@ortallus Yeah, and there are stories about that that are definitely unfair and unrealistic. If the information is present regarding the offense (and it tends to be in the notifications), people tend to be considerably more lenient, too, because common sense is still relevant.
Posts made by surreality
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@ortallus There are jobs around, and specific programs to incentivize hiring people are other things in Sur's Ideal Way Things Should Be.
But then, I also remember one of the video stores where I worked, where we were required to have the local sex offenders posted on the wall of the back office so they employees would be aware.
I also remember the day the man featured on one of them as a repeat offender, and rapist of girls ages 3-8, came in to rent a pile of Disney Princess movies.
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@ortallus Re: closed registries: I wouldn't go for closed.
The kind of forced community notifications a person is moving into the area like the sex offender registry? No.
But a public national listing and something that would 100% always appear on a background check? Yes.
What they're doing has life-long consequences for their victim. It should for them, too.
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@ortallus I will just say it is a very good thing I am not in charge of the world. My preference for what would happen in my dream reality would probably involve a tournament-style flowchart to win 'first up against the wall when the revolution comes'. (And depending on the rules of the tournament, you potentially save yourself a fuckton of bullets.)
I don't think jail is necessarily the option, either, in the real world. I do think mandated extensive empathy training, extensive psychological testing and treatment, mandated community service to be measured in a period of years instead of hours, and crushingly steep fines and restitution are just step one.
I also believe in a life-long registry, similar to the sex offender registry, for these persons, even if they are underage at the time of their offense.
I do fully believe this behavior is something that should have life-long consequences, and that those consequences should not be small.
Further, I think the target and/or others impacted by the behavior should be entitled to sue for personal damages in addition to any required restitution/etc.
I am not a very forgiving person when it comes to fostering the notion that intentionally causing harm to others 'for the lulz' is acceptable in society, even if the offender is in denial that the very real risk of harm exists.
I'm on pretty much the same page here: re: participants in bullying campaigns that encourage a target to commit suicide, and people who troll memorials or missing persons hotlines/notifications with claims of having murdered/raped/kidnapped the person for attention or 'for the lulz'.
I think this behavior has been permitted to exist and flourish for too long for it to be resolved within my lifetime. In (generic) our children's lifetime, if people come down on this with appropriate force now, we might have a hope in hell of seeing it diminish.
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@duckula I read a lot about the case (and have on the trend in general since I became aware of it a few years ago). Yes, there are people like that.
The majority of them frighten me more, though: they're kids as young as 13, and they think it's going to be a harmless prank.
People are much, much more likely to do something they consider is likely to be a harmless prank -- even if this is anything but the actual reality of the situation -- than something they expect will involve a risk to life and limb.
That's why the people in denial about how dangerous this is are horrifying.
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@ganymede That movie is in my top ten, because... yes. Community theater. Yegods.
Sadly, I'm still with Theno on this one.
We're also definitely less catty, hookup-happy, and back-stabby than any Ren Faire cast I've been involved with (or heard tales of from others). Since the drinking game became a thing many moons ago, however, I think we are on par with 'as often drunk as hell'.
RE: "Flag this post for moderation"
Also, worth noting, in case nobody else noticed: there's now also an 'ignore this thread' option; I have no idea how long it's been there, but it's damnably useful. Not just 'don't watch', but you can prevent a thread from showing in the unread threads list as well if it has new posts.
In short: if you know a thread is just going to piss you off or is completely not relevant to anything even resembling your interests, you can render its entire existence irrelevant.
This is very awesome and I hope it stays through any future iterations of the board.
(I love y'all's kitty pics and whatnot, but can now tune out sports and video games without dropping a whole forum section, which is pretty yay.)
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
There was a really long thing I was going to write, and maybe still will at some point. It frankly got a little too depressing a fair ways in, so I needed to put it aside for a bit. (I am trying to stick to my resolution of working on my stuff until at least vacation time in late October, and trying to play some somewhere this year, and between that and a friend showing some ugly colors once again... yeah. Not right now on wall of depressing social analysis text. Sorry, or you're welcome; whichever applies.)
A lot of it boils down to the simple truth that people are flawed, and one of our main flaws is being unwilling to accept the idea that we're ever anything but perfect, reasonable, and justified in who we are and what we do at any given time. As a result, the idea of consequences typically feels unfair or the application of them feels unwarranted, even when it's not.
@Misadventure more or less nailed a lot of it else-thread.
<trudges back to the wiki code mines>
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@thenomain Exactly why the one line not quoted is there. I am not at all optimistic.
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@ortallus I completely agree that this should be a wakeup call for these idiots.
I hope it is.
I don't think that hope will be realized, but I hope anyway.
