@Sparks does your insurance allow for a PT eval or massage? Sometimes soft tissue and ligament damage is more painful and takes longer to heal than a break (and can leave you susceptible to injuries because it's weakened in the meantime). If you have the time and energy to look for a foot and ankle specialist in PT and/or therapeutic massage, it won't speed up the healing but you'll get hooked in to strengthening exercises and supports you can do to help protect against further injury!

Posts made by mietze
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
RE: MU Things I Love
That stomach-in-your-throat nervousness of disclosing something important in a scene that definitely could put your PC in danger, to players that you don't know well, because you are being true to your PC and getting to do so in a scene where everyone is awesome, and so even though you are OOC fretting that you're maybe just annoying people, you push through it and they are gracious OOC and super fun ICly!
Having something to disclose to even put you on the edge of your seat OMFG what if this goes south delicious feeling in the first place!
It's really been a long long time since I had a PC that had stuff like that that I had to ICly and OOCly wrestle with exposure because the risks are pretty high. It's nice to have that feeling of danger OOCly (since I will almost always side on the side of inclusion if it makes good IC sense) and just not knowing how people will react ICly. In a good way.
I could just hug and hug and hug both my PCs' secrets right now. I still have plenty of frustrations with the game I play sometimes, but I haven't felt this invested and involved in my PCs since RfK, which is a very big deal. So even though I'm still super nervous I am super happy too!
RE: RL things I love
Celebrating my 18th Anniversary to the dude I met in the bank on Shadowrun Seattle MUSH 23 years ago (and TSed the shit out of like that afternoon, lol). Not too shabby. I think there are something like at least 10+ teens alive today due to SR Seattle! I still remember trying to explain how we met to mundane people (this was before the advent of online dating!) and I remember my dad stopping me and saying "you know, maybe I do not need to know."
I have friends (including on this board) in the mushing community that have known us both even before we got together and shared that journey with us. So here's to a couple of decades of great friends as well, and hoping for a couple of more.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Ganymede I know that eating keto can taste great, I've done it. I also love cauliflower everything. I also agree that rice isnt bland and I do not understand why people insist that it is.
However, I have noticed a lot of people who have this mentality of "I want a substitute for rice/crusty bread/potatoes/beans," ect. I feel that really sets people up. There really isnt a substitute for a loaf of sourdough bread I've just pulled out of the oven, but I can def. think of a few replacements that I enjoy!
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@silverfox It all tastes good to me.
but i am pretty sure there isnt really a way to make cauliflower taste like mashed potatoes, or to make it taste like bread.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I watched one of my coworkers try to choke down a bowl of cauliflower "fried rice" today for her lunch. She is going keto and was interested in talking about it (and I don't mind talking about food like ever, so win!). Someone had told her that cauliflower is "bland" and so that's why you can substitute it in things. I have never understood that at all--to me it has a very strong distinctive taste (that I LOVE so even though I'm fat I will eat your cauliflower crust pizza and riced cauliflower because I love it and it's yummy!). I wish people would stop telling people that they won't taste the difference or somehow riced cauliflower can be substituted for rice. It really can't! That's just setting people up to fail, or to be upset about their food and disappointed to have something for lunch that they don't enjoy at all.
RE: Game of Thrones
I liked it, but my hubby ranted the whole time. It is really cute when he does that (I love hearing him yelling at computer games too, it is awesome, this was mild compared to that).
But you know. Dragonfight! Also in every episode that Bran is in I hear Leslie Jones' Three Eyed Raven rant in my head which makes me happy too.
I think this is just something we will have vastly different viewing experiences of, like LoTR. Give me dirty sweaty crusty Viggo over boringly written Tolkien windbag, but hubby prefers the writing.
and yeah, I even liked the orcsurfing!
RE: MU Things I Love
Getting to feel super accomplished even on a low brainpower week because people have invited me to help on very personally relevant actions/investigations on both of my PCs. I really love the warm fuzzy teamwork capacity as well as the ability to do things solo!
RE: RL things I love
I have training this afternoon so I am going in to work later, which means I finally have time to drop off a couple of life-sized realistic baby dolls at a care facility nearby. Their memory care unit has a program where they have a library of cuddly baby dolls and lifelike dog and cat stuffed animals that residents can hold and cuddle and keep with them in their rooms/while they are out in the common areas. Apparently it really helps some of the residents with stress/soothing, gives them something pleasurable to do and motivation to interact with others (staff and other residents). I told my coworkers about it and I may have a couple more to drop off next week! They have a surplus of the animals so we have decided to be the baby patrol.
RE: RL things I love
Totally on his own with no prompting, my 5 year old has been hard at work with scissors, tape, crayons, and glue stick and has been spending all morning making a board game. It is called "Escape from the Bathroom." Sadly the title has nothing to do with the title (maybe in should be grateful). He convinced the parental units and his teenage sibs to play, it's actually not half bad!
RE: Game of Thrones
@deathbird my hubby feels much the same way. Meanwhile I am like OMG YAY DRAGONRIDING!
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
So weird. Like 45 minutes ago there was an explosion that I heard from my house, I figured it was just some idiot lighting off firecrackers or whatever, until my friends that live closer to city center's fb pages started lighting up about a high impact explosion that set off car alarms, broke some windows, rattled others, could be noticeably felt in the house/apartment, ect. Police, the fire department, and a ton of journalists are running around everywhere knocking on doors, blocking off streets, ect now trying to find the source, but there's nothing. Not a fire, we do have a ton of new buildings going up so I would imagine they're going to be stuck going to all the new construction, ect. So weird. I am thinking maybe a meteorite? But usually you see those, especially one big enough to shatter windows/set off alarms! But I'll take mystery explosion with no evidence it happened and make the tinfoil UFO people happy over a building collapse or real explosion where people are hurt!
RE: RL things I love
My blouse today had a print of the animal that is also my nickname wearing glasses in the style i wear. My new boss thought it was cute and hilarious.
RE: RL things I love
I think my branch is business casual. I dont have to wear a suit or pantyhose or anything (probably I could if I wanted), but it is no obviously denim jeans or tshirts. I have been wearing stretchy dress pants, nice blouses, and a cardigan/blazer jacket because the office is kind of chilly. But I have work jeans/tees/yoga pants all the time for the last 20 years, so it feels very dressy to me. I do wear weird/crazy/smartass socks though.
RE: RL things I love
Also I have not done my hair, put on makeup, and picked out a real "outfit" to wear every day since like 7th grade. So I still feel like I am playing dressup.
RE: RL things I love
I really really like my new company and coworkers! The learning curve is---well, a lot. But it's ok, I can do this. First time in my life to have full benefits and corporate matching! So I feel cool now
RE: Superstitions
@Ghost We have 3 months of food/other non perishable supplies in prep for The Big One, and bug out bags for every person in the family. Thus far no major earthquake or zombie plague. You're welcome, PacificNWers.
RE: Superstitions
I always carry a pee cup and as many barf bags as there are seats in my car. Since I put the pee cup in there I have never been stuck for 5 hours in my car a snowstorm or had anyone adult or child have an emergency in rush hour traffic. Since the barf bags while I have indeed transported up to 4 GI virus-having people in my van at a time, I have not had a multiple person simultaneous vomitfest while I've been attempting to drive.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Aria I am getting hit with a lot of stuff from that campaign as well, but in fairness I was a delegate/helped out locally as well, so I assumed they were just blasting out through all of the information/lists they already had. But I am also getting stuff from Harris and O'Rourke. Interestingly not from anyone else but those three, even though I know that all of the campaigns have access to me in votebuilder and other sources!