@Gingerlily I destroy my wife when we play games together. We are fucking vicious to each other in MTG games. It is the best. If i cant pick on and verbally abuse my wife during game nights, i don't wanna be married! Couples that pick on each other, stay together. Unless yer a bunch of little bitches.
Posts made by Wretched
RE: Couples who MU together
RE: Sonder's Playlist
I don't believe that for a second! Vera was always the meanest!
RE: Cobalt's Playlist
I too liked Blood and Citrus... UNTIL YOU LEFT!!!
RE: How did you discover text-based gaming?
I had the old paperback Changeling: The Dreaming book in my backpack in highschool. Guy in social studies saw it and we got to talking. He introduced me to mushing. FUCK YOU MIKE! Now I staff and babysit grownups.
RE: Guild Wars 2
Wretchedscar.4796 I am on fairly often, and have one or two regular playing buddies. Tiny guild >This< Close to being unable to unlock a guild hall, just need enough people to do some guild missions.
RE: The Played By/PhysRep Thread
I pretty much exclusively go with musicians. Usually from industrial/goth genres if i can find them without a lot of makeup. Seems to serve me fairly well and I've almost never had someone use the same PB as me, outside of someone going 'hey i'm using your PB on another game!'
RE: How hard should staff enforce theme?
Bars in the hedge alone. Hey guys! I'mma go into the hedge and get fucking ripped! This is a great idea and thematically not completely stupid! Muttermuttergetoffmylawn.
RE: RL Anger
@BetterJudgment said:
Hypnagogia and sleep paralysis suck. I've had them both periodically since I was around four years old.
My nightmares are always similar. I dream that I'm in my house, alone, and it is dark. I walk over to switch on a light--the switch doesn't work. I try several others--they don't work. I realize that the darkness is intentional and threatening, and that I cannot do anything about it. Back when I had a television, this would generally be joined by the television (which cannot be turned off) playing something full of static that shows talking figures at desks talking about how something is going to happen to me. At its worst, the dream ends with me lying in bed, paralyzed as if crushed under a heavy weight and unable to breathe.
I have trained myself to recognize that when light switches don't work and I'm seeing the world in this twilight, distorted state, then it's "another one of those damn dreams." That used to immediately increase how threatening things felt, but now it makes it bearable instead.
Sleep paralysis fucking blows. Happens to me from time to time. Usually if I sleep sitting up and my head falls forward, I cant lift my head, feel like I'm suffocating. Or laying down, always feel like someone is there, and i'm asking them to shake me to wake me up, but they cant understand me... shudder
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Ganymede said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
That's when they learn to go to the farmer's market by themselves.
I get groceries on my own. I do errands on my own. I go to work on my own. And when the partner is in bed, and the kids are sleeping, I MU* on my own.
People need to learn to do shit on their own. Doing shit together is fun and all, but I hate people who can't do shit on their own.
This is why my computer and my wife's computer are in separate rooms.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
See i got fat AFTER getting married. Totally a better strategy. (dont hit me)
RE: Incentives
@Derp said:
@Wretched said: What I'm hearing is that you don't want to tell stories at all, which makes me wonder why you're playing on a game where the entire point is to -tell stories-, either that of your own personal character or how the world interacts with others.
RE: Incentives
@Derp said:
@Miss-Demeanor said:
The difference being that you can generally ST more scenes in a day than you can play in plots. You'll have people make up actual ST bits that they'll drop into RP rooms to ST scenes, in addition to their character bit, AND an alt character bit... and all that xp will go to one character. As its been mentioned, people will ST 3-4 scenes a day while the player will generally only be in MAYBE one PRP per day.
But here, lets turn this around for a second. Why should your CHARACTER advance in ability and power for something YOU did as a player that had absolutely nothing to do with your character? The entire system is built around getting xp for PLAYING a character. Not for STing. There is nothing in the books that mention the ST/DM/GM getting xp for running the plot. So why should you?
Actually, the books specifically mention that the ST can apply beats to NPCs and have them grow, too. It's an option. It seems like this is the option that MU's are using with PrPs, only its the ST's PC. So quite untrue.
@Wretched said:
Xp being tied strongly to running Plots is in itself what bothers me.
Then I think you may be in the wrong genre, as stated above. You could do a game totally about character interaction, if you wanted. There's nothing wrong with that. But the storytelling system is pretty much all about the plots. That takes plot-runners. Whether you're the ST or a PC should be irrelevant, you should benefit from furthering the goals of the game.
I've been Muing since 1998. in only the more recent years has Xp for PRP's been a significant thing. I could Rp 14 hours a day and have a lot of meaningful character developing Rp, Ic manipulating and plotting and get less Xp than someone who ran a 2 hour gobbo market thing to get their buddie a magic sword. Is it the type of Rp one has then the problem? Is one kind of Rp worth less than others?
