@tek You should totally take pictures of the whole litter. We can all have our favorite contender.
Posts made by Macha
RE: The Dog Thread
RE: RL things I love
@auspice And here I am, in what is usually one of the snowiest places in the country... and there's nothing. We've had practically no snow.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@too-old-for-this ....now that you mention it. Fuck. When I came off a med, the doc stopped my calcium and d3 pills, too. I bet that has a LOT to do with it.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@wretched But for me, it's actual tired, too. I woke up after 6 or so hours of sleep, and passed back out. And woke up, washed my face, took my meds - usually enough to start the brain moving... and passed back out. This went on for several hours, and then I was up for a couple hours, a nap for 30 min, the another couple hours, and then nap for an hour. And I still feel exhausted. I think it's more stress than anything.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
I only seem to be able to focus on 'fun' things. Other than that, I want to sleep. ...and sleep.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2021 Edition
@lotherio I saw it, but... work meetings. Bleh.
This makes me sad, honestly. I remember being a kid and seeing him and some of his angrier moments. He was always entertaining.
RE: The Dog Thread
@cobaltasaurus I've sometimes been working with dogs that don't respond to No! or OW!, either. I've sometimes had success in those instances with a lower, almost Buzzer on a game show when you give the wrong sound.
RE: Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews
@cobaltasaurus Okay then! Maybe I can suss out which one is first lol
RE: Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews
@cobaltasaurus Okay, so I opened my library app to try and check out the Kate Daniels - there's a series, and then Ilona andrews is mixed in there too.. was one a pen name, or... ??
RE: Critters!
My 75 lb dog wants cuddles and lap time - all the time. It can be hard to work when he's trying to get into my lap, and his huge noggin is between me and the screen.
RE: The Dog Thread
Why would you not let the pupper on the couch/bed? They want to be with you, and pup cuddles are the best.
RE: How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?
Today I am dealing by not dealing. Another two friends have tested positive and are showing symptoms, and I'm just.. burnt out and exhausted. I've already wept today.
Then I ordered frozen pizza, hot dogs, and bagels. New Years', here I come.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@waller This makes me oddly sad. I loved those bad, horribly done dance movies.
RE: Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?
@insomniac7809 hated game days, because I ALWAYS got stuck in the traffic.
RE: RL things I love
Falling back in love with a band you burned out on years ago. It's nice.
ETA: Laughing when I realize the album I am listening to for the first time in ages, was the car trip soundtrack for the time period mentioned in the Maine thread with @insomniac7809
RE: Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?
This made me think of visiting my boyfriend at State College, PA (yeeears ago) and it was an Eagles game day - the drunk frat boys screaming E - A- G- E- S - EAGLES EAGLES EAGLES.
And every time they were out on their balcony screaming and misspelling it, I couldn't stop laughing.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
sits in silence, having a battery issue with her Juke
RE: How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?
@PuppyBreath I feel you.
I have cried pretty easily the last few days. No shame in it. I am isolated, and 3/5th of what is left of my nuclear family got together without mention or invitation to me. I just wanted to see my 1 yr old nephew playing with the paper and boxes.