My MSB peeve is that I often type out posts, then decide that no one gives a fuck about what I think and I don't care enough to post it regardless, so then I discard my post.

Best posts made by PuppyBreath
RE: MSB Peeves
RE: The Dog Thread
How about a wolf floof? Okay, he's mostly husky, but I'm obsessed with him. The swedish vallhunds are super adorable, too!
RE: Gas Money
I just wanted to let everyone know that I made it safely to Austin! Some car trouble held me up, then my check engine light came back on on the way. I can't wait to replace that car! But I'm here!
Thank you to everyone who helped me get here! I'm super excited for a fresh start.
RE: Critters!
I know owning a horse is an immense, absolutely ridiculous and indulgent privilege. My inner pragmatist tries to convince me to sell him pretty much every day. But he's the reason I bother existing day to day, and the reason I can picture myself in any sort of future. I'm obsessed with this beast.
RE: Critters!
My pupper, Loki.
My pony, Talent.
One of my kitties, Octavia.
RE: Help a kitty out.
@wretched So pretty! Black kitties are the best!
I'm all set up to drop Tem off at the vet first thing in the morning!
RE: Help a kitty out.
Tem is coming home today even though he's still not really eating on his own. His vet bill is sitting around $700 after being there since Monday. I really hope he doesn't need to go back!
He's still not out of the woods yet. I'll need to force feed him a 5.5 oz can of food every day until he's eating it himself.
Thank you so much to everyone who's helped us out and kept him in your thoughts. We would still super appreciate it if you could share his page wherever you feel comfortable.
RE: Critters!
I heard you like cats. And, yes, my horse has a rainbow bit.
Ruins of Pern
In the aftermath of a rapidly spreading virus that shattered the population, Ruins of Pern is set in the precarious beginning of the Third Pass. Pern's remaining dragonriders have consolidated in Fort Weyr due to its proximity to Hold and Hall. Spread far too thin between searching for survivors and keeping the land around Fort safe from Thread, the last remaining Weyr, Hold, and Crafthall must make difficult decisions on how to survive in this impossibly lonely world.
Hello! I've been mulling over this idea for a Pern game for a few years now, and I've finally decided to actually, you know, work on it. There aren't a lot of Pern games around anymore, and I miss them.
I'm at the very, very beginning stages of putting this together, Faraday helped get it all set up just last night, but if you want to come hang, cheer on, or even help out, please feel free to do so!
PuppyBreath's Playlist
I'm super late to this bandwagon because I never ever post ever. Except now. I've played a lot of characters. This isn't a complete list because I don't remember everyone. And I don't interact OOCly very much, so you probably don't know who I am, anyway!
JenaveeSilver Skies
W'rikLeading Edge
T'garCorporate Expanse
Audrey TakeiNorcon
So many, what is my life.Windy City
Deimos (staff)Sin City
EthanThe Reach
Stockholm (staff)
There were others, but I can't think of themReno
Spoof (staff)Fallcoast
Hamlet (staff)Cuendillar
GerryCoyote Trail
Harlan (November '16-January '17ish, May '17-July '17)
Derovai (January '17-February '17)
Brianna (January '17-February '17)
Holden (June '17-August '17)NOLA
Decatur (staff)Fear and Loathing
ReinardHorror MU
The Bravo (1)Spirit Lake
Decatur (staff)
Miles -
RE: Hobby-related Resolutions/Goals for the coming year... ?
- Put my ruby/python foo to use and get comfortable with Ares and Evennia.
- Stop trying to become friends with people I meet on games.
- Become a jaded coder who doesn't RP anymore.
RE: Help a kitty out.
Thank you so much everyone who's chipped in! I've been so stressed out about all of this lately and now I keep getting all emotional that I can actually get him help.
I'll keep everyone updated on how Tem is doing! I syringe fed him some watered down canned food last night and he finally drank some on his own, but isn't wanting to eat at all. Not even the smelly treats that he usually goes crazy over.
RE: Help a kitty out.
@lithium I'm so sorry! It's been a thought in the back of my head a lot lately.
I visited Tem at the vet today and he was feeling well enough to want some attention. But he'd barely touched the big bowl of canned food he had. He has eaten some, they told me, but he can't come home until he's eating at a calorie surplus. His skin was also yellow-y in a way I hadn't even noticed at home.
The red and white thing is vet wrap holding his IV in place. Apparently he ripped it out last night. -
RE: Gas Money
@Goblin Oh, wow, I'm so happy that worked out for you! This move is terrifying, but it also makes me more hopeful about the future of my life than I've felt in awhile.
Thank you so much to everyone for your generosity! It makes me all emotional and teary-eyed, which is no easy feat these days. I should be good to go on gas, and there's enough for food, too! We'll just cross our fingers and toes that my car doesn't shit itself on the way down. I appreciate you all so much.
P.S. If you've donated on gofundme, please drop me a PM to know where to pay you back when I can. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
Can it just be a playlist of the one song I'm obsessed with so I can listen to it over and over and over again?
RE: How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?
My mom arranged for my son, who lives in another state with his dad, to visit over xmas against my explicit wishes. He's leaving for basic training in January, so she wanted to see him since it'll probably be a long time before she could again, I guess. Needless to say, I was livid that she'd go behind my back, endangering my son, and potentially his career if he got sick right before basic. But how dare I insinuate that she would ever put her grandson at risk.
Cut to this last weekend when he arrived and I took the risk of going to see him where he's staying at my parents' house because he's already here and I haven't seen him since January, and everyone keeps assuring me that they've been safe.
The next day she goes off on me saying that since I came and exposed myself to them all anyway, I'm coming with when she takes him back to his dad (like an 8 hour drive) since I must not be that paranoid after all. I said I'd take him back myself, so she starts making jokes about me already being exposed to her.
It's been several days and I'm still so fucking angry that I probably didn't even write this well enough to convey why I'm so fucking angry. I think I'm most angry that I can't even properly explain to my son why I haven't been back and why everything is so fucked up. And lord knows what they're saying to him about me.
I hate my family. I'm not coping well.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
My experience of trying to make/maintain MU friends.
RE: PuppyBreath's Playlist
I know I have a Joe problem, but I'm not going to apologize for it.
RE: What's your nerd origin story?
My memory of my childhood is pretty sketchy at best, but I think I was just always was a nerd? As much as I dislike who my stepdad is now, he was also a nerd and so it was never discouraged, other than a strict 2 hour time limit on the computer every day. Which is why I didn't start MUing until I moved out.
One of my favorite childhood memories that doesn't revolve around horses is watching a Star Wars marathon every Thanksgiving. I asked for the original trilogy EVERY Christmas, but never got it, so I could only watch it when it played on TV, and for some reason it always played around Thanksgiving.
We'd get most of the consoles as they came out. We watched Star Trek as a family, and my dad and I loved Aeon Flux when it originally played on MTV. I read every Xanth novel, and I was obsessed with the Last Unicorn and Legend (lol, horse theme?) and Labyrinth. I remember when Jurassic Park came to the 50 cent theater, my friend and I watched it as often as we possibly could.
As a child with severe, suicidal depression that I was too ashamed to talk to anyone about, being a nerd kept me a little more sane!