@Derp Wins the thread. And since I started it, I get to declare these things.
I used to say the same. Wah wah no scholarships so hard so expensive blah blah. Then I got amazing single mom privledge and get to go to school for free. It's super awesome! I get the same pell grants as everyone else, without the drag of a second income to support me and the baby. I have to go to a really inexpensive online school that I breezed into because of the foundation of education I got in high school, which included 2 years of college all folded in. I somehow retained college level algebra and even some of that college level calc.
Oh, yes, I went to a massive 5A high school which had everything from roping and animal husbandry, (because Texas) to college level AP calculus and every language you could want. Meanwhile, HISD struggled, but that's ok, inner city is where all those brown people went. They have some awesome charter programs now that make their schools like mine already was.
There is the point. Statistically, white people are more likely to go to a school like mine. This makes it easier to get into college. And that's the point, were more likely to go to college. So it sucks if you lost the white person lottery (like most of my white trash family), but we're dealing with population statistics not individual cases.