Imagine waking up somewhere and not knowing where you are.
Who you are.
What you are.
You panic.
That's on a huge banner taped to the mirror with an arrow pointing down, impossible to miss. There's an envelope.
You open it.
Dear self,
You have no idea who you are. You will never regain your memory. You chose to do this; you chose this life. The reason you chose this place was that it's a hotel you could pay for in cash, a million miles away from anyone and anything that's ever seen you. This choice was not made lightly. Make a life for yourself. Live. Love.
Never, ever go to Bay City.
Ignore every sign that it leaves you. You'll see it everywhere, and it will seem like a good idea again, and again, and again. Don't do it. It's caught you twice already.
Don't make it three. I'll kill myself if I make it three.
Good luck,
-Whatever name you choose