I'd love to be able to help with a game like this but I've got some things going on myself. I wish you luck though and I'll def play there for sure!
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Star Wars?
RE: A Game of Thrones MUX Discussion
Right now, if it goes forward, it would be on TinyMUX. And I was actually thinking about something in or around the Blackfyre Rebellion!
RE: A Game of Thrones MUX Discussion
I don't wanna be rude but could we please take the copyright questions to another thread?
To re-focus this one: what things would people like to see on a GoT or L&L game that isn't being done elsewhere?
We've got some good stuff so far! I like the idea of having a minigame of managing a realm, some sort of global conflict to unite people, and an open world where people can build their own realms (castles and such).
RE: A Game of Thrones MUX Discussion
If it went public in any way I'd do at least a tutorial room. It's a pretty simple system overall and I think most people would pick it up pretty quickly. This site offers some quick reference charts too I believe which would help quite a bit (https://sifrpg.weebly.com/).
And thanks for the feedback everyone. It's given me a lot to think about.
A Game of Thrones MUX Discussion
I know, another damn lords and ladies game. Before continuing I'll preface the rest by saying my wife has watched me MU for 20 years now and is suddenly showing an interest in trying it herself. She'd like to try a Game of Thrones game but those that are out there don't interest me and seem to intimidate her so I was thinking about doing either a private or semi-public game set in the GoT universe.
The game would use the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG by Green Ronin Games and it'd be set in a time period where the characters from the books/tv show wouldn't even be a thought. Before I got started setting stuff up though I thought I'd fish around with some questions about what some people might like to see in a game of this nature.
- Custom houses. I think this would be one of the biggest draws to a game, getting a few people together and creating your own house. The RPG has fantastic rules for this. Would people actually use such a system?
- Setting. The game needs to be political, sure, but it could be Big Political or Little Political. By Big Political I mean setting it in some place like King's Landing and allowing all types of characters from all over Westeros and beyond. By Little Political I mean setting it in one specific location (Casterly Rock, say) and focus on the politics of that region. This would obviously have an impact on what custom houses were available.
- Ready-made characters. Would having a +roster filled with characters that players could just do a small app for be worth investing time in? It seems to work on other places but I don't play on those places so I'm unsure.
- Sticking to canon. This is something I don't really care much about. I figure we start the game and not worry about if what we do would prevent the game from eventually leading into the books or whatever. Do what we want and have fun telling our story, not worry about the story that GRR Martin will eventually tell. Would this be a deal breaker for fans of the theme?
Anyway, just some thoughts and questions I had. Like I said, it may lead to either a private or semi-public game if there's any interest from people checking it out. I was just curious what, if anything, people might be looking for that may be missing from current games in the L&L/GoT niche. Thanks.
RE: Mutant Genesis (X-Men)
Pyro was a huge problem player. Several other players left the game because of him and he, if I remember correctly, was one of the primary forces in taking the Brotherhood into a very weird direction. He was very deserved of a ban.
RE: Testing: D&D 5E Character Generation
I don't see how this makes humans more powerful. I'm just using the optional human rules from the PHB. To be clear, they do not get the +1 bonuses across the board.
Testing: D&D 5E Character Generation
So working on a D&D 5E c-gen system has been a pet project of mine for a little over a year now. I'm finally at a point where I think I can begin testing things. Namely, I think I have level 1 character generation for all races and classes in the PHB done. This is important because it sets the foundation for everything else that is to come.
What I'm looking for at this point is just some people to come over and make characters of all different types and varieties. I'd like to find out where the system breaks so I can patch it up and I'd like to make sure that it's user friendly and intuitive.
Here are the concepts I'm working with as they regard to character generation and leveling up...
1: I use the human variant that allows players to select 2 abilities to increase by +1, a bonus skill, and a feat.
2: I do not intend to support multiclassing at this time. I feel one of the strengths of 5E is its simplicity and it very much promotes single class play. On top of that the inclusion of Feats really opens up a ton of character variety so I'm going that route instead. I think multiclassing in 5E is cumbersome and, in the end, may actually make a character less powerful over all.
3: I do intend to eventually have all official D&D 5E races and archetypes in the system. Right now I'm focusing on the core PHB material to get a good foundation to build on.Will this eventually lead to a game? I don't know if I'm being honest. I'm mostly doing this as a way to de-stress and for fun. It very well may, but it may not.
