Posts made by ShelBeast
RE: Comic MU*s
I believe that comic adventures is still going, too.
RE: Comic MU*s
The WARNING on United Heroes needs to be reiterated a thousand times. It is not a good environment to play in.
RE: RL Anger
@auspice I am so sorry that this happened to you. It's always such a shit situation when someone you love (not romantic, though this should go without saying) turns on you out of the blue. I've had two situations like that myself, and... while one I'm thoroughly over, the other still actually breaks my heart to this day.
I still catch myself wanting to check in on him. He was a "best friend" of mine for 20 years, someone I called brother. He also has cancer, and was going through chemo when our friendship ended. But I told myself then that I couldn't do it anymore. I could not be his friend and I could not waste more time and energy on someone who clearly never felt the same way about me as I did him. So I don't.
I would suggest not responding to the request, personally. Yes, he may have changed. Or he may just be feeling nostalgic during his grieving process and trying to reconnect. My experience has been that, as soon as the luster wears off, the vitriol starts to rise again. But that's just my two cents.
RE: How do you construct your characters?
I break down their personality by designing its flaws first. Is this person headstrong? Are they arrogant? Do they have any addictions (not just physical, but compulsive behaviors)? Stuff like that. Then I sort of shape the rest of their personality around that cluster of flaws, and find ways to add positive things that stem from or in spite of those flaws.
I never go out and seek out ties before making the character. I think this is more about my own personal shyness/general idea that no one wants to play with me by default, more than anything though. I let those connections happen in game. Or they come in later as a retcon when I start discussing things with a player interested in playing with me.
Looks are super important to me. It's pretty much a thing that's done immediately after I think of their personality. I go try to find someone who looks the part that I'm trying to convey. So, for my vamp yakuza ninja dude, I wanted someone who looked like they could be beautiful, if they weren't so cold and cruel. Tattoos would be a bonus, but since it's easy to just use pictures of someone completely clothed, it wasn't necessary. I found exactly what I was looking for in Miyavi, a J-rock star and actor. With my current possessed, I spent hours combing through models looking for someone who looked handsome and warm, with wise eyes, but also the capacity to look sinister and manipulative. It was hard for me not to fall back on to David Gandy, because he's used so often, but eventually I found John Halls, and he was really super perfect.
So for backgrounds, I usually just think of one core thing, and let it explode from there. For my vamp, for example, it was "Embraced in the trenches of Iwo Jima", which spun into this whole giant tale of cat and mouse game in caves lasting for months, between a solider gone awol and an ancient monster awakened by mortar blasts. I even constructed his entire belief system based in actual Japanese mythology, fused with actual VtR Lore. For my Possessed, I just thought "Trailer trash turned into Doctor Phil", and it became a whole story of rags to riches, with a kid that went through juvie, to growing up and learning how to manipulate people and how that led to his burgeoning psychopathy to sort of manifest completely, which led to his eventual fascination with the concept of evil and then finding real evil.
So I do giant background stories that tend to run on and on. My wikis are sometimes atrocious as a result.
And I'll reuse a concept if I didn't feel like I mined it for what I wanted when I first used it. I often use my characters to explore certain viewpoints or psychological factors, and things like that. So my vamp, for example, Ryuhei, is a refinement of a character concept I made on RfK long ago that I never really got much up and off the ground with. He's worked out a lot better this time. My first MU* character was Dorian on TR. As a character for a player, he was flawed, so later I went to Reno, made a new Dorian (different PB, and bloodline so not the exact same), and sort of took what worked from the previous iteration and kept it, and changed the things that didn't work. That version worked out well, and I feel I did enough with it that I haven't made that character in any form since.
I definitely have a type, though. My type tends to be social based, smooth talking types who like to wax philosophical. I tried to break that with Ryuhei, but he's kind of become that anyway, organically, through RP. Go figure.
RE: Descent Reboot
@royal Lost Boys are actually my biggest concern. I'd like to include them, because thematically, I think they'd be cool AF. But the upkeep of the serum and the IC lore surrounding that doesn't lend itself well to the setting.
But if we reskin them somehow to be juiced up meth head types...
RE: Descent Reboot
@catsnake Yes. Mortals and Mortal+ will be allowed, though I don't think we've solidified just how + we're going to let things go. (Namely: the Mortal + character types presented in HL).
RE: Fallout MU*
@ganymede It was pretty in depth. There were investigation rolls that led to possibly getting leads or hints to plot stuff or something. Scavenging rolls for equipment and materials for crafting. A crafting system of some sort.
What I read of the actual combat system? I wasn't impressed, tbh. It seemed like every special ability was just "you get a reroll on X", which is nice, but boring and also would slow down combat when you miss five times, but you have twenty rerolls.
Personally, for the actual character system, I'd rather see if we can adapt the SPECIAL system more directly, or even look at the SIMPLE system for the tabletop RPG that Josh Sawyer was working on.
Fallout MU*
Alright, so there's been an explosion of activity in the Hog Pit over Fallout El Dorado and its batshit crazy owner. There is also a mass exodus of players from said game. Some others will remain because, simply put, it's the only game in town.
So lets make it not the only game in town.
Someone mentioned that the owner of the code is open to letting other people use it. Fallout is a series with a lot of opportunity for a lot of cool RP. It's also literally my favorite IP out there. I have Fallout tattoos. I'm just sayin'.
