Pretty much all day I’ve been on the edge of stress- and anxiety-vomiting turning in my court paperwork. But now I might be adopting 2 kittens this evening, so there is that.

Posts made by mietze
RE: RL Anger
RE: RL Anger
And powerful or undeniably successful women as well.
It’s harder to scream “it’s all about cheating whores and ethics in game journalism” when it’s ceos, people you admire, people part of the community you want to be, etc.
If the only people speaking out were “unsuccessful” or people of color the narrative would continue to be, as it has been for a long time “it’s just gold diggers and the dumped/couldn’t bes trying to bring the successful man down.”
RE: RL Anger
The only reason why this is getting much attention now is because attractive white women are coming forward.
And yes, there are many of us continuing to fight for communities of color, both within and alongside. Which is pretty obvious if you’re involved.
I do think it’s telling that so many people “wonder” if people are working towards multiple things. As an activist, I confess, when I hear the wonderings I wonder how concerned people can’t NOT see the work being done.
Unless they aren’t part of it. I hope more people become part of it. Certainly the community is growing like I’ve never seen in the last 20 years.
RE: RL Anger
@thenomain i don’t see that has been the implication.
I’m sorry, but again. Any woman who has been part of a political organization no matter what orientation or side probably has with experienced it or knows someone who has or has been a witness to it.
I got rape threats on social media via a group that was organizing for Sanders. Only by the extremely loud and unrelenting from the group activism did we recently oust a state level political organizer from my party that raped a woman at a party event 3 days after she turned 18–and there are still people who will say out loud, oh that’s too bad, he’s such an awesome organizer. The state party chair screamed at someone wanting to pass a resolution at the state level specifically decrying rape and sexual violence and not tolerating it within the party that they and the victim could go “get fucked.” (The state party chair is a woman).
Rapes and sexual harassment happen in every single group on all sides. Pretty sure that 99.9 percent of all women could have told anyone who asked this.
RE: RL Anger
Roddenberry already has, like 30+ years ago.
I’m sympathetic that this is shocking to many men and the individuals are to some women, but I’ll be blunt.
Every woman in your life probably isn’t shocked at this concept nor at its broad scope.
And I’m sorry to break it to you, but every industry is this bad.
RE: RL Anger
If he shows up again I will probably resign (not worth potentially endangering others) and apply for a restraining order. I’m reluctant to do that now because of the danger in doing so.
RE: RL Anger
I already sent an email to the chair, 2nd vice chair (I’m the 1st vice chair), and our membership person who checks people in. No we don’t have security as in protection people at the meeting, we are a local political org, so this is like laypeople plus city/county/state legislature officers plus school boards and other municipal candidates.
RE: RL Anger
The guy who i last laid eyes on in 1988 (when I was a very young teen) who stalked me through my biz and showed up unannounced and freaked out my suitemates, even after I told him I would not take him on as a client and to not contact me again...
Showed up at my organization general meeting, chatted with me for a few minutes before asking about my Massage business (which I completely shut down months ago), which started to set off alarm bells and then introduced himself.
It was terrifying (don’t care if no one believes it should be). I feel very upset and violated. And worried about escalation.
RE: RL Anger
I fucking hate the Good of the Order portion of membership meetings being used by individuals to make commentary on things they didn’t like at the meeting. Double points when it’s clearly directed at a specific person but couched in “everyone should remember...”
At our last membership meeting I had a very blunt exchange with our local sheriff candidate. It was not gentle (I’m sure all of you are real fucking surprised), and I was asking him about some inconsistencies in his comments about issues important to our platform (he’d been endorsed earlier in the year) as well as some pretty troubling comments he’d made that seemed, well, pandering to racists.
A point of background: I’m biracial. This was a little more obvious when I was younger, thinner, and hotter, when I had a lot of men comment how they loved mixed and part oriental people because they were so exotic. Baaaaaaarf!
Anyway. Sherriff and I have words, but shake hands before he leaves and his staffer that usually attends our meetings gives me a hug, as we’ve gotten to know each other well over the last 6+ months. Everyone’s happy despite the no minced words on either side.
Meeting goes on, rah rah sis boom bah. At the end of the meeting is the good of the Order section. This is usually for community/body announcements. Fundraisers, events, if someone needs assistance with something in their precinct, etc.
One of our members, who is also a candidate for another office this cycle, so he’s really not supposed to use the public comment sections at all, as he did not win the vote for endorsement, gets up and starts off with this rambling kind of weird awkward statement about how long ago he dated a black woman, and even though he’s white, because he had an intimate relationship with this ex girlfriend, he has a unique understanding on how to approach people about racism and you know, some people should just be gentle, and not so loud about it.
