I don't understand what's going on with AP selling and buying a lot of the time. I see what it's supposed to represent, but it ends up like a medieval gig economy and just way too abstract. I sold it a couple of times, but it was accompanied by RP, like, yeah, Leta is actually helping out at the clothing shop. Otherwise, what is she selling, even? A lot of transactions just don't seem to make sense if you stop to think about what AP is.

Best posts made by peasoupling
RE: Constructive (keyword) Criticism of Arx Systems
RE: Spirit Lake - Discussion
@meg said in Spirit Lake: An Original Modern Fantasy Game:
@tnp said in Spirit Lake: An Original Modern Fantasy Game:
@meg said in Spirit Lake: An Original Modern Fantasy Game:
Ok but like, who wants to go all in on building a dragon breeding code with me for my game idea.
One day, I will do it. Because a dragon breeding minigame sounds fun as shit. And by one day, you guys know what I mean.
So everyone can have a gold of their own?
no, obviously the color would depend on the genes of the parents. if you breed a black and a white dragon, you're going to get a grey dragon. breeding works that way, right.
I want a tuxedo dragon, tho.
RE: Gray Harbor Discussion
As long as my boat captain can have a parrot, I guess I can work with an eyepatch instead of a hook for a hand!
They do seem to be restricting some things, like an excess of strip diner tattoo parlors, which make sense, but in some cases I'm not sure I get the reasoning behind it. Mechanics, for example, are closed. Independent working mechanics with their own shops, sure, but what if you want to make a character to get a job at an existing shop? I'm not sure how many there are, but some of these restricted concepts seem to limit the possibility of forming crews or having a filled out workplace.
It doesn't really bother me, since I've no idea what I'm making and the more they narrow down my choices the better. I continue to suck at making characters, so!
RE: Recycling characters
I'm currently sort of remaking a character (same PB and same generic concept, backstory details change because I don't remember the first one exactly and it's not quite the same setting)
Of course, the first time around, that character became unplayable during her very first scene, so I feel like I'm entitled to actually trying to play her.
RE: TS - Danger zone
@Jeshin said in TS - Danger zone:
What kind of PBs are bypass nopes, cliche ones like Jason Mamoa or porn star ones or what?
It's hard to say. In some cases it's like @Tinuviel says, and has to do with celebrities who have been rather terrible people of late. Sometimes it can also just be a character they've played that has skeeved me out forever which just means they were doing their job and are probably great people but nope. Often it's just... okay, brain!
The thing I've noticed with porn stars is the choice of pictures. When you pick a PB and slap some pictures onto a page, there's a whole range of pictures you can choose. It's not just about raw physical looks, I feel like it's also about style, and sometimes the choices just make no sense to me, unless I get the feeling it's a deliberate take on the character and not just "here are some hot pictures". If it makes sense for the character, then that's totally fine. But that's not about the PB, that's about the player.
RE: TS - Danger zone
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
Okay, so while we're still on the topic of IC appearances in general (whether based on a specific PB or otherwise), if you're about to create new character(s) with another player - in other words they're kind of destined to be in a romantic/sexual relationship (*) - do you ask or provide input as to their looks?
(*) While we're at it, would you say you usually create characters more or less knowing in advance who their partner's player will be, or do you wing it once they hit the grid purely based on their RP?
I occasionally make characters more or less knowing in advance who their partner's player will be, and, not gonna lie, I have been talked into playing on games specifically for romantic RP with a particular person. It's usually not the focus of my RP even with those characters, but there's something to be said about having a tragic backstory over winging it on the grid. Long burn.
And in those cases, we do end up talking about character's looks. Usually I tend to be on the unhelpful side of "whatever is good, play what you like!" but I have vetoed at least one PB.
RE: Arx's Elevation Situation
I didn't realize Apos was forcing people to play in Baronies. That sucks, shame on him.
RE: The Savage Skies - Discussion Thread
@marsmrsmars said in The Savage Skies - Discussion Thread:
Think about it-- obviously an ex-Nazi character wouldn't be accepted simply because they think that Hitler could do no harm and is actually blameless of any atrocities committed by Nazi Germany. So, why would that be a defense for someone who worships Hirohito?
