It's been literally years since I've played anywhere. I'm primarily a WoD/CoD player. Are there any games up and running still or now? Are there any 5e WoD games, yet?

Posts made by ShelBeast
A real shout in the dark here
RE: Altered Carbon Style MUSH - Eclipse Phase 2e
I too would like to hear if there's any updates or progress on this.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
Amadeus Cho, a dude with super intelligence is denied because it is a low powered game. Rachel Grey's application had to be revised because she had wide reaching telepathic communication and they didn't want it to go past a mile or something along those lines. And yet, they have allowed an OC character to app in with this global telepathic network that gives her all that and more. They have allowed a staffer to apply as a version of an Agents of SHIELD character who is a science nerd, and not a frontline hero, as a cyborg with strength that surpasses Tony Stark's armors.
The rules about power levels and resources and what they want only apply to who they want them to apply to. This is kind of the crux of the issue that I was bringing up about the whole Cole/Halo versus Bruce/Wayne thing. It's just gone to a whole other level, at this point. I've stopped logging in my bits there, despite having players that I really enjoy playing with.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Ghost I'm aware. Again, I'm not here for a Hog Pit thrashing. I felt that bringing it here was a good way to keep it where it belongs. Constructive Criticism. At this point, what is the worst that is going to happen? They might nitpick my apps to death? Part of the issue is that it was already a thing. I still have three alts on the game, as is. Obviously I'm not moving forward with the application for Grifter. It just is what it is. I may attempt another app in the future, but for now, I'll just keep an eye out to see if the general attitude has changed.
Edit: My posting here also serves the purpose of inviting conversation in a medium that may be easier for some of the said staff, where they might have time to deliberate and form their thoughts in a manner that is not in the moment and needlessly aggressive and defensive.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Wolfs Right. Same can be said for Cole, too. Halo is integral to him as a character. I don't mind having to rename it, though I feel it's unnecessary busywork that serves no purpose other than making me jump through additional hoops. In some cases, I definitely see why they'd want the change. For example, if I were to try to name Kherans as an alien race. I'll ignore, for the moment, that Starfire is a thing as a Tamaranean, and say "Yeah, okay. Let's use a Marvel equivalent, instead to keep with theme". In my application for Cole, there is a great example of this. They asked me to remove mentions of the Coda. Alright. No problem. I should have thought of that, and maybe did some research into an equivalent group in Marvel. I take no issue there. That's like a whole non-Marvel faction that my app just kind of adds into the tapestry, along with a whole other list of things to worry about. But Halo corp being named Halo Corp isn't going to actually change a thing at all in my app. It doesn't rewrite the world. It affects nothing.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Wolfs said in Empire State Heroes Mush:
So you're saying staff told you you can't name Halo because it's a reference to something in DC Comics? That makes no sense to me without further explanation of some kind.
Yes. This. THIS IS MY POINT! I was asking literally that.The entire thing is that I'm not allowed to have Halo Corporation listed by name. That's it. They demand that I change the name. And for no reason given, other than it is a direct reference to DC properties. If this is the case, that's fine and all well and good. It's a Marvel game. I don't see how "Halo Corp" being named that detracts, dilutes, or harms the Marvel theme in any way, but sure. Whatevs. I just want that to be consistent to everyone.
As for the post. I didn't present it as a personal issue with details because I didn't want to make it about being a personal issue. The complaint is straight forward and valid. The details of what actually happened are absolutely irrelevant, whether or not they happened to me or anyone else. I was giving my genuine constructive criticism in a manner that was detached and as free from bias as I could give it. I don't want a Hog Pit thread on this. As I've stated, up until now, my experience on this game has been great. But this? It's something that should be looked at, rather than callously dismissed with all but open derision when asked about.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Wolfs I think you have a few misconceptions about what I was app'ing for, and what my issue is. My issue is less that I "didn't get what I wanted". My issue is that policy only applies to certain people but not others. My issue was very clearly with how I was responded to with needless aggression. I was not saying a single thing about Cole having control of Halo. That was not reflected in my application at any point. I have no interest in Cole owning Halo. I don't want him to have control of it in the future. I'm not trying to even state a single thing about Halo, what it does or who runs it or anything. My app just says "Cole has money because he worked for these guys, and this company made this cool gun for him."
It still comes down to that Bruce Wayne and Ted Kord get to keep, specifically, "Wayne Enterprises" and "Kord Omniversal", which are both direct references to DC, which is what is being cited to deny the Cole app for "Halo Corporation". If the direct reference by name is the issue, why didn't Batman or Blue Beetle have to change "Wayne Enterprises" or "Kord Omniversal" to something else? Anything else?
I guess I'm going to have to scream it over and over. My issue isn't the details. It is about the lack of consistency. It is that some people are allowed to do things that others are not. My issue is that when questioned on that, staff decided that, rather than being reasonable, or forthright, they decided to be snide and catty. I don't feel that my first post was vague. It was exactly what my issue is. The details of the issue are irrelevant. It's also not to cause drama. This is constructive criticism. Be consistent. Don't be a dick when people ask you about why you're not being consistent.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Autumn said in Empire State Heroes Mush:
S1) This is a no-win situation for staff. If they let Cole's player establish stuff about the Halo Corporation and then someone decides to apply for the actual founder (unlikely as this may seem), that player is going to be upset. (And still other players will take it as license to argue for narrative control of things that are part of, but not necessarily a key element of, their background.) If they don't, the person wanting to play Cole will be upset.