Another point of background...I was not the only participant in the q and a, but i was the only woman. And the only person specifically to bring up racism. And also the only person to not yell or curse. (Believe it or not, when I am in professional mode, I don’t use profanity.)
I’m going to have to deal with this asshat tomorrow night. I’m going to have to be professional and personable to Mr. Hey I Fucked A Black Woman So Well Actually, and I will have to deal with him because my role at these meetings is often to help wrangle candidates and members people to their speaking slots in a timely manner as well as supporting them as they do.
When really what I want to say is “hey, I fucked a white guy this week and I just want you to know that I understand you’re really weird and gross, if you’re talking about your sex life as a reason why you get to be the arbiter of who and how we get to bring up concerns about racism!”
RE: RL things I love
@wildbaboons I like making my leftovers (depending on what they are) into stock, stew, or soup. :). I'm not a fan of soup made up of non roasted/cooked items. (For example I keep all of my bones/carcasses from roasts, often save the leaves/trimmings of veggies, and all of leftover vegetables in the freezer until I'm ready to make my broth vase or soup proper.
Though I guess I do make an exception for my pumpkin soup, that pumpkin comes from a cab because I can't be assed to roast/cook my own pumpkin!
RE: RL things I love
I am so glad that years of mushing before and after I became a parent has trained me to be used to finding some people's stupid, adolescent, clumsypuppy drama whore antics strangely both simultaneously endearing and make me want to go over and kill them. It serves me well in parenting 3 teen boys.
RE: RL things I love
Mmmm, why does soup always taste even better the next day? I have baked potato soup and pumpkin sausage soup and they are soooo good.
Also, getting to hear my 3 year old chirrup "I'm a hot dog!" to everyone who looks even sideways at him while he's wearing his costume is pretty adorable.
RE: RL things I love
Stuffing friends and chosen family full of awesome food is really my favorite pastime.
RE: Character Information: Wiki or Mu*?
Also, honestly, I find the quality of written descriptions when they are long to be better now, because the only people who write them are those that enjoy them, rather than people thinking they "have to" and molesting a thesaurus in the process.
I guess I must not be a very visual person because wiki images don't disturb me at all, as far as dissonance with a character, I tend to have my own minds eye view of a pc based on their rp rather than a picture on a wiki.
RE: Character Information: Wiki or Mu*?
I have not seen a decline in writing quality, it seems to have greatly improved over 20 years.
Probably because things have opened up and there's less of a novel-for-bg and useless 6 paragraph description barrier to entry and things are more focused on play with each other, than people getting more fixated on indiviudal only, static things like descs.
There's nothing wrong with them, but they don't contribute to mutual storytelling. I think that perhaps the over focus on stuff like that as signifying "great rp" is one of the reasons why the quality wasn't as good. People can be wonderful individual writers where they don't have to pay attention to anything but themselves and what they want, but still suck ass at roleplaying and being a player.
RE: RL things I love
@wizz the see through pants are a nice touch.
I remember when my kid was really down on their appearance and height and other stuff due to some pretty vicious bullying in the 2nd grade. I being dumb parent decided to tell them all the ways I thought they were beautiful. So they tell me "I don't WANT to be beautiful, Mama, I want to look just like you!" Thanks, kid.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
Or, alternatively, don't give a shit about appearances (perfectly fine too), but don't also not expect perhaps getting a reaction or people not worrying or questioning. It's not an unfair reaction for them to have.
I have modded in both environments (sole responsibility for a board or only mod on duty from a certain time zone) as well as multiple people to assign to a task after discussion, and with stuff like that happening you will always have some raised brows. It's part and parcel of a modded/admined board, even if it's not transitioning to a more hands on admin from a very hands off one.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
I think it is probably not a wise thing to have someone who is promoting a game in the thread and somewhat casting disbelief about others problems with it be the one to move a thread.
It's different if there's only one admin, but there is not. Is it fair? No. Was there malfeasance? No. Are appearances important? Yes.
So I would say to be honest because you guys let Auspice be the one to move that thread you let her down, and risked reputation because this is not a board with a history of hands on modding or administration, not all conversation on all other threads has been moved, and probably its best if you are careful while that new culture settles in.
RE: Character Information: Wiki or Mu*?
@faraday exactly. People should not have to look up a multi-screen spamfest to just get a damn last name/rank/title ffs.