An update, things are moving along. Just got sidelined with some IRL stuff and getting a 3D printer. Those are too fun. Anyway, I still need to get the feral stuff into the c-gen system and get the wiki setup. Just thought I'd drop an update to let people know the game is still in the works.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Interest Check - Armageddon MUX (A Unisystem Urban Horror Game)
RE: Action Movie MUSH
Yeah, I like that. Giant monsters smashing stuff, fighting humans and the armies of the world, each other and then...giant robots/mecha. Depending on how "Godzilla" you wanted to go aliens could also be incorporated.
RE: Action Movie MUSH
Seriously though, I've had similar thoughts. Maybe not structured quite the same way but an "action movie" style world with exceptional people doing exceptional things. Or even Spy MUX possibly using the upcoming GI Joe knock off RPG coming out using Savage Worlds rules. I've also been long tempted by a Kaiju World MU filled with giant monsters.
RE: Interest Check - Armageddon MUX (A Unisystem Urban Horror Game)
Well, we've decided to move forward with this. These are the next steps I'll be taking...
1: Setting up a mediawiki (and maybe trying to bribe someone to make it look pretty).
2: Transferring the data from my wikidot site to the mediawiki site.
3: Making some modifications to the game code(mainly adding the Feral character type from Witchcraft).
4: Moving the game over to a permanent home and going live.We're hopeful this won't take more than a week or so to get done. The biggest thing is going to be setting up the mediawiki so the sooner we get that done the sooner we get the game open.
RE: Interest Check - Armageddon MUX (A Unisystem Urban Horror Game)
RE Buffy: We actually thought about doing Buffy for popularity and familiarity but we didn't want to get locked into "tv tropes" by being a TV game. Buffy also comes with a level of tongue in cheek that, while enjoyable, was not something we wanted to explore with this game. Our inspiration comes more from horror novels and movies than the Buffy TV show. We felt that by going this way we would not be tied to a brand and it would allow us much more creative freedom with creating our world and the denizens that dwell within it.
That said, we're panting a big picture that allows for a lot of different character types. If there was something from Buffy that you wanted to emulate I'm sure we can find a way to fit it in.
RE: Interest Check - Armageddon MUX (A Unisystem Urban Horror Game)
@seamus We don't have Bast right now. One of the things I'm doing is inputting the Feral system from Witchcraft in the system for lycanthropes. Bast seem are a bit different though so I can see about adding them as well.
Interest Check - Armageddon MUX (A Unisystem Urban Horror Game)
So my wife and some friends and I have been playing privately on a Unisystem game that takes elements from Armageddon, Witchcraft, and some other stuff. We've been thinking about going public but I wanted to test the waters first before we did any heaving lifting (moving from wikidot to a mediawiki, registering a domain, I'd have to modify some things to fit how we've been playing, etc). The overall theme/tone is urban horror where players can play things like vampires, witches, psychics, lycanthropes of various types, angels, and even demigods. It's set in a fictional city off the east coast.
Our game blurb reads as: Armageddon is a game of modern day horror set against the backdrop of an impending apocalypse. Vampires, werewolves, psychics and witches exist in a world where angels, both celestial and fallen, mingle with re-awakened pagan gods. It's a world of darkness and vice where evil seems poised to triumph over good. That is if the dark god Leviathan doesn't destroy the world before then…
There is a wiki at but it's old and not entirely up to date. We'd be updating that as we moved to mediawiki and stuff.
Anyway, just curious if people would be interested in such a game. Thanks!
RE: Critters!
A pic of the character modeled off of my cat that died a few years ago as he appears in the upcoming Monarchies of Mau RPG .
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
That's too bad. If you don't mind my asking, is it a code thing? Trying to get the system to do what you want? Or other stuff? Just curious.
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
Just wondering if there was any update on this project?
RE: Favorite music streaming service?
I am but I had to subscribe to the music service as well as prime. Once I did there hasn't been much in the way of music that I haven't been able to find.
RE: Best Superhero System for a Mush?
@Runescryer I have a hero game in my pocket that uses a modified version of FASERIP. I tried to "spice it up" with some modern RP tropes. Namely Karma is no longer a mutable stat that also equates into "experience". Instead it's just the sum of your mental stats that replenishes at the start of every scene. During a scene you can spend Karma to add to your die rolls. So if you +roll Fighting and need 13 points to get a white result you can spend 13 points, or X points for Yellow, or Y points for Red. In the private sessions I had with some people we really enjoyed it.
RE: Best Superhero System for a Mush?
I'm aware of Popularity as the social stat, which is why I said the game lacks a "real" social component. There's no charisma, appearance, persuasion, etc. Which may make it a preferred method of play on most MU's. I'd ditch Popularity on a MUX, however, as managing it for the entire game might be a nightmare.
RE: Best Superhero System for a Mush?
I wanted to mention FASERIP/Marvel Super Heroes but the lack of a real social component kept me from doing so. However, as I think about it, that might be a good thing for a MUX where some players really don't care for social stats/conflict. I think tweaking FASERIP a bit might be in order so that someone with a lower strength can actually hurt someone with a slightly higher armor/toughness but that's about it(my version grants bonuses when you score a Yellow or Red success, one of those being +1 strength for damage purposes).
RE: Interest Gauge: City of Mist Game
I just ordered the rule book. Seriously, the more I read about this game the more I like. It's like Marvel Comics had a kid with Ravenloft and it was raised by The Dresden Files.
RE: Interest Gauge: City of Mist Game
This thread got me to check out the City of Mist game. The more I read about it the more I dig it.
RE: Interest check: WH40K Only War
Also, for those interested, Miniature Market is having a massive clearance sale on all the old FFG Warhammer stuff.
RE: Interest check: WH40K Only War
I love the 40K RPGs that FFG put out. I could be down for this depending on the setting. Going up against Tyranids or Eldar or Chaos could be awesome.