RL peeves! >< @$!#
I use ^_^ a lot. I got tired of the usual smilies, so I started using that one.
I don't know art, but I know what I like. If people are going to do it, they might as well do it in the least annoying way possible so I don't feel like stabbing them in the face with a laptop.
Optionally, they can say it in the most annoying way possible so that people shun them and the practice goes away, or until enough of them get stabbed in the face with a laptop.
I hate anime smilies. Hate them. It makes me think I'm talking to a pre-pubescent teen that's RP'ing from his/her parent's basement. Don't use them. Don't! >.> (What the hell does that even mean?)
I just got judgemental too!
Come on now, you know very well most people here are older than that. Atleast imagine them as grown adults using such language RPing from his/her parent's basement.
@Olsson said:
Come on now, you know very well most people here are older than that. Atleast imagine them as grown adults using such language RPing from his/her parent's basement.
I'd like to believe that, God I'd like to so much, but several encounters with very large breasted female characters on TR of late who page me out of the blue requesting TS scenes, leave me muppet-flailing on the sidelines and running for cover.
So you think that THAT scenario is in an way limited to pre-pubescent teens too?
It's one thing to assess your innate reaction to something, it's another to assert that it is truthful information. The problem is in your head.
@Misadventure said:
So you think that THAT scenario is in an way limited to pre-pubescent teens too?
It's one thing to assess your innate reaction to something, it's another to assert that it is truthful information. The problem is in your head.
Absolutely. Yes. I never said my perception was reality, it's simply my own personal view of anime wielding typists.
Yes, well then imagine that they didn't really type anything, and it's just your mind giving you justification to imagine pre-pubescent teens by. So you can be irritated.
I'm imagining that's how it really is. Can you imagine that?
@Pondscum said:
I hate anime smilies. Hate them. It makes me think I'm talking to a pre-pubescent teen that's RP'ing from his/her parent's basement. Don't use them. Don't! >.> (What the hell does that even mean?)
I just got judgemental too!
...anime smilies? What? They're just horizontal emoticons instead of vertical.
It's kind of weird that you'd pick out a handful from the vast list of emoticons and dub them 'anime', when they've been used for what is literally decades, plural, now by people who neither like nor even watch anime. >_<
If >_> or >.> or whatever causes you confusion, I suspect that's a personal failure rather than any lack of clarity. I mean, you can figure out what
means, right? But somehow >.> stumps you? C'mon.
Sure, peeves thread, dislike horizontal emoticons because whatever, but trying to tie an irrational peeve to basement dwelling anime watchers is just kind of a bizarre stretch. Shit, my mother uses ^_^ and the closest she's ever come to anime is Saturday morning cartoons.
If you really want to get into some hand wringing over an invasion of Japanese internet foibles, you'd probably want to shake your fists at this website's use of emoji, ala
, while >_> is just a perfectly normal emoticon.
This post is deleted! -
@Thenomain said:
Grunt from Mass Effect 2/3: Heh, heh, heh.
I laugh like that from time to time to indicate conceit in my humor.
I also use "heh" as James Brown would. To wit: "harsh, unintelligible, high-pitched noises, HEH."
I hate that I never get to be the haunt in Betrayal at House on the Hill.
Yes. That. I always end up that person that gets stuck in a corner, never gets any cool stuff, and dies first because naturally the Haunt ends up on top of the tile I'm on
Love the game anyway... damnit. -
My friend Morgan, somehow, never fails to be the haunt. Like, never. It's so weird. -
To the asshole eating chips at the computer next to me,
You are not supposed to have food or drink at the computers in the campus library, fuckhead.
Cobaltasaurus -
@Cobaltasaurus Back when I was at the university they ended up having to lock up one of my favorite labs from 8pm to 8am because some absolute idiots went and shaved each other in there.
And that's how I ended up having to get an ISP so I could MUD at night. Dammit.
In case anyone wonders, it is rare that a keyboard recovers from a beer spill. It does however, smell like beer until you throw it out the window.
Oh, @Misadventure.
@Arkandel, ugh. Why?!
- 13 days later
Damn it, if you're going to whine that my cornbread is so much better than yours, then don't ask for help making it and then argue with me instead of doing what I say to do (such as, "Please don't dip the measuring cup that's wet from the milk you just measured into the flour canister"). There are reasons that my cornbread is good and yours is oily and gritty, and those reasons are all the things you just refused to do. If I could still eat the stuff, I'd make it myself, but since I can't and you didn't ask me to, you're on your own, champ.