Okay, the Chef element really intrigues me, because I think it could add a real meaty component, especially for Seedless. Basically, stealing from several niche anime:
Ingredient Hunters. Maybe there are rare, dangerous ingredients out there which have boosting/altering effects on how the Sacred Fruit is metabolized in a Seeded's body - like, Fruit broth made with the heart of a newborn firedrake allows fire Seeded to cast at a reduced mana cost until it's been digested (say, 24-48 hours), and if you can add some of the milk from a wild windchaser, a flying mammal found only at the tops of the highest canopies to make that into a rich soup, you get reduced mana costs AND your flames are resistant to wind magic. Or something like that.
Someone has to gather these ingredients, and the nobles sure aren't going to do it (note: you'll have to /enforce/ this with theme and mechanics, or else the nobles are gonna want to be mages AND chefs AND ingredient hunters), so it falls to those scrappy, hungry, fearless sorts who go out into the godawful wilderness, risk getting horribly murdered, and drag back delicacies for the meals of the nobles, selling them for enough to make comfortable livings - as long as they don't get injured or killed in the process.
If you go off of it that way, then you can have three main entry points for 'roles in the game': Nobility, with a focus on magical adventure and intrigue and politics. Chefs, with a focus on intrigue (you can't tell me that rivals don't want to poison each other's food, or sub out high quality for fake Fruit to cripple each other), and crafting (I suggest a robust 'recipe' system that allows Chefs to really get creative with food and that rewards investment in multiple skills - like, maybe instead of just a 'cooking' skill, have several skills and/or special techniques that Chefs can purchase). And Ingredient Hunters, with a focus on wilderness adventure, combat, and weird skills like being able to use /everything/ from a beast - these guys, ideally, would be a little like Monster Hunters from the games, and swagger into town wearing bizarre equipment created from skins, horns, and teeth of their kills, dragging the broken down corpses of nightmare beasts for the market. More, two of those paths would greatly favor Seedless characters over Seeded, which should balance out the inherent I HAVE MAGIC awesomeness of being Seeded.
Especially if you're strict about NOT letting the Seeded go in and take over the Chef academies, or become the best Ingredient Hunters. Maybe those low status Seeded can dabble in one or both of those careers, but it should cost them.