Paycheck problems, part deux:
This morning - B = Boss, BB =Boss' boss.
B - Hey, you still need to edit your timesheet. There are 'significant' chunks of time when I can't see you doing anything.
BB - Timesheets need to be approved by 10am!
Me: I fixed it on Friday. What you may not be able to see me doing, is asking people for help with something I don't know, or if there's something I'm second guessing myself on. There is no way to timestamp phone calls I make on my cell phone.
Then, promptly - My Amazon Workspaces crapped out. This has been a constant problem, they blame my wifi. I told them if they were insisting that I use an ethernet cord for my own personal laptop, they had to buy me one. They sent it to Boss. Boss has never brought it to me a month later. I have received NO stipends for anything - internet, ethernet, any of it. And by NY law, as a non-exempt employee - I should have been. And when my old laptop became impossible to work on? They should have been helping me with that, too.
I am livid. I need contract for new job in hand.