Random question...
For a superhero game which system would be preferred: Marvel Heroic Role Playing or the Marvel Universe RPG? Assume no other options, it has to be one of these two(or one of these two modified to fit a MUX). I've been talking to a few people about it and there seems to be no clear consensus, at least among us.
Marvel Heroic has a ton of web resources for both Marvel and DC and has a narrative element but it can be a bit "bland" for some people(you end up rolling like a D10, 3D8, and a D6 for most things).
Marvel Universe is diceless and is pretty quick but not well known and has very few net resources. It might also need more tweaks than Marvel Heroic for a MUX(with Marvel Heroic it'd mostly be customizing the Doom Pool for MU play).
Anyway, just curious what the masses think. Thanks!