RE: Incentives
@Derp said:
@Wretched said:
Except that not everyone is good at, or even wants to run plots. Everyone has a PC and plays the char and the like to gain XP. Telling a story has nothing to do with your PC. So why should your PC gain for something that doesn't involve them? Why should I, fall behind when I play my PC, for not Running plots? Currently, on some games, the best way to gain Xp is to just run plots and never play your PC. Which seems weird.
As Sunny says, you can get chunks of Xp for it.
It's all well and good to say it's a choice, but at as I say, not everyone is inclined to do these things and It is often not what people sign up for. They sign up to Rp a character, but when major advancement of that character comes from not playing that character, something is off.
People signed up to play a character in the world of darkness, as I explained above. If they choose to sit arond and chat it up in WoW, then they're also not going to advance.
I covered all of these things in that thing above, actually. If you're not good at it, then you have two choices: Learn, or don't. The consequences of such are completely on you, and nobody else. This is not something unavailable to you, just something that you have to invest in.
As far as getting 'chunks' of xp for it, unless you're a tier character, you generally get the same amoun of 'xp' as the PCs in the scene get, so whether you were there as the PC or the ST is largely irrelevant. If you're playing a Tier, like on TR, then you get an extra 5xp a month. Month. On a game where everyone is up to 800xp+ within 6 months with the catchup system alone.
Not really that game-breaking of a difference.
The WoW Analogy is bad. You are equating not running plots to sitting around and doing nothing.
What I am saying is that that 'choice' is a bad one, and most places the ST get's more XP than those participating in the plot itself. The amount of Xp you get from STing makes just playing your PC, the core of what one does on a MU, the least advantageous way to play the game of you want that XP. That seems bonkers. Xp being tied strongly to running Plots is in itself what bothers me. On top of what MissD says above.
RE: Incentives
Except that not everyone is good at, or even wants to run plots. Everyone has a PC and plays the char and the like to gain XP. Telling a story has nothing to do with your PC. So why should your PC gain for something that doesn't involve them? Why should I, fall behind when I play my PC, for not Running plots? Currently, on some games, the best way to gain Xp is to just run plots and never play your PC. Which seems weird.
As Sunny says, you can get chunks of Xp for it.
It's all well and good to say it's a choice, but at as I say, not everyone is inclined to do these things and It is often not what people sign up for. They sign up to Rp a character, but when major advancement of that character comes from not playing that character, something is off.
RE: Incentives
@Derp said:
@Miss-Demeanor said:
And some people just aren't confident in their ST'ing abilities, yet inevitably end up falling behind xpwise simply because they can't or won't ST since there's really not any other way to make up the xp lost by not ST'ing. Just because its an option, doesn't make it one that works for everyone.
Well, in a Storytelling game... that's the whole point? I mean, I suck at FPS games. My friends play Call of Duty and Halo and shit all the time. I absolutely know that I suck at those games, suck at the style, etc, etc. I know that I'm worse than them at it, and that in terms of leetness, I will never be as good.
There is no shame in this thing. It's just the type of game that it is. But the people who can shouldn't feel handicapped because of the people who can't. If you aren't comfortable with it, then learn. If you're unwilling to learn, then perhaps this is not the genre of game for you.
Again, 'you' here in the general sense, not you specifically. But I think that this argument is a weak one, all around. It's a storytelling game. It requires telling stories within a specific ruleset. That's how it works.
Actually for most of us, or at least a lot of us, the point is to play a character in the setting. The game was designed around a group of players and an ST that had no PC. The ST was responsible for the setting and the NPC's. On a MU, especially in the last bunch of years and the growing popularity of PRP's, (which were all but unheard of when I started MUing), this has changed. So anyone now can run stories and plots and the like, but this is not what everyone wants to do. Yet those who do run stories get an XP advantage over those that do not.
RE: Incentives
I've been talking about this with friends a lot recently actually. Mostly concerning XP being tied to STing. Not everyone is good at STing, some people (like me) do it once in a blue moon. Other people do it a lot, I've seen folks run 4+ PRP's in a day for people. And that's commendable, however it feels wrong to me that because people run a lot of PRP's that their PC should then somehow be better than everyone else. In worst case It's a bonus character advancement based on them running 'gimme' plots for friends.
Still, I think Active ST's should be encouraged, and there's not much else to give someone on a mu outside of XP. Which troubles me.
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
He's so MYSTERIOUS about who he played!
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
I forgot about Mr Stag!
and hated Vera, but she and Ernst got along like... two people who didnt get on well. But their fights were epic and she was fun and consistent. Cheech and Konnie were great too.