@Ghost Please tell me this actually involved an actual boot. Preferably one with the poison knife in the toe, like the shoes from Kingsman.

Posts made by surreality
RE: RL Anger
RE: NO-GO IPs for MU*
@Cupcake said in NO-GO IPs for MU*:
Can we all agree that Minmei needs to be shot in the head tho
Fuck Minmei, for rlz
She is like, the ultimate archetype for the kind of female character that inspires my stabbity-urge when I run across them on M*s.
All the stabbing. All of it.
She was useful, though. My supreme geek moment in college was when I was taking a literature course on love triangles in literature based on the Tristan and Isolde tale as an archetype. We had to find a non-Western not-a-book (had to be a poem, song, tv show, or movie) source and draw parallels to the myth.
There were actually so many of them in the Robotech version of Macross that my teacher, this ancient Russian man with an accent so thick you could barely understand him, immediately insisted on knowing where he could get a copy of this series so he could...
...show it to the rest of his classes if he ever taught that again.
My inner twelve year old anime nerd was so proud of herself that day.
RE: NO-GO IPs for MU*
Robotech is maybe the one sci-fi setting I could oomph enough to play.
Sure, my hair is green now. I may or may not have wanted to dye it that color since I was a wee little tyke because Miriya was my heeeeeeeero, though. <cough>
My mother may or may not mercilessly tease me for it, but when I'm 50billion feet tall some day, I'mma get my revenge!!
RE: All Original Supers Game
re: theme and setting elements, I'm kinda reading this as "not actually the Xavier school, but a reasonable analogue thereof" and similar -- I am sleep deprived as hell so I might be missing something, but if that's what's being suggested, awesome. If it isn't, it's what I'd suggest.
RE: Web-based MU poll
@Roz I mean adding in the things that are being described here -- chat spaces, ticket stuff, etc.
@faraday I'm tinkering with some integration things based on some tools @Thenomain created and @Glitch customized, but they're for a traditional MUX base. There is definitely some fuss involved, so I feel you on the hassle part. (For a good coder, this would be easy. I am barely a novice, and I'm the one doing that part.)
I'm in agreement on the three systems in question -- but I would take a look at MW. There might be some of those things available or adaptable in the extensions that no one is currently thinking to use, or use in those ways. There are calendar widgets and similar things that could probably handle +events pretty neatly; if the widget integrates properly (I'd have to look) it could be linked to a page with the event, and that could later serve as the page for the log of the event (essentially creating a full in game calendar of past events with their logs and the listing of planned events). Hell, now my own to-do list just got longer. o.o
RE: Web-based MU poll
@Roz It's things like this that make me wonder if some of this couldn't be done as extensions to mediawiki in some form. As in, it's probably possible? But I wouldn't know where to begin.
RE: NO-GO IPs for MU*
@Sonder She tries. I don't know if she succeeds. She is really expert at flipping her shit like whoa, though.
RE: NO-GO IPs for MU*
Seconding @ixokai on this one; it's the text of the work that's copyright protected, which is why we can't, say, copy the text of a game system onto the game or its website legally without licensing. Copyright applies in terms of creating a derivative, essentially, as the game itself that isn't just cut and paste from the existing text.
For fictional worlds and characters, a lot of them are protected under trademark, which can be lost if it isn't defended. It's actually a requirement of holding a trademark: if you don't legally defend it the moment you're aware of it, you can lose it and the protections it provides.
RE: NO-GO IPs for MU*
@bladesurfer said in NO-GO IPs for MU*:
I think one of the biggest reasons that they say 'no' is because they have to 'defend their copyright' or else it can be lost. So if you ask, they have to say no.
I think another part of this question is 'Which IPs have come after MU*'s to Cease and Desist?'
While this is an entirely valid point -- and a lot of authors have been known to say 'just don't tell me because if I find out I will have to do something' overtly -- it is a lot of work to build a game properly.
And that's a whole lot of time and happy creative energy and real work that might get shot to crap by someone who doesn't even want to have to stomp your butterfly into the dirt, but legally has to, which is a situation that sucks all around for everybody involved.
RE: Web-based MU poll
@faraday said in Web-based MU poll:
This would be a MU* style of play, but completely designed and optimized for the web - a sort of Frankenstein mashup of Slack/Discord live chat interface and a MU* game wiki.
I would suggest dev for mediawiki on this rather than tying it to wikidot. I know that is unlikely due to the preference there, but it means hosting anywhere is viable, which can be super relevant.
If you went that route, I'm happy to share stuff I have that might be handy and am willing to poke ideas to help foster that kind of environment from the wiki side where/if possible.
RE: All Original Supers Game
I could see giving this a shot, too. I've had a few ideas for supers over the years. Some are batshit freaky, but I liked 'em.
RE: We Need a Game Set In the Roman Empire.
@Packrat Yep, they took the old truths and interpreted some of them in a way a modern audience would best understand (and find fun). For a game that isn't intended as an accurate historical simulation, I think that goal is the right tone to strike for a fun space.
RE: We Need a Game Set In the Roman Empire.
@Ominous ...and yet there's something so campyfun about that it would probably make a cool beer and pretzels fun game, which I absolutely cringe to admit.
I'm kicking a historical thing around. I am hoping for 'TV grade' reality for one of the sources as an ideal, which is still timey-wimey at best and still... television grade. I will still be happy to settle for 'A Knight's Tale' grade, because... ultimately, it's a MUX, and that's probably the most realistic guesstimate of where it will end up anyway.
RE: Looking for a Pennmush coder
I hate to say it, but really... disabling guests and leaving create-at-login open is sorta counterproductive. The problem children that would abuse a guest account will just clutter up the place with garbage player objects one after the next.
RE: Hyper Focused Game Setting
@Ghost More twisted: make it an NPC 'target' -- maybe a couple of them, though, 'cause not errybody on earth is bi.
Goal: figure out which NPCs it is IC.
RE: Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff
@Auspice I have been lucky in that I can get that handled through my GP. It was very obvious I had a long-term stress-related 'I throw up violently the moment I get seriously upset' problem, though, so the anti-anxiety stuff was to help handle/prevent a concrete physical symptom/issue.
RE: RL Anger
This may be the person posted about on FC also, who was Lunargent there.
I only ever interacted with him briefly, but he seemed to be a pretty good dude and I had a high opinion of him based on those admittedly limited interactions, but let's be real -- if somebody's a good and decent sort to a nobody, they're probably a good and decent sort to more or less everybody, which makes this especially sad.
We need more people like this, not less.
That in the past year this hobby has started to lose some of our people is eye-opening to how long a lot of us have been at this, how long we've shared the same virtual playgrounds whether we realize it at any given time or not.
RE: Do you ever include non-Mu events into your games?
We had a group talking about this on, yes, Shang. Said group all worked at a place and included a vampire, a witch, a drow elf, a werewolf... I mean seriously. We just had hella fun talking about how everybody would be playing parodies of each other and it would lead to throwing lots and lots and lots of dice at each other, constant fist-fights breaking out about how that's now how it works, etc.
RE: Hyper Focused Game Setting
I would think a large college campus (with a few surrounding areas -- Greek row, the one street where all the shops and crappy second floor apartments are that's by every campus) would be ideal for this.
RE: Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff
D.C. is absolutely near enough to my neck of the woods that I would happily crash any MSB gathering that bothered to tell me where it was happening.