Over the past few years, I've grown to 'expect' things like the example @Arkandel mentioned earlier as part of good RP.
For example: "Bob sits down and grows silent. Ever since he returned from the war he's been reserved in social settings with people he doesn't know well. He lifts his glass and...".
Because the alternative is...what, exactly? "Bob sits down, grows silent, grabs a beer, and adds fuck all to the scene because edgy loner." Once upon a time, I was in the "omg thoughtposing is bad" crowd, but now..I mean, we're writing a story together, that sort of stuff adds flavor to the story. (Unless you're one of the bitches who does it passive aggressively in group scenes to take shots at people you don't like.)
I've also grown way more verbose in my poses over the years. Lots of fluff. I can cut it down to a paragraph or two in big group scenes, but if that's all I'm writing, I'm probably bored quickly.
"Tempest smiles and waves back at Jane. "Hey, how are you?" She keeps smiling. When Bob talks she looks at Bob and laughs. "That's so funny!" She sits in a chair nearby."
I can't tolerate poses like that any longer. I used to be able to 'make do' with that sort of stuff, but now it just makes me want to pull my hair out.
And it's usually the prevailing sort of RP you'll see in Elysiums/other gathering places, which has kind of led me to be more and more insular as time goes by, regarding who I play with, and not venturing into public much. I'm a jaded, bitter bitch