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
I'm working on a novel of a response, but feel it relevant to interject here: a lot of the people who SWAT are kids who have no real comprehension of consequences. (And, horrifically, rarely do they face any.) They expect it to be non-lethal, and think that because they expect it will be non-lethal, the idea that it may end in physical injury or death isn't a consequence they even let into their heads.
This? Is fucking terrifying.
RE: RL Anger
@scar @aria 'Inherited money' was a good guess then.
I mean, unless my father marries some 18 year old and everything goes to her if my mom passes first, or my mother donates everything to the church if my dad passes first (neither is outside the realm of possibility), this is the only way I'm going to end up a property owner. (And even then, I will more than likely become a 'mortgage owner', inheriting the one on their house. The one I'm in they leave in the clear since it's the less important property.) So I'm not slinging alllllllllll the shade here; I know what it is to be a flake with few income prospects and too many health concerns for the average job.
I'm just, uh, not such a dumb flake as to do that. Even selling both places here, I'm smart enough to know I could afford a crappy condo at best in that area, and the current home and property values (if the mortgages were in the clear... ) are not huge, but... -.- ...I'd stick with the devils I know, damn.
RE: Forum Bug?
@meg It may have something to do with how fast posts are appearing, too. I never saw it until today -- though I did hear someone else mention it a ways back and now kinda feel like a jerk because I was all 'that is not a thing wtf are you talking about'.
...but not too much of a jerk, because they claimed to have me on ignore and HOW DARE I KEEP POSTING PERIOD BECAUSE IGNORE IS BROKEN AND THEY STILL HAD TO SEE IT OMG. So I guess maybe I shouldn't feel quite so bad. I dunno. It's been a week, for reals. (And it's just Monday. )
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@ganymede It wasn't a year, in fairness. But it still wasn't the 3 days they initially asked for. They showed up around Xmas and left in... August, I think.
But at the time, they had enough of a fanbase/support that... it was all the 'fuck it'.
Forum was a fairly even split on her at the time, either love or hate.
Hate="We hate you for doing her a favor."
Love="We hate you for not continuing to do her a favor no matter how much harm she does!"...ffffffffuck that. Nopeville. Nawp. Fuck all that. There is such a thing as a no win situation, and sticking around through that bullshit would have fit that definition pretty well. I may not be the smartest person in the room, but I'm not that stupid.
RE: Forum Bug?
@meg It's happening on my PC (mac) in Chrome as well. It hadn't before. It seems to only occur when someone posts their post while I am already viewing the thread; if I click off of it and return it's hidden as normal. It may be some lag in it rendering the content as 'hidden' appropriately.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@ganymede Oh, this was extra special. They just wanted to keep living here rent-free while getting ready to put a mortgage on a place, and hadn't found one they liked yet. Not that they were spending much time looking. (Mortgage payments in the area were apparently similar to rents for the size place they needed at the time.
So, like. That's how I 'crushed their dreams of home ownership'. Farting around online constantly and forum-posting instead of looking actively for places? Apparently not relevant to this entire situation. (I miss the eyeroll emoji a lot right now. )
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@cobaltasaurus Yeah... that is seriously not at all cool. That kind of crap was just kicking off when I noped out of there due to Spider*, so I missed a lot. (I missed a lot of Bane, too.)
From the way people have described things, in that 'nope, not around' period, things got much more RL-harassment focused, which is why I really did have cause for concern.
Since there's all manner of organized harassment campaigns actually going around in various communities? Nnngh. We have groups of tweens trying to convince classmates to kill themselves on social media, people being paid to send SWAT teams to somebody's house, rape and death threats over enough of the internet on the daily over literally anything, it's sadly not as much of a stretch as I genuinely wish it was.
*Half the board hated me for letting her stay. Half the board hated me for 'crushing her dreams of home ownership' (see Spider thread). So it was just time to nope the hell out of Dodge for a time; nothing good could possibly come from staying around.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@insomniac7809 Honestly? I'm a bad one to ask, maybe. I grew up an only child in a neighborhood more or less filled with retirees. I had to learn to entertain myself really early on in life.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@tinuviel Yeah, because I'm new here or something.
See Gany's response below yours.
You acted like a little shit for kicks, in a place not designed for it, and assumed a whole fuck of a lot instead of reading.
'It took a girl's dead body being violated' suggests this occurred for this purpose.
Not 'it took someone posting pictures of'.
Not 'it took someone posting a link to'.
Not 'it took someone uploading content of'.'It took a dead girl's body being violated'.
I stand by it being entirely reasonable to ask for clarification on that point, regardless of anyone's awareness or not of what the WORA was like in ye olden days.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@tinuviel Snarky-ass bullshit outside the pit for asking a question in a respectful manner looks like it from where I sit.
@Cupcake Thank you. It was -- I think understandably -- very disturbing to think this may have occurred, which is why I asked.