70 pounds and counting! You can do it! My final goal is 30 pounds away!
RE: RL things I love
Interview today for mega awesome job, feeling super about it. Weight dropped this morning. Dress fits better than in the store. My skin has decided to be amazing. Humidity is decent so hair is not frizzballs. Cute shoes are cute. I'm totally going to own this.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
I don't like it when people give me shit over what and how much I eat. (Which oddly enough never happened when I was really fat but almost 100 pounds later people come out of the woodwork to have an opinion)
I'm not going to judge another persons love of delicious junk.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
I don't like people who can't do some things by themselves either but I also like togetherness things. That said I've been successfully doing things by myself for 6 years. That makes being forever alone sound like I'm just strong and independent. Winning!
RE: RL things I love
Headed to the beach with friends and all the sunscreen money can buy. And a hat.
RE: RL things I love
Halloween decorations. They're already out yay! And $50 corsets like whaaaat. All the upcoming goth social gatherings require new corsets. My old ones are too big.
RE: RL things I love
@WTFE 240s to the 150s! So like woah and yes! Thank you!!
RE: RL Anger
@thebird Take some vitamin D. It's not going to make you happy, and it won't cure clinical depression despite what some Facebook forwards say, but it does help a bit. Even if it doesn't, it can't hurt. Other than that, hugs! And I know how you feel.
@VulgarKitten You'll be ok too. Just be patient. And let me know how it's going. You're doing really great with school and all!
RE: Good Things
I got my dog a new harness for walks. It looks like a dress. It has a matching leash. I'm so damned ridiculous it hurts.
I also have my bag that matches my hair ordered and heirloom yogurt cultures for making my own yogurt.
This post brought to you by the letters W and G as this is some serious white girl bullshit.
RE: Seeking Women for Multi-Game Harem
I have a character on eldrich. I think. I haven't picked out her PB. She's a crone. All our TS has to include weird blood ritual stuff and maybe sometimes a sacrifice. You can pick out her pb but she must have huge titties or I can't relate to her at all.
If you bore me though during TS I will totally fake a disconnect. You are warned.
RE: Feelings of not being wanted...
@Apos I can't agree with you more. I bailed on the number one person I kept running into that made that excuse. I got tired of the 'you're awesome, but I have to keep these other bitches happy because I don't want to cause trouble'. No, you don't. You say they're not important, that you don't want to cause trouble...what you're really saying is that I want my cake, with ice cream, and to eat it all too because I know you'll be there to take advantage of.
You're so cool and understanding, not like those other bitches. Uh. Yeah. Why do you deal with them then? Ladies, mush dudes are often calling you bitches. Some of you legit are though. I have my moments.
A lot of this really boils down to relationship drama. Lame.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Pregnant women who can't talk or post about anything else. Ever. I don't need 10 status updates daily about your pregnant ass or your pregnant diabetic woes. You did both of these things on purpose to yourself.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Being lonely. Complain about being lonely expecting replies of 'oh I totally understand :(' and instead get invitations to hang out or go out. Try to explain its not that kind of lonely. No one gets it, proceed to feel stupid and lonely.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Admiral YES. Yes yes yes. 'You're going to die if you eat that much eggs and bacon' 'is that ALL your having? You can't be full.' 'Oh I'm on a diet too but live a little' 'You need to switch to turkey bacon' 'you eat too much butter' Bitch please. Leave me alone, I'm happy and you're complaining about feeling like shit and that you can't find clothes.
Don't even get me started on arguments with girls who are mad some guy says they are too fat to date but only wants a thin buff man because they can't control what they're attracted to. NEITHER CAN THE DUDE. God.
Furthermore, this may be why my really fat ex wrote me and told me I was horrible and full of vitriol.
RL Pet Peeve - Fatlogic
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Many people with things like anxiety or chronic pain keep it to themselves. Partially because it's embarrassing. Partially because of the helpful advice. And partially because it makes people I care about feel like shit. If I ask nicely for something because I need it to be happy and you don't provide, why am I going to explain that changing a pattern upsets me in an extreme fashion because I have some stupid disorder? If we talk daily and then don't for days, I think I did something wrong. Every time. if that's annoying, it's always going to be annoying, known anxiety or not.
@VulgarKitten doesn't often talk about her anxiety and when she does it's mostly to people who know what's up. I know exactly what she means. It is aggrivating. But I also know what it's like to want to solve problems. I try to state when I'm bitching just to bitch because I get the problem solver side too.
Peeve: Insomnia. God you're a bitch. I haven't slept alright for over a week at least. I'm kinda losing count. I have to be up in 3 hours to drive across town and back to take my kid to her dads because he's too lazy to come get her for his weekend and I have a dentist appointment. At 8 am. My best friend was going to watch her but her house got flooded and has no floors and only half of the walls and my mom is in the hospital. I tend to everyone and there's just so little left for me.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Misadventure Texas is the same. Community property. I don't understand why any one person puts everything in when the other doesn't. But I'm jaded as fuck. I'll own my own house thanks. You can have yours. We can live in one and rent out the other if I was to ever dare to get married again.