In many animal species, in most primates, holding eye contact is meant to be challenging. I'm not convinced macho bullshit isn't the reason prolonged eye contact is even a thing.

Posts made by PuppyBreath
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
RE: How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?
My mom arranged for my son, who lives in another state with his dad, to visit over xmas against my explicit wishes. He's leaving for basic training in January, so she wanted to see him since it'll probably be a long time before she could again, I guess. Needless to say, I was livid that she'd go behind my back, endangering my son, and potentially his career if he got sick right before basic. But how dare I insinuate that she would ever put her grandson at risk.
Cut to this last weekend when he arrived and I took the risk of going to see him where he's staying at my parents' house because he's already here and I haven't seen him since January, and everyone keeps assuring me that they've been safe.
The next day she goes off on me saying that since I came and exposed myself to them all anyway, I'm coming with when she takes him back to his dad (like an 8 hour drive) since I must not be that paranoid after all. I said I'd take him back myself, so she starts making jokes about me already being exposed to her.
It's been several days and I'm still so fucking angry that I probably didn't even write this well enough to convey why I'm so fucking angry. I think I'm most angry that I can't even properly explain to my son why I haven't been back and why everything is so fucked up. And lord knows what they're saying to him about me.
I hate my family. I'm not coping well.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
A gd decent Pern game. I was going to make one, but it was a post-pandemic theme and... welp, now doesn't seem like a great time for that.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
Can it just be a playlist of the one song I'm obsessed with so I can listen to it over and over and over again?
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
My cat (the male) is driving me more crazy than usual lately.
I really need a job to get out of the house more so I'm not constantly tempted to throw him to the elements just for some peace and quiet.
I've basically crate trained my most demanding cat to put her away when she's being particularly obnoxious. She's pretty tolerant, though, and will go in there to nap on her own. I haven't even tried with her much more reactive brother; I just put him in the bathroom when I need a break.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
"The people in your life want to be there."
On the other hand, I'm still learning how to let people go who offer absolutely no reciprocation. They have no interest, get your shit together, me!
RE: RL Sads
My uninsured sister tested positive for covid yesterday after probably being exposed on July 4th, and is putting off going to the hospital despite having emergency symptoms.
My partner got laid off, too.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Auspice I always enjoyed hanging out with you!
RE: Good TV
Hollywood was so, so good. I'll admit I'm a sucker for exactly these sorts of stories. But, ugh, so good.
RE: Back to the Deadlands
My first reaction was disappointment that this was a post about a kickstarter and not a MU, until I got to that part, so I'm gonna go with yes. I would be interested in a MU for this. XD
RE: Crossing Animals!
Okay! So when I got this switch, I set my time back to when I started an island on another switch to catch up my progress. I've since caught up to real time. And my Nooks started the upgrading process today around 33 'days' played. So fiddling with your time won't mess up the process so long as you move forward consecutively, anyway.
RE: Crossing Animals!
@Auspice I don't see a problem in shifting your switch's time of day to make it more playable for you.
RE: PuppyBreath's Playlist
@Auspice said in PuppyBreath's Playlist:
HEY SHUT UP. It said I just probably shouldn't work with people in general.
@Sunny I have pretty fuzzy memories, too! But I remember having fun! Pretty sure T'gar was played by Colin Farrell. And his dragon was Echeloth. I basically forgot about this character until years later when someone on Norcon ended up being a T'gar and I was like... why is that name so familiar-- OH.
RE: PuppyBreath's Playlist
Everyone else is updating their shit, so I figured I would, too. I'm a follower, not a leader!
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
I swore I posted in this thread before, but I can't find it if I did. Probably one of those 'write something up and discard instead of posting' things, lol.
I've never been one to put much thought into labels. I've always figured it's because I'm terrible at making decisions, but I think part of me is just scared to definitively label myself and end up being wrong. That said, my BFF is very into labels so I think about it a little more because of them than I would otherwise.
I'm pretty solidly asexual and aromantic. I've always known I'm not cis, but my gender is basically a shrug emoji. I think if I knew what trans people were when I was younger and praying to wake up as a boy every time I went to bed (spoiler alert, atheist now), maybe I'd be trans masc? As it is, I'm old and ace and agender works well enough for me right now.
As for characters I play, they're almost exclusively male and not a one of them has ever been straight (usually bi, some closeted so straight-appearing, etc). Female characters rarely last long, but it doesn't keep me from trying occasionally.
RE: Which text editor?
I use textmate. Mostly because that's what I learned on and I never bothered to look further.
RE: NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot
@Cobaltasaurus said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
Someone wanna do the chargen bit for a PC for me? I'll play literally whatever you want if you make the PC and then give the pword.
There were rumors of a CG randomizer, but it doesn't exist yet.
RE: Arty stuff and Writey stuff
Every year I say I'm going to do nano and then I don't. I do enjoy the nano forums, though. Particularly the 'adopt a' whatever threads.