Other than eurocentrism, the difference is probably that there is absolutely no doubt where Hitler stood on the war crimes, whereas Hirohito's culpability is the object of a lot of handwringing and "well, but..." to this day.
RE: Image Attribution & Creative Commons
@Roz said in Image Attribution & Creative Commons:
She is tall, dark hair, golden skin, violet eyes, lithe build, and expressive features.
And covered in stamps.
RE: Image Attribution & Creative Commons
@Apos said in Image Attribution & Creative Commons:
Reminds me of how I was talking with @Tehom earlier today about using cloudinary's transformations to automatically change a character's PB to be grayscale when they died
Characters who already have B&W pictures are undead is now canon, probably.
RE: PB 'realism'
Also, to be fair, delicate waifs with Strength 5 happens even in descriptions, without PBs.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@thenomain said in General Video Game Thread:
Then the place should've been more than five rooms large.
It would have been nice. It would also have been nice if they weren't all copy-pasted. But the vast trackless wastes of DA:I and DA:I In Space would have been worse, I think.
Peebee was a more interesting Isabella. Hell, Isabella in DA:O was more interesting, more nuanced, and she was just an NPC in Bioware's nod to putting a brothel in all of their fantasy games. Don't even get me started on how they absolutely ruined Anders. (Incidentally: They absolutely ruined Anders.)
I guess? I don't agree with everything, but I can see how someone would think that. I mean, I think the DA:O Isabella comparison is unfair, but other than that... sure, if you feel that way!
RE: What Do You Want In A New Game (3-options)?
Definitely #1 or #3. I am leaning slightly more towards #3 but a lot might depend on the specifics there. Either sounds like they could be fun.
I do have a preference for modern and sci-fi over L&L and fantasy, particularly for original and unusual fantasy settings. They're just generally more relatable. Cool world-building and magic systems are fun to read about but just not that much of a draw for RP.
RE: Your Opinions of These Games
Dragon Age MUSH is closed. The wiki is up, but when you try to connect it says it's gone.
There was also Smoke and Shadows, I'm not sure if it's closed, but the last couple of times I checked it had 0 players logged in.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I feel like I probably like DA2 best, because it's a more personal story. DA:I is the worst, because the stakes are high, but only generically high. Your character has no real personal stake in the actual plot, up until Trespasser, and mostly if you were (trying to bang) the racist egghead.
But then I kinda also enjoyed Andromeda more than ME:1-3 in some ways, for pretty much the same reason. If you compare the whole trilogy, sure, your character has a lot of personal stakes in stuff, largely because of the relationships you've built along the way, but if you compare ME:1 to ME:A I'll take the awkward kid out of her depth over Jane "Badass From the Start" Shepard. But that's me.
RE: Experienced Tiers or How much is too much?
Tiers are better than fast XP gains, at least. If you want to play a powerful character and staff is fine with having powerful characters, at least you can make a character that makes sense instead of trying to shoehorn a concept into the really fast zero-to-hero reality of, say, Fallcoast. Why should your character have to start out relatively
incompetent? -
RE: Incentives for Doom
My chargenned and barely played characters I never could get into litter the DBs of a thousand worlds. So I just know I'd make one of these characters and then it would just click and be the best character ever and I'd grow very attached to it and it would end in tragedy.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Having only played ME3 after they (apparently?) fixed the ending, it was fine. It was dumb, but fine.
So, that's my advice for games! Aggressively ignore it, don't get spoiled, play it years later when it's better.
RE: RL Anger
Kale is fine, for example, braised, or in stews. As in the cuisines of people who have been eating kale forever, not because it's healthy. It's fine.
RE: How should IC discrimination be handled?
@bored said in How should IC discrimination be handled?:
I'm also not sold that 'fantasy racism' safely, 100% avoids the nasty implications.
All I know is my favorite Dragon Age origins are Dwarf Commoner and City Elf.