I'm not suggesting forcing people to discuss something -- it's more... don't just sit in the room and pretend they're not even there while texting your buddies about lunch plans and whatnot.

Posts made by surreality
RE: RL Anger
RE: Mac Client Recommendations?
@Auspice said in Mac Client Recommendations?:
Did anyone else ever use... I think it was Rapscallion? on Mac?
I think that was the one that had a shared input window for all world instances.
It was miserable.Oh sweet mother of gods, that would be the ultimate TS prevention device.
RE: Mac Client Recommendations?
If there is a need for 'the five year old to run something/a feature/etc. by', I volunteer. I am officially tech stupid but I love Atlantis like mad, and despite being a five year old in terms of tech, once I know how something works, I'm pretty good at explaining how to do it docs-wise to other fellow tech stupid five year olds, and would be more than happy to help that way if it would actually be a help.
RE: Great TV
This is just another post of me going, "OMG, Black Sails, you magnificent bastard of a show."
It surprises me more than most shows do, I have to admit, but even when I can see a certain turn of events coming from a mile away, when they deliver on it, holy shit do they ever.
Everybody carry on and ignore my fangirling.
(I kinda guess at this point said endless fangirling makes it obvious as fuck-all what that general setting/concept for 'a frontier setting game in or around 1715 + some supernatural weirdness' is about. <cough cough cough>)
RE: RL Anger
And I hate—hate—that there's nothing really I can do about it. I can try to be there for my mother, but nothing I can do that will likely have a measurable impact on her ability to pull through this.
Completely wrong. That is exactly what you can do for her and it WILL have a measurable impact. Doctors only lay out a course of treatment. It's her family that provide the support she needs. Don't underestimate the benefit of your care.
This. Be there. Be there in more but body as much as you can, and if you can't be there in body be on the phone or texts or skype or something else. Be engaged. Do things with her as much as possible in that time.
My mother failed hard on this with me and it's something I struggle with. (While her daughter was dying according to the docs, my mother was reading a book and ignoring me, and crying over a character in the book dying and ignoring my attempts to talk with her or watch something fun with her and so on. DO NOT BE MY MOTHER. I am a pretty forgiving person but that one will take a while...)
RE: RL Anger
It really is. And you know, I will list my jobs over the years if it makes anybody feel better 'cause I promise you every one of them is ridiculous in some way.
I studied to become a costume designer. I started learning it and related skills by the age of six and that's no joke, because my mother and grandmothers were very crafty. I knew how to weave on a four-harness loom by the time I was four years old that was almost three times as tall as I was at the time.
And then I got into a car accident. A bad car accident. I can't lift anything over 5lbs again. I fought that. I fought that really fucking hard through another three years of college and it just would not work; I kept doing my body more damage and it kept breaking down. Then, I did, because I'd worked so long and so hard for that.
And I made jewelry -- had been selling it with my mom since I was somewhere between 8-10 years old or so. So I dove into that headlong while studying commercial illustration, which I was seriously not bad at at all.
Then web design.
Then, through a complete quirk on the part of the best teacher I ever had in college, I made designer doll clothes for a living for about 4 years; won a big competition with one of the designs, too. That broke down thanks to a shifty postal agent stealing packages, however, and I had to do something else.
So it was back to the jewelry. Dove in headlong. Made amazing progress. Got published, even! (If you go to the Amazon.com page for a book called 'Beadazzled' with a red cover, flick through the additional image -- the two page spread with the gingko leaves necklace is one of the three in there of mine, won stuff in that, too, and all the other names in the book but mine? Nationally known.)
Then for some weird reason I started making Poser content. Really. Seriously. I made Poser content for about 8 years and I did pretty well; things changed with the tech and until I replace the comp I can't do more of it, but I will probably, eventually, because creating imaginary people visually is often as much fun as creating imaginary people in text to RP.
Then I started dyeing yarn. Really. Three years of it. Sold stuff at shows, got stuff sold through others -- but it died then due to a bookkeeping screwup.
Back to jewelry. It's a mainstay that always works.
But seriously. It happens. They all were real jobs -- successful, too, in most cases. But it can happen.