So here's my pitch. I don't have the time or desire to staff. I also don't really have the experience for it. BUT I am willing to pay to host it and whatever if someone else is willing to get the code up and running and people are willing to staff and run it. I'll happily just foot the bill. Honestly? I'll do this for an RE based game as well. Please note that this isn't about a grudge game or anything. It's about creating a haven where people can play in those worlds as they obviously want to, without having to deal with the stuff that comes with playing on an Elsa run game.
So if anyone is up for it, contact me and let me know how we can set this up.
RE: Savage Worlds Rifts
@thatguythere It's offset by the fact that the game is lethal af. One good, solid roll and you're back to CG. It has it's flaws, but overall I love the system and it's simplicity. Palladium, meanwhile, has a largely useless system. Until the Ultimate edition, it didn't matter if your character had a 2 strength or 15. You still did the same damage with a sword swing. Etc. Attributes STILL don't affect your skill rolls. Bad design. Also, talking about a high chance to succeed? You need a default of like 5 on a d20 to hit someone with an attack in Rifts. The system is all around garbage.
RE: Savage Worlds Rifts
Setting, yes. Absolutely. I personally love SW system, but it seems to get a lot of hate around here. Still, it's light years above and beyond the Palladium native system, and no one can deny that.
Shelbeast's Wanted List
So, I'm looking for a few things, so i kinda figured why not put a thing on here? Maybe i should put this in the Advertisement boards, but it's not for any one game.
I'm looking for more vamp sphere folks. Currently the sphere is in a stage of revitalization, but I want to help ensure that ball keeps rolling. The more the merrier. A particular squee if you make a Crone blood sorcerer! Hit me up on Ryuhei to talk about that.
I'm also looking for Non-Gang affiliated Geist people to hang with. I recently made a Geist character, but the Kings dominate the sphere. It's not a bad thing. They seem like cool enough folks. It's just not a theme I'm interested in playing in, due to real life history issues. Hit me up as Ezra to talk about this.
Match of the Millenium
On here, I play Guy. So far, the folks have been super cool and friendly, but I seem to be having a bit of an issue getting RP. I'd like to get more characters on there that i can play off of, so a particular focus on Final Fight/Street Fighter characters, such as Rolento, Zeku, Katana/Sodom, Poison, and others. Outside of that, ninja-y type characters from any of the available themes are a-okay, too!
I'm not going to go on too much in this post, or anything. I swear i'm fun to play with, and all, and if you're even a smidge interested in any of this, just reach out and we can talk more in depth.
RE: White Wolf Street Fighter
I played this game religiously for years. Like every day with my little group of gaming nerd friends. I did love it quite a bit. White Wolf basically reconstructed the game in their "big book of beating ass" but... it was for WoD and that made it lose a lot of its flavor.
RE: Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce
@bubasti The Dragons that I know are all great. But there could be more of them, for certain.
RE: Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce
Also bumping. I need more vamps in the sphere. I'm pasting my recent wanted ad from the game for good measure.
"Hello, everyone! This is a general kind of catch all thing. Over in vamp sphere, we've been trying to kick forward and get some forward momentum after a period of torpor. It's been doing surprisingly well, and we have some really cool people in the sphere right now, and we're getting people more and more involved. Always a plus!
That being said, we still have a LOT of room for more folks to fill out the ranks. Most of the Covenants could use representatives, and generally, just more people. Of particular note, we could really use some Sanctified! Please give us bloated old Crones an enemy that wants to burn us out like an infection! We also need people to fill out Court positions, including a number of high ranking placements that no one has come to claim as of yet. Lastly, we would like to see some people that are motivated to help us keep this ball rolling that we've started by helping to plan and run events, plots, and PrPs. The people we currently have doing these things have limited time, so the more the merrier.
Why would you want to be in vamp sphere?
Well, I'm glad you asked. It's pretty much a clean slate, as indicated above. Yes. We have some characters that have been around awhile, but the sphere is, in general, experiencing a sort of rebirth, at the moment. Also, it's a simple sphere to integrate into, with a whole world of possibilities. And with our current HRs in place, it's not the weak runt of the litter that it used to be! We're actually pretty dang awesome. Lastly, it's a game about being dead and loving it. It's dark, but romantic, it's sexy, and, in the end, it can really make you feel alive.
So, there's no real wanted concepts here, per say... other than my begging for Sanctified characters and people who like to run stories for people... Just a simple invitation to come on over and play. If you've never played a vampire before, there are plenty of us who are more than willing to help you get your feet under you, myself included. Just hit me up in pages or @mail on Ryuhei."
With an update: We've gotten some Sanctified characters in, so that's actually a ball rolling. That being said, one ball starts and another stops. I've had some people drifting from the Circle in terms of activity, so I'd love to get some more back. Right now, it's been falling on to me to be sort of... the guy to try to make activity happen with the Circle, which is hard because my schedule restraints and such, so having people who want to invest and run things for the Circle (Because I like having things run for me too!) would be god awfully swell.
RE: Match of the Millennium MUCK
So I just app'ed Guy from Final Fight/Street Fighter. I need friends! And enemies! And Frienemies!
I'm looking for:
- Cody
- Haggar
- Dean
- Lucia
- Rolento
- Katana
- Hugo
- Poison (yessssss Poison.... >_>)
- Damnd
- ...the entire Mad Gear Gang
Some of the Mad Gear Gang would be cool to have going legit. Like Hugo and Poison did with their wrestling bit for awhile. It'd be cool to see what others might be up to, and see if Katana can draw them back in to Mad Gear, since I believe that's something that's being done in with Abigail atm.
Anyway! Come play with me!