Aug 2, 2017, 3:49 PM

So, I have a horrible migraine today. (Yes, it's a day ending in -y, I know.) So does meg. That's the 'RL Anger' part.

But friends are the best, because as a result, this happened.

Sparks: Someday I’ll write a character somewhere who’s like a dark cultist, and their backstory will literally be that the demon they serve was like, “I will cure your migraines” and the person went “DONE. Do you need a signature in blood, or what?”
meg: 'need to rip out my soul now or anything? idc, do whatever.'
Sparks: nods to meg Exactly.
meg: talk about fantasy fulfillment.
Sparks: You can have your “be a badass mage/vampire/elf/whatever”, my fantasy fulfillment will be “headache-free existence”.
meg: 'want to TS?' 'nah, i'm gonna rp about my migraines being cured'.