I have been fighting a war on multiple fronts. The migraines, the migraine meds, and getting a refill for my Dexcom (sugar monitor for the diabeetus for those who don't know).
I ordered the refill of supplies 2.5 weeks ago. I've called my dr's office multiple times, making sure they're sending the clinical notes, the prescriptions, etc. Then they tell me they need the pre-auth from the insurance.. they'll put it in urgent, because I'm on my last sensor, and my transmitter is about done, too.
Well, my sensor and transmitter died last Friday at like 1am. So I was almost a week without, My dr's office realized . I was without, and arranged for me to come pick up one of each.
I go over on my lunch, got bitched at by a Karen in the parking lot insisting I move my car (which was well between the lines, because she had fucked up HER park job, she screamed she couldn't get in.) So I back up into a handicapped space, to let her move. I pull in, make sure I'm well between the lines. I run in, pick up my stuff, run back out.. and she's blocking me in now, 'waiting for her elderly parents'. I tell her to move, or I will demolish her car. She moved like.. a foot. It was enough, I got around her, head home.
I pull onto my street behind a sedan.. who then pulls up along the parked Fed Ex truck to chit chat. I honk a couple times after a couple minutes, because now there are cars behind me. He doesn't move. So, I notice there's nothing in my way, and I'm AWD so fuck it. I go up onto the curb and pull in front of him. We're talking I purposely buzzed the tower, and stopped so he can't go. I let the other cars behind me go around, and make my way home.
Start to put my sensor on, and the alcohol pad package bursts and throws alcohol into my eye. I get everything on and syncing up.. and sugar crash. BAD. Like, it's hot out, so I didn't notice the first signs of feeling hot, etc.
So yeah. can this day go away now?