S2) Staff was a little short with the player. I don't know whether this may or may not have been justified by behavior not visible to me, but I thought the policy explanation could have been handled better.
G1) ESH feels to me like a game where staff has a really strong idea of what they want and don't want on it, and if what you the player want isn't what they want then you can pound sand. There is nothing wrong with this attitude, and in all honesty I wish more games would adopt it, but it's an attitude that benefits from a very, very clear explication of what staff wants and doesn't want.As the player in question, I've never had any sort of negative experience or interactions with anyone on the game. There is one player who I have set to gag because I feel that they're aggressively misandric and a bit creepy OOCly towards ladies, but that person is neither staff, nor have I ever outwardly had a confrontation or even directly negative interaction with them. The reason for the cattiness is a mystery, and a large part of the issue. It was unwarranted and out of left field. Prior to that, I had nothing but positive opinions of all the staff, and with my other alts was open and receptive to all feedback and suggestions for adjustments to character applications.
With regard to the clear expectation of what staff wants, this is the entire crux of the issue. Character A can have this thing in their background as a resource that is a direct reference to an outside comic source. But Character B is denied that same privilege. Again, it comes down to consistency. If Ted Kord can use and reference Kord Omniversal, which is a direct DC related link, why shouldn't Cole Cash be allowed to say that he has access to Halo Corp? If Batman can have a vehicle named The Batmobile, why can Grifter not have M.I.R.V.? I'll also note that these were not the ONLY things that I was asked to rewrite or edit. The other ones I take no issue with at all. It's specifically these things that one character/player can do, but another cannot.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
Consistency is a good policy to have. Playing favorites with who is allowed to bypass written policy is not a good look for any game. Responding to players pointing that out with sheer cattiness is even worse. Especially when it is something that is trivial, does not hurt, dilute, or detract from theme in any way. It almost seems like an outright attack against a player for nothing other than existing.
Currently I play on a Comic based game that's kind of small, but has a friendly and welcoming playerbase and staffers, and has at least a few active people on during most hours, day or night.
Comic Adventures: 4220
Feel free to drop in and take a look about. If you wanna chat me up some about it, I'm usually on there as Gambit, but you can also find me as Hercules and Miles Morales.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@ganymede Bruh. Netdocs? Seriously? Have your firm get iManage DeskSite. SO much better/easier to work with. NetDocs is the worst like German sausages.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@sockmonkey said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
When people hang back over a car length's distance from the car in front of them at a red light, especially when it is a left turning lane.
Fuck you.One morning as I was leaving work, I had a person doing this. Since the lane next to me was empty, I pulled around them and essentially parallel parked my way into the spot. As soon as I started trying to get in, they tried to pull up to block me out. Like, wtf? Obviously you weren't interested in that space.
RE: Jonah's Playlist
@jonah42175 If you were Kate, I don't think we ever played together. Shame. I'd say if you're looking at getting back in, come check out CoMux. I'm on there now with a few alts, and it seems like there are some real great players on there. There is, frankly, some level of cliqueishness that I'm seeing, but it isn't the worst I've seen by far. And I could always use new people to play with.
RE: Jonah's Playlist
@jonah42175 I wish you could remember who you were on BNW. I was Dick Grayson on there, along with some other alts from less mainstream lines.
RE: Fallout: Montreal
Kind of following suit with the previous topic of what Fallout is and all that. To say that it isn't a game about combat is kind of... faulty. I mean, the game's tagline should tell you that. War. War never changes. Each game has been about a central conflict. It's been about how, even after the destruction of the world, mankind is still going to wage war.
Is it not, then, about scarcity and resources? Oh, hell yeah it is. Earlier games more than Bethesda era, sure, but it is a game of trying to find the items needed to help people just survive the wasteland. It's also a game of nostalgia, presenting you with narratives that are designed to make you long for a time when things were cleaner, more wholesome and kind. It's a game of satire. It's a game of adventure and exploration. Essentially it's a lot of things, which is why Fallout is such a wonderful and enduring series. But, it really is absolutely a game about war.
RE: Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition (VtM 5E)
@fortunae The thing is that, in the metaplot, the stuff from like the Week of Nightmares and all that did happen. It's more like the EotW scenario is starting to play out, with the ancients rising somewhere in the east, calling all their minions (Elders hearing The Beckoning) and amassing their armies/food in preparation for going to war with the Sabbat (who have given chase and are taking the fight to the ancients themselves, as is their entire purpose for existing), and each other.
I'll point out that these are vampires we're talking about. Vampires that have existed since before the Great Deluge, at that. It's not like they're going to wake up and just have a week of killing and call it a war. Their "battles" could take centuries alone.
In short, nothing in this book, or the metaplot as it is in 5th Ed really undermines or negates what came before. It just adds to it.
RE: Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition (VtM 5E)
The outright reveal of the pair of them is... I guess it's because that's a spoiler to a game that's like 15 years old now? Basically, they assume that anyone who is reading the book is going to know those characters and that twist.
RE: Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition (VtM 5E)
@thenomain Yeah. Just due to the nature of MUs, coteries, as a whole, are largely not a really feasible thematic element. You rarely see them at all on games, without even having the mechanical aspects to worry about. Since people come in and drop characters, flake out, just aren't around, etc. etc. etc. Vampire in a MU environment has, by large necessity, become a more individualistic sphere than it has been presented in any iteration of the tabletop game.