@Macha Sounds about right. It was pretty well known around here that it wasn’t exactly a safe environment. The internalized misogyny that keeps that running makes me insane.

Posts made by Luna
RE: Diversity in the SCA
RE: ELI5 - Discord RP
@faraday That’s fair. I haven’t even checked out the web stuff. I haven’t connected to a game in years. Since The Reach really I think.
RE: ELI5 - Discord RP
@Misadventure I think we’re on the same page with the bot thing. Thinking about it, frankly I don’t see why it couldn’t have the conveniences were used to. Likely the reason why there aren’t bots now for that are likely just that no one thought about it.
We expect a lot of front end work on a game before we give it much of a chance. A grid, all the systems, the back lore, etc…and then most of us end up teleporting to the same 3 places or temp rooming. Half the cool hooks the people write to start the game get ignored, mages barrel though and change the setting because mages gonna mage, that sort of thing.
Looking back I can pretty honestly say I feel bad for people who put so much work into a game that got ignored, derailed, over run….like my bad. I’m sorry y’all.
RE: Diversity in the SCA
@Misadventure A billion years ago I wanted to join the SCA. I was quick to find it was (around here at least) a non-starter if you weren’t rich enough to be fancy, and very inflexible with time and financial demands. It was also full to the brim with the same people who ran in the pagan circles, ie a bunch of older white people who hid their racism by declaring they were into Norse gods and full of creepy old ‘poly’ dudes who were all too eager to ‘help’ you out if you were a rather young woman, who were with old women who looked the other way in regard to the man’s behavior and then punished you for being preyed upon. It was downright absolutely unsafe to be a bi woman.
I would have hoped that in 20 years more progress toward inclusion would have been made. That doesn’t seem to be the case.
This was an interesting read though, I hadn’t considered some of their sticking points to be rooted in victorian colonialism, but it makes so much sense.
ELI5 - Discord RP
I tried to get my kid to explain, but like…they couldn’t explain the technical stuff nor relate to my MU experience, and holy shit 15 year old me playing a pooka on The Dreaming couldn’t dream up the insane drama these kids got going on with Warrior Cats so….I was SUPER lost. It didn’t help that there were like 5 of them on a call and they all wanted to tell me crap. (Tbf I also was too dumb to understand GTA RP, so the entire concept of computer based RP that isn’t on a mu may just be lost on me)
So, can someone grown explain Discord rp to me, a lifelong MU person? Is it like playing on AOL Red Dragon Inn with a central meeting and then breakout rooms or are there perma rooms and bots and shit? Pros? Cons? I can see a huge pro in not building a grid because holy crap that’s annoying and the last time I honestly organically navigated a grid has to have been in the 90s on CyberSphere. Even then I’m almost certain I legit just followed people, I don’t remember, I’ve slept since then.
Also, y’all are my people so you’ll understand my general expectations. The people who take 5 lines of text to say hello and god forbid we have nothing to say, that’s at least 10 lines of describing that you didn’t do anything this pose round.
Yes, I could just join one and find out. But that’s not going to happen if I don’t remotely understand things because otherwise I’ll just avoid it for forever and potentially anxiety out of something that could be fun.
I’m also apprehensive because discord is just so…discordy. I can’t figure out how to make it a little less visually cluttered so I do get a bit lost. Though, thinking about it, it can’t be much different than keeping up with straight game text that just scrolls. I just generally have a lot trying to get my attention on discord.
Tl;dr - is discord rp legit, how do it works, is it hard to navigate, and is it all teenagers playing warrior cats or are there places for psycho milf necromancers on the path of Doom? (asking for a friend bc I’m not a degenerate and if anyone says otherwise they are a liar)
RE: Mage 2E Game - Set in San Francisco
@chibichibi I’ll be super in when/if Ladder opens! I’ve been kinda itching to play Mage again! I promise to not make any zombie armies, maybe just a small platoon or three. Nothing bigger than a Battalion I swear!
RE: Luna's Playlist
@rucket Indeed. I logged in but I don’t think I said anything. To be fair it had been actual years before then.
RE: Luna's Playlist
@downthespiral Ooh yes!! Jocasta was for sure a name I used, a couple times. Hell I don’t remember what I had for dinner yesterday but I believe she was a ghoul of some flavor?
RE: RL Anger
I can totally see not wanting to report it. Just talking about it causes problems, but it shouldn't be the victim's problem. It sucks that it is. I had sexual harassment 'training' at work, done by outsourced, professional HR. She said the law only protects women, there are more false reports than true ones, and how men should avoid at risk behaviour like don't be alone with a woman, or tell a joke, ever. It was literally the most horrifying thing to partake in, I about had a conniption, but there were only 3 other women at the entire company, period. So no one cared.
In the end, the men declared it's best to just not speak to the women again unless it's a must. It wasn't a month later that one of the two female devs quit.
RE: RL things I love
@arkandel Same. Only not here. I just reached the peak of my ‘what else is there to do?!’ and I remembered that this existed. So now I waste time here too. I am so screwed though if they ever actually take my advice rather than just saying I give good advice but we’re just going to keep doing things the same.
Then again, the owner can’t even understand what he pays me to do. So. ?
RE: Wheel of Time MU(SH|X)
@wildbaboons said in Wheel of Time MU(SH|X):
Flow Charts!
You rang? Flow charts? Do you want a gantt for the project? Is there some sort of spreadsheet I can do?
I don't even really know the topic, I just magically heard the word flow chart though the universe.
RE: RL Anger
I hate this audit. I hate this job. I don't hate my boss but he's a banker and refuses to let us take a loss ever. The company would have been actually profitable months ago, but since we were turning profit on paper only, we still have to shuffle things in order to make a 'profit', when we actually make a profit, but are still trying to drag revenues to cover old losses. There's also no health insurance.
RE: RL Anger
I'm literally hiding at my desk, honestly like...ducked down. My boss leaves for his home in Florida ANY MINUTE NOW. And as long as I avoid notice, I'm so gone.
RE: CyberSphere Recruitment Drive
@tangent Don't hate. She was nice to me and also I was like 14 or something. Do you really want to be some aging band geek girl's hero? Lol
RE: The Apology Thread
I'm sorry for @toading some dude (Grundy?) on Shadowed Isles. I can't remember why I did it, why I hated the staffer that came after, or what was really going on. I was mad and petty and I'm super sorry for being petty. Also, yes, that means you were right on WORA, I, Epona, did that and was being petty. Thanks for everyone who said I was too nice for that on WORA, or the older one, back in the day. I really actually am. It was very unlike me and was bad and wrong.
RE: Are there any MU* RP log repositories out there?
I'll set one up. Maybe later, when my coworker isn't being such an annoying Becky. There's apparently a plug in for this.
RE: CyberSphere Recruitment Drive
I'm always tickled to know this game is still around. I'm into WoD because of CS. CS lead me to The Dreaming, then Emerald Dreams, and it all went downhill from there. Man. Shout out to Penumbra. She was my CS hero.
This is helpful as I forget in the regular how to do stuff
RE: RL Anger
@Insomnia I missed it! My phone went through a period of not dealing well with chat. I'll get back to you shortly!