RE: RL Anger
@PuppyBreath I am not going to give you any platitudes, because they don't help. I will say, it's becoming more and more recognized that people change careers and such many times over the course of their lives these days than it once was -- and many people don't find 'their thing' until much later than we were always told as kids we were expected to know what that was and be immersed in doing that thing.
I feel your frustration on scraping and putting every scrap scraped up into trying to get further on a thing you love. If you really do love it, keep the faith in it and do what you can with it.
In case it's something artsy, well. This may help. (Even if it isn't something artsy, much still applies.)
RE: Err, where can I ask this question? I mean, not that question, another one (haha).
@GirlCalledBlu Code forum has had a few before I think, along with some wiki questions. It should be safe.
RE: The Crafting Thread
@Ashen-Shugar All the hugs and empathetic winces are sent for that story. Sounds a lot like some of the asshole behavior that goes down in my family as well. I do not think I could actually forgive that, and I have managed to forgive someone for attempted murder (of me).
RE: The Crafting Thread
@Auspice I know, seriously, this is official our hobby coffee! ...he could make a mint off of the lot of us!
RE: Good TV
@Gingerlily I adore the hell out of the show and love the clothes for being just straight up gorgeous -- I just giggle a whole lot over things at the same time. It's like three kinds of fun in one.
RE: The Crafting Thread
@Ashen-Shugar said in The Crafting Thread:
Guess it's not overly crafty, but I write poetry and roast coffee.
This is relevant to my interests. Tell us more!
Also, the hats are gorgeous!
RE: This Is a Terrible February 14th Thread Title
People from ye olden days will likely best understand why this one caused a spit-take:
Also, I dare you all to google 'Vampire Diaries Valentine'. Go on. Put the beverages down first.
RE: Random links
The Valentine's Day thread reminded me of this site, which is absolutely odd and often adorkable.
For instance:
RE: RL Anger
@ThugHeaven said in RL Anger:
I can't even call it bad luck because, it didn't even bleed that much. We're in the bathroom staring at my wrist waiting for blood to come gushing out and it never did.
Nnnngh, those wounds are somehow the creepiest sometimes.
I had a bizarre yarn-related injury like that once. (What? Like this surprises anyone.) I have a motorized winder that whips around like a windmill very, very fast -- and they warn you to keep your hands well away from the feed, but I wasn't paying attention, and it looped around the first knuckle on my pinky. ZZZZIP. Was I using something less thick and soft it likely would have taken the top part of my finger off before it caught and stopped, and as it was, it went straight down to the bone all the way around in a loop. (That knuckle is creepiest knuckle, while it's easy to miss now, it spent a good year looking like a doll joint.)
Not a single drop of blood, though, as it zipped by so fast and compressed so tight it sealed off all the things. I just sort of sat there staring at it, wobbling on my feet, tried to bend it (and it worked), threw a band-aid on it, and while it stung like a bitch for a week... it was pretty much fine.
So, weirdly enough, it probably will heal up OK, but if you're at all worried, do see a doc. If you're not up on your tetanus shots (not fun), it may be a good idea to look into that, though, as a just in case.
RE: RL Anger
@Ganymede Can I play judge? I have this need for power at the moment that I would really prefer never surface in a venue that has any real consequences for anyone. 'Judge in forum argument' is right about my speed for today.
Bear in mind my other angerism, unrelated: Fuck. This. Day. I hate this day. I refuse to call it a holiday. It is a helliday, because it needs to go die in a fire, come back from the dead like Prometheus, and die in a fire again. And again. And again.
That is all.
RE: MU Things I Love
@Faceless said in MU Things I Love:
@Arkandel said in MU Things I Love:
And they had the nerve to ask me if they could try it! Motherfuckers, once you brought it up I wouldn't have it any other way.
I salute you. It's always great to reward players who...use their head.
This post deserves ten upvotes (and one whap to the back of the head for the pun).
RE: RL things I love
@Jaded Yeah, I saw part of that one. Hence the 'unless it's endearing and cute fuzzy animals, it would just not work'. Because that show is too dark for even me much of the time.