Seeing as how there's been a lot of talk about werewolves lately...
It's about two bucks and there are werewolves of the non-Forsaken variety. Cute game, combining strategy and combat.
Seeing as how there's been a lot of talk about werewolves lately...
It's about two bucks and there are werewolves of the non-Forsaken variety. Cute game, combining strategy and combat.
Werewolf: The Forsaken without/with less focus on the Shadow, Auspices no longer determined by the moon/spirit, more focus on being half animal than half spirit...
Aren't we talking about Changing Breed but with wolves?
Personally, I think a combination of three things can work. 1) A low but fixed XP, although I still do like HM's idea of basing it on actual activity. This would be low but steady. 2) +votes. These would also be fairly low and limited on how often you can vote for the same people. 3) PrPs. I like the idea that PrPs earn XP. And a PrP doesn't mean combat. I also think STers should get a little extra for taking the time and putting in the effort to ST.
I think that if balanced, players with drastically different RP preferences will be able to keep at more or less the same XP-level, give or take. The only people who would suffer, really, are the people who log on and idle.
Beats and Conditions are a whole different story. If used right, they can be a lot of fun. I think some of their usefulness is lost on MU* simply because different staffers will have different ideas of what counts and what doesn't, and you'll always get players who will attempt to push the line and abuse them, while other players will put more effort into them for less return. I haven't yet decided what my stance is on them quite yet.
I'm having trouble actually creating the actual database itself.
Only kinda related, I'm using Rhost and trying to set up Mediawiki but I'm encountering trouble connecting to the database. Do I need to manually set up a database beforehand (I'm on a hosted server)? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something basic. Any advice?
@il-volpe said:
@Pyrephox said:
This is, honestly, why I feel like more MUs should focus on higher quantities of smaller, more personal plots, rather than the sprawling metaplot end-of-the-city stuff that draws in, in my experience, /far more/ PCs than are ever going to have a chance to contribute meaningfully. Which inevitably ends up with people feeling pushed out because they couldn't attend X Plot Important Event, or (sometimes accurately and sometimes not) that some people are 'hoarding' plot or favored by the GMs.
Yeah. The 'metaplot' is, in my experience, boring, annoying, unfair, and ends up focused on the headstaff's friends and staff-alts. It interrupts other, player-driven RP, fucks up the world, generally makes things unstable, creates jealousy, and is railroady as all hell.
I agree with il-volpe. Every 'metaplot' I've witnessed has revolved around a certain clique of people and while others can get 'involved', that involvement is generally in the form of giant meeting scenes or giant combat prp scenes, neither of which I find all that appealing.
Many of them also kill other RP. Hedge-related plots are notorious for this. Big bad guys making the Hedge super dangerous. Yay plot! Except /anyone/ else who wants to run a plot in the Hedge gets told that they can't because metaplot things are going on and it's too dangeroooous. Ok, so as a Changeling who isn't in the metaplot because of timezone or schedule or because of the reason mentioned above, half of my splat's theme is suddenly off limits to me.
I'm also against metaplots meant to entirely /change/ a setting. When people choose to play a MUSH, the setting is a major part of that decision. If you suddenly change the setting to something entirely different via a metaplot, players may find that it's not a place they wish to play. If you make a Superhero mush, don't allow the metaplot to change it into a Zombie mush.
@Arkandel said:
Now if they do something to change things (SUCH AS DRIVING AN SUV INTO MY NOBLE GRYPHON) I roll with it and it's fun for everyone - but I think a plan B is needed for the plot to not stall in the absence of decisive PCs.
Sometimes the player is just as surprised as the STer by the character's action.
So, I was thinking that since we have so many new mushes starting up these days, and since we have so many threads about all the wrong things to do, that we should have a thread dedicated entirely to the /right/ things people have done. This can be anything; theme, code, staff policies, player base, anything that stood out to you and made your experience better.
This has been touched here and there in other threads. I want to see what people come up to when focused. Try to focus on good things. Nothing in MuLand is ever perfect, but focusing on the good things can be just as constructive as focusing on what didn't work.
As for me, hmmm. I've only been playing for about three and a half years, and only on HM and TR, so I'm limited. I can think of a couple of little things, though.
Haunted Memories
I liked the setting. A big city, so lots of room and niches to fill. A hub for folks coming from all over the world with easy excuses to be there. It was fairly dark.
I also liked the XP system, despite all the complaints with it. I felt it rewarded activity, and STing. Some folks have claimed that catching up was impossible but I managed to. That said, it would depend on the Mu.
The Reach
I liked the Want RP code, for one. I only wish more people used it.
I also liked +badges. Everyone loves to be acknowledged for things. Look at achievements on Steam. It should be more widely-known that anyone can request one for someone, though. Love the idea, though.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll think of a dozen other things. It's amazing how easy it is to think of all the problems and how difficult it is to think of the good bits. Should be enough to get us started, though. I can't wait to see what you all come up with.
If you like zombie games, and typing games, and cheesy b-rated movies, try The Typing of The Dead. The game with all the expansions is on sale on Steam for about 6 bucks right now. It is pretty hilarious.
I know it's not one of those trendy new games or a MMO but, hell, we MUSH, so typing must be fun.
This is brilliant. I'll be spreading the word.
Thank you for the heads up. This is local for me and I'd never heard of it. I'll be looking more into it.
My Toshiba laptop, which I've had just over a year, is already dying. The keyboard went out and now the fan/HD are starting to go. The ASUS I had before lasted me over five years, on two continents, and still works other than a limping graphics card.
Lesson learned: Buy ASUS. Do not buy Toshiba.
@Chime Thankfully, I have some good people helping me along. I'm still learning most things by trail and error, though. Frustrating at times, but incredibly rewarding.
@Sunny Thank you for the links! I'm not even that far yet, but they'll come in handy later. I'm still working out the kinks in setting/background/etc, and trying to get it up enough to let me start tweaking code.
This actually brings me to another question. I was planning on using Rhost since it's open source, but is there something else folks would recommend over it? And if not, is there anyone out there who can give me a little help/advice? Everything seems to have compiled correctly, I set everything as per the host's instructions. and I spent two nights reading tutorials and guides, yet I'm still having problems with the Port/connecting.
I'll admit I'm something of a newbie when it comes to server-stuff and advanced code, but I have basic code knowledge, as well as enthusiasm and time to learn, so why not? You have to start somewhere. That said, sorry if I ask stupid questions.
I appreciate any help. If not, I hope you gain some entertainment from my bumbling.
Basically, I'm interested in starting a new MUSH (non-wod, fallout-style theme) and I have a lot of questions. I've only been MUSHing for about three years but I've been playing TT for a decade or two. I have low-to-passable wiki and MUSH code knowledge but I'm very willing to learn. I've already found several websites that are helping me in that direction.
Unfortunately, many of those websites are old, outdated. Are there any good, current websites or resources available for someone willing to learn? Any resources that have helped you and that you'd like to pass on?
I have a good idea but there's a lot I still need to learn. Links, advice, and tips are very much appreciated. (i.e. I need you guys, pleeease halp.)
I approve of this. Hopefully it can horrify the 'breeding for the wrong reasons' crowd until re-thinking their choice. It should also include Diaper Changing, Toddler Years, and Teenage Angst expansions. There could be an Easter egg where you lose energy for showing baby pictures to co-workers.
People who stand too close to you in the checkout line, or who push their carts into your personal space while you're trying to pay. Stand back, I'm not done yet.