Funny, I have that happen in Fallout 4, and THAT world isn't even that big.
Posts made by Miss Demeanor
RE: Kinds of Mu*s Wanted
RE: RL Anger
We didn't run out of anything. There was still nearly a riot over the sale.
RE: RL Anger
Working on Valentine's Day... then going into work to find out the idiot that can't manage the schedule correctly has decided we shall hold a sale! 50% off ALL clearance in the store. Including live flowers. On Valentine's Day. FUCK THIS BITCH. We went from pleasantly quiet and calm to HOLY FUCK WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED in the space of my lunch break.
RE: RL Anger
@Misadventure Fair enough! I thought you were posting in response to my statement about dogs vs cats. My apologies!
RE: How did you discover text-based gaming?
@Staked Alright! Someone else that grew up in tiny Iowa town!! fistbump
RE: RL Anger
@Misadventure I think you misunderstand. It has nothing to do with 'adolescent behavior'. Dogs have the self-awareness of a toddler. They can be HIGHLY intelligent, and CAN be very well-trained. But you will always have to walk them, you will always have to pick up after them, you will always have to clean up their shit and bathe/groom them. There's no point in a dog's life where they gain the self-awareness to clean up after themselves. I'm not talking about the barking or jumping or any of the stuff that's learned behaviors or bad habits that weren't discouraged. I'm talking basic care.
RE: RL Anger
Upvotes for all the cat people! I like dogs, but they're basically signing on to take care of a toddler for 15-20 years. I have actual children, and I can verify that it is the best feeling in the world when you realize your kids no longer need you to chase after them everywhere they go, constantly picking up after them. Cats make the most sense. They clean themselves, they make less noise AND mess, they require only that I refill their food/water dishes on occasion and that I clean out their box once a week. When they want attention, they'll let me know, otherwise they leave me to do my thing.
RE: Do you use spawns and how?
@Olsson I can show you how to set up spawns for SimpleMU if you're interested.
RE: RL Anger
FInding out that the AM in charge of scheduling is doing everything BUT the schedule, including micromanaging all the front end people and driving the CSM's insane with it.
RE: Do you use spawns and how?
I use SimpleMU and one of the first things I do on any new character is set up spawns to be used. Pages all go in one window (and without getting OOC chatter oops'd into it unless someone is c/p'ing a page wholesale). Channels each have their own tab. The only thing I could really wish for is that the tabs were organized a little more like @Roz's so you can actually read them all. But... play a bit long enough and you start to know which tab is which.
RE: RL Anger
@tragedyjones Congratulations on becoming an incubator of viral plague! Please enjoy your complimentary mucus while your brain floats around the hemisphere thanks to the drugs this will force you to take.
RE: Potato Spawns
And this is why I stick to SimpleMU. It gives you a text box that lets you add multiples of specific text that you want to spawn into a single window from the same spawn setup. >.>
RE: Kinds of Mu*s Wanted
You handle it the same way you handle D&D on a MU*, I would suspect.
RE: BITN - 101 Scary Stories
@skew I wouldn't use it for BITN! I want MAD SCIENCE! on BITN! I -would- use it elsewhere though!
RE: BITN - 101 Scary Stories
Ooooooooooo... and now I want to make a Darkling with that... A++ @Ganymede!!!