@haven What is this Detroit thing?

Posts made by ShelBeast
RE: Night People
I'm on FC. It's dead as far as activity goes. I'm literally on there all night every night. I went in to Reno as a guest, last night to test the waters. I was on for a few hours. Not a single person said a single word. Not even when I tried to make conversation.
Arx is a Lords and Ladies game, yeah? Not my thing. Also... I see all the drama and stuff that comes out of there and don't even want to get involved in that. I'm on a serious anti-drama kick after some stuff on FC.
Night People
So, I've been moved to a night shift, and man... man, my current games are dead af at night. I guess I should clarify that by night, I mean night time in the US. I'm in US Central Time. Anyway! Yes. Night people, where are you and where is there actual activity these days? I'm a long time WoD/CoD player, but feeling kind of burnt out on it, so up for suggestions in all genres and themes.
RE: Savage Worlds?
@zombiegenesis At that point, there really isn't even a reason not to do Rifts, for serious. But that being said, having a base system to "plug and play' for MU*s that includes all of those systems is definitely worthwhile. That way the end user who might want to throw up a game can literally just plug in the stuff and select what aspects they want, more or less.
RE: Savage Worlds?
@zombiegenesis We do see people take to new systems, like when a game comes out that has its own in-house built system. I think people, generally speaking, are more drawn to a setting versus a system. The more that system is automated/intuitive with code, the more it helps, too. At least, that's what I generally tend to see. A good example of this would be the Fallout game run by Elsa/Vault Girl. It's a pretty complex and in depth system, that isn't familiar, and yet people flocked there regardless.
RE: Savage Worlds?
@zombiegenesis Not really anything in particular, though I've mentioned before that I think the MU* world is kind of missing a cyberpunk and/or post-apocalyptic presence, in general. I only know of cybersphere for cyberpunk, and Descent for post-apoc. Cybersphere seems fairly dead, and Descent is WoD, and it'd just be nice to have an alternative.
RE: Savage Worlds?
@zombiegenesis Awesome. I've been rifling through some SW stuff (especially Rifts and Interface) and thinking that it might be a cool alternative to WoD and the generic L&L games out there.
Savage Worlds?
I did a cursory search, but didn't pull up anything remotely recent. Has anyone created a Savage Worlds based CG/code system for an MU*?
RE: What's missing in MUSHdom?
Cyberpunk 2020, or something equivalent. Going back to the Shadowrun business, I would just like to see more straight up cyberpunk games where I can tell stories like Altered Carbon, Blade Runner and Deus Ex.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Black Panther was fantastic. Only critique I can give is some bad CGI and lighting where it looked obvious that characters were in front of a green screen. Natural lighting backgrounds, artificial lighting on the characters. But the movie as a whole... one of the top five Marvel movies, for me.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@miss-demeanor I've never seen anything to that degree where I work. We also don't tend to hand people off if we can avoid it. That being said, as a quality assurance thing, we ARE told that, even if you state that you've taken a troubleshooting method, we're to try to repeat that method. The short truth of it is this: Users fucking lie. All the time. We can't trust you to have actually taken the steps. So we have to take the steps with you ourselves, so that our bosses don't breathe down our necks about QA and the like. ESPECIALLY if we are unable to resolve the issue and have to send it up the chain to a higher level support team. That being said, once one analyst has taken those steps with you and documented that in the ticket there should be no need for any other IT professional you speak to to ask you to repeat them again. As it's been documented that those steps have already been tried and failed to produce results.
Part of that whole making you do things over again... It does require some finesse on the part of the analyst, though. We certainly can't tell you that we think you're lying or incompetent. I find ways to smooth it over. Usually by mentioning that I want to see what exactly happens when we go through the steps again (as I am often remoted in on the computer while talking to someone). This doesn't make it seem like I'm trying to make you repeat the same thing, or that I don't believe you or think you're incompetent, but rather that I'm trying to see it for myself to get screenshots and document it it all in the ticket so I can show how neat and savvy you were to have done these things, even though they didn't work.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@mr-johnson Most of the time, you're not giving us the information that we need to fix the problem, hence asking a bunch of questions, and sometimes repeating those questions. A full two thirds of the job is trying to decipher what a user is trying to convey, because they're angry and/or don't understand the tech and what is malfunctioning.
RE: Dancing GIFs?
Apparently my gif is broken. I can click on the gif button and pull up the window to put in an address, but it will never load, or ever let me do anything with it.
RE: Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce
@taika I was just asking the same thing. It's frozen and won't let me reconnect on my end.
RE: Descent Reboot
@thenomain Upvotes given for cat hats. and also for helping us with the code bits.
RE: RL things I love
I love the world. The future is now. Please give me robot limbs.
RE: Pitch me your WoD
I also play on Fallcoast, and I'm rockin' staffly things on the Possessed sphere.