So if you'd like to come on over and test things out, chat about the game, and give me some feedback feel free to log into the following site! I'm ZombieGenesis@there.
Port: 1975 -
RE: Mutant Genesis (X-Men)
Once upon a time I staffed here (coded their systems) and while there is certainly a clique involved there and there is a bit of a wall to get involved with RP. It was one of the reasons I stepped back from my role as a staffer (well I stepped back to part time until my staff-bit was locked out on me and they started handing my coded systems out to people without my knowledge). It's also why some people I know left the game.
That said, I never got the impression that staff there was malicious or deliberately leaving players out of RP. I think the biggest issue was a lack of true vision for the game. There were two main staffers on the game driving things and I'd often get two entirely different requests for how a system was to be coded. It got frustrated.
They also had little experience on how to keep their more dominate RPers in check, which is what likely led to a lot of the RP wall that possibly exists there. A handful of players started to really dominate scenes. I was in one scene with my alt and they kept referring to themselves as "the A Squad!" with myself and 2 or 3 others right there kind of going "Uh, we're here too..."
Anyway, from my experience and to TLDR this, the staff here are good people who are friendly and approachable they just have some issues controlling parts of their player base which can make finding RP, or enjoyable RP, difficult.
RE: Savage Worlds?
Hmm. Def something to think about. So many options though! Could always do a Rifts-like setting that combines them all (sci-fi, fantasy, superhero, horror, etc).
RE: Savage Worlds?
I hear you. That was my belief too. I just get a bit worried that the MU universe wouldn't support alternatives, you know? WoD is super popular for a reason; people know it and embrace it. Not many people know Savage Worlds.
RE: Savage Worlds?
Very cool. I love SW, it's by far my favorite TT RPG. I was pondering doing either a gothic fantasy game, a sueprhero game, or a Rifts game but couldn't decide on any of them so just sort of stopped. Did you have anything particular in mind?
RE: Savage Worlds?
I have a base Savage Worlds c-gen done up and the start of a Super Powers plugin.
RE: D&D 5E
I'm actually working on a 5E character generation system for TinyMUX. I think I've just about finished what I'm calling Phase 1 (level 1 c-gen for all classes and race combinations).
My goal was an original fantasy game with players starting at level 3 so they could at least start with their initial archetype.
For other games I'd love a Dragonlance or Ravenloft setting. If another D&D 5E game came up with an original or classic fantasy flare I may pivot on my theme and go with either Ravenloft or a Ravenloft-esque setting.
RE: What's missing in MUSHdom?
@Seraphim73 For me one of the great things about 5E is how easy it is to level up. There may be fewer options but that makes leveling up a breeze, quick and easy. And I personally did not feel like it it cost anything in terms of versatility or variance.
@ixokai The PDFs are out there...if you look. I don't want to post a pirate link but a simple google search will throw up a huge repository now-a-days. The good thing is they don't churn out the books like they use to. You get maybe 1 or 2 a year, which works GREAT for people like me who don't have the money to toss away on a ton of books a year.
I also think the system would translate fairly well to a MUX, which is something I've been slowly working on over the past year or so. Hoping to have something to test out very soon on that front.
RE: What's missing in MUSHdom?
@ixokai 5E has actually made me a fan of some classes that I wasn't a fan of before, namely the Monk, the Warlord(the Battlemaster archetype for the fighter), and...the Bard. There's really not a class I would not play in 5E. And there is a shocking amount of variety and versatility in every class. I played in a TT game where we were all clerics and we were all very different and the group was shockingly well balanced. I definitely suggest giving 5E a look.
RE: What's missing in MUSHdom?
@ixokai For me 5E is hands down the best iteration of D&D I've ever played (and I've been playing since the early 80's). It's slick, streamlined, and I can pretty much make any character I can imagine. It took the best parts of 3E and trimmed out all the fat. It's easy to get into, easy to play, and not as fiddily as some other systems (like Pathfinder). Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Pathfinder too but when we introduced some new players to our TT group Pathfinder was just too overwhelming for them. They slipped right into 5E though without any problems at all.
For 5E fans I may have something coming up that interests you, I've been working on a character generation system and may need some volunteers to help test out phase 1 to make sure it all holds together.
RE: What's missing in MUSHdom?
Now that Ares is in beta I've been thinking of trying my hand at a plugin. Thinking I might try something fairly simple like Mythic Battles: Pantheon (post-apocalyptic ancient Greece) or maybe Deadlands. Hmmm...