So impressive how The Strain managed to make vampires scary, but also still sexy!
Also, @Cobaltasaurus:
So impressive how The Strain managed to make vampires scary, but also still sexy!
Also, @Cobaltasaurus:
@Coin said:
I'm just happy to see that lions in Africa are important to people. Not like those people in the States who come from Africa. Those can be killed with impunity.
/sarcasm, just in case.
Man fuck Dave Matthews.
@ThatGuyThere said:
Well I must be a jerk then. Since I am neither Spider nor your brother, unless there is a family secret i know nothing about.
I find conditions to be annoying fiddily bits, and hate the fact that athletics adds to defense for online purposes cause combats last too damn long already.
I will concede that, for the purposes of a MUSH, that the defense boost is not the best thing. Overall, for the system in general, though, I like it.
Anyone who says 2nd Edition rules are worse is either an Idiot, A Jerk, My Brother, Spider, or a combination of the abover. :neckbeard:
What sucks? Cyberstalking your ex.
What is just plain weird? Cyberstalking your ex... MUSH.
A new Brochure:
Here are the listed titles, by gameline:
World of Darkness 2nd Edition
Vampire the Requiem 2nd Edition Featuring the Strix Chronicles
Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition Featuring the Idigam Chronicles
Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition Featuring the Fallen World Chronicles
Promethean: the Created 2nd Edition Featuring the Firestorm Chronicles
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition Featuring the Huntsmen Chronicles
Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition Featuring the Slasher Chronicles
Demon: the Descent
Beast: the Primordial
True Detective had a much slower burn than last season, and possibly suffered from dividing the attention between 4 protagonists, but it has gotten great in the end, and I am sad it is about to be over.
I am such a believer in killing stupid possibly outcomes before the start. See my suggestion that the Choke merit not work on vampires.
@Arkandel said:
I know it's not TV but I can't be arsed to make a whole new thread for movies.
You heard it here first!
I heard it on Facebook yesterday bruh.
Thanks @Derp. I am not the poster MSB deserves
Updated the Opening Post with information from Gencon 2015 and new releases.
@EmmahSue said:
It'd be less bad if that jackass kid would get killed off already, UGH. I want him to get eaten so bad. But then I fear he'll get taken to be the new body of the Master and then we'll have a terrible child actor wearing the most amazingly goofy mask in the world. O The Strain.
Impressive work by the casting department finding an even MORE unlikable kid.
Because we don't have a BAD TV Thread, I am catching up on The Strain.
I think @Coin should share his custom VtR 2nd Edition Devotion.
@Tempest said:
Wtf is 'Beast'?
Otherkin: the Real Self
But for real check out
The Golden Age continues
I don't know a ton about Geist, but I do know these things of use:
One - with 2nd Edition, Ghosts work a lot more on line with Spirits and Angels and have more defined rules, this is good.
Two - Promethean 2nd Edition explicitly involves trips to the underworld.
@Arkandel - I know that on Reno built in 3 levels of plot restriction - Anyone anytime, Players can run with a request/heads up, and Staff Only.
@Arkandel I am pretty sure it means that, if there is a level of freedom or power granted to Staff Plot Runners, if they avail themselves of that, they do not get a perk and if they run a plot with all the possible hurdles of a player, they do.
I made a post! On the internet!