I disbelieve. >.>
Posts made by Miss Demeanor
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
I haven't heard shit from OP since the last update from the Beast Kickstarter... so I have no goddamn clue if/when that's actually going to come out.
RE: Making an Isolated Theme Work
Exactly! There's always a way to have more people brought into the isolated area without them having to have 'totally been here all along, no really'.
RE: Making an Isolated Theme Work
@faraday Not to me. The good shows work it into a plot line, give the characters a chance to figure out how the Hell so many random strangers keep finding their way there. Hell, some shows turn it into a running gag for the audience!
Random Stranger #362 has entered the <insert place here>. Current Leader rolls his eyes and asides to his new Love Interest, "Man, if we keep getting new people in, we're going to need a bigger island!" Cue laugh track, cut to commercial.
The only thing I would look at is the size of the Isolated Spot you're trying to put the game in. If its a small area with few resources... that's not going to work for a MU*. That's why stuff like Walking Dead or other post-apocalyptic settings tend to work better. Small groups can still be isolated from one another, but the playing field is cast and can support a large number of players. The desert island scenario can only stretch so far before there's too many people for the island to support. If you're looking to sandbox or invite-only, that's not quite so big a deal. But if you're looking to open to the public, you'll need to make sure your isolated area can support a very large number of people.
RE: Feelings of not being wanted...
I think any single sphere WoD game has a decent shot at lasting. Its when trying to juggle multiple spheres that were never intended to be put into constant contact with one another meets the whiners of 'supers equality' that leads to even MORE house rules and red tape bureaucracy... that's when it starts to break down.
RE: Making an Isolated Theme Work
Depending on how large an influx of new people you're looking at, one can always Deus Ex Machina a new person into the Isolation group. Happens all the time with movies and shows. Another plane crashed on the deserted island, a small group of hikers found the crazy cannibal's cabin, someone got hit on the head and woke up inside the dome, etc. There's a neverending supply of excuses for bringing people in that -haven't- 'been here all along'.
RE: Feelings of not being wanted...
@Apos In WoD MU*s, theme is the first thing to go. Then you start to see an influx of extra 'red tape' or 'house rules' across spheres. Then the game starts to slowly break into smaller and smaller groups. Spheres or Families first.. then factions within those groups, then subfactions, etc. They inevitably get crushed under the weight of their own bullshit, but in the meantime its like being dragged across broken, dirty glass, slowly, with Hell as your final destination.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@tragedyjones I demand updates, sir!
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Jaded I know. That's what I was saying. The game was always FTP in that there's never been a subscription fee to play by the month, but you still had to buy the game. Shortly before they released the HoT expansion, the core game went fully free, if you didn't mind accepting the limitations enforced on the account. You're more limited in the character slots you get and what you can do in-game than if you paid for it, but its a good way to test it out to see if you want to buy it. Wouldn't recommend playing only the free version, though.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
GW2 has been available as FTP for a couple months now. Still don't get access to all the content or goodies that buying the game will get you, but you can try it out, see how you like it.
RE: RL Anger
@Bobotron Oh, we're not in a rural area. That's what makes it all the weirder. XD
RE: RL Anger
We have peacocks that live about a mile away in a suburb. Those people fought tooth and nail to KEEP the birds in the area. I think its a mass psychosis. In my neighborhood, we get gators.
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
@Thenomain said:
I have a hard time believing one of the more important parts of this issue is what we name how to try and make theme consistent across players.
How can you expect consistency in theme if you can't even get consistency in what you call it?
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
Doesn't stop them from policing anyone that doesn't share theirs.
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
@Warma-Sheen Or maybe, just maybe, I was there first and THEY started dragging MY game down. I don't want in on their game. I want nothing to do with what they're playing. But I also shouldn't have to feel chased off the sphere I was in first just because THEY don't want to play to the theme that was set at the start of the game.
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
@Pyrephox And I have personal experience with getting shut out of a sphere because I tried to play a game TO THEME, while the other group decided it should be all pretty princesses and tea parties. They aren't necessarily trying to ruin the game, but they have zero qualms about ruining YOUR experience if you don't play the same game they are. And yes, this is multiple time occurrences.
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
None of the terms suggested didn't -fit- to some extent. Doesn't mean any of them were the -right- term, my own suggestion included.
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
And is still a word most often associated with dairy products. Also, we all know that society is lying through its teeth by claiming to support anything other than the continuation of the status quo. So it still doesn't work very well. RPG's, by their very nature, require you to conform to a ruleset and stick within a theme.
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
@Coin Ehhhhhhhhh... homogenization has too many definitions. And I mean that literally. It has four definitions. The first definition wouldn't be far off, though I'm still more partial to giving it a negative connotation as I firmly believe that 99% of the time its done through conscious decision and effort.