I was having a conversation the other day with someone and I don't even really remember how, but we got onto the idea of an AC game.
Last night, while I was feebly trying to sleep, my brain decided to go into fever pitch full on creative mode, and it struck on this.
So, what would people think about an AC game, using the Chronicles of Darkness/2nd Edition ruleset? For obvious reasons, it would be a Mortal only game, but overall the basic elements are all there. Tons of mystery and strangeness to the world, based on lost Ancient Aliens style tech and such... perfect for mystery cults (the Templars and Assassins basically fit this mold nearly perfectly), relics (again, the tech of the progenitor race fits this perfectly), and generally a cool world setting.
As for the breakdown of the way the game would function, the biggest problem would be on what time period and location to set it in. I had a few ideas about that. For example, it could run in seasons, with each season being a new story in a different period and location. One season could be ancient vikings, the next could be 1960's NYC, and the next could be the fall of Carthage.
Then I had another idea about it. Instead, there could be multiple timelines. Each player would log into the game with a sort of "OOC" account, and in the actual game, chose their alts. The timelines offered would act as "spheres", and you could have one alt per sphere. The OOC area would be, essentially, an Abstergo Entertainment office, and the login PCs of the playerbits would be Abstergo employees from an "IC" standpoint. So, even your OOC chatter would be a sort of metagame IC situation. From the OOC/Abstergo office, you would go into the Animus room, which is where you would select which alt you want to play and that would launch you into the grid for said alt.
With the Dark Eras sourcebook, we'd even have good coverage for replacement skills for those that wouldn't work. Perhaps some of the psychic/supernatural merits could be implemented, as well.
Anyway. Just kind of tossing out an idea, and seeing if this is something people would think would